A Cool Thing A Band Did (not Opeth)


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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I was all set to go to Montreal to see The Tea Party a few months back, but my daughter ended up in the hospital. I sent an e-mail to the band, just asking them if they would be touring again soon because I couldn't make it, and if so, how close to me.

Three weeks later, I get a package in the mail: a t-shirt, the Temptation CD, and the DVD with their 14 videos. There was no letter, so I emailed back wondering what this was (I hadn't made any connection at that point)? They (the band) said they felt bad I couldn't make it because of my daughters illness, and it was a "gift" from them.

Now to me, that was totally awesome - and my daughter loves The Tea Party (and so do I).

I just wanted to share this - because with so much crap going on in this world, there is good going on also.
that was a really fucking cool thing to do of them. man thats probably the nicest thing ive ever heard that a band did for a fan. ive seen tea party music videos on much music before. they are pretty good for the type of music they do.
That is really cool! I am not a big fan of theirs, but I might buy a CD just because of this. Now, this band is in no way needing the money ( I think each of their albums after "Splendor Solis" has sold over 1 million in Canada alone) I still feel they should get some sales out of this. That was a nice post :)
What a fanstasic story.

They played at my University about three years ago so I went and saw them and they really blew me away. I've always liked their music, but live it's an entirely new experience.
i love it when a band is not too busy to do something like that, thats a great thing to do and its put a smile on my face, can't say ive heard the band but i have to say they are great 'people' for doing that.