A couple of MOMD observations


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Oct 23, 2003
Pacific Northwest
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1. It has never been more apparent to me than now, that WCFYA is their best album to date. That material KILLS live.
2. The John Bush era music is so much more relevant today than the old stuff. From the White Noize material onward, the Bush material ripped and could be on the radio today. The older stuff, while cool, just seems that: OLD. I'm making myself feel old with those comments, since I've been a die hard fan since 1990, but that's the truth.
3. Dissapointed with Belly of the Beast. POT is my favorite "old school" record but the sound just wasn't too hot on that song.
4. Fueled surprised me a bit....I never cared for that song too much back in the day but seemed really fresh on the DVD.
5. Inside Out could possibly be one of the best Anthrax songs ever recorded. The band hit another level completely playing that song. AWESOME.
6. They need to retire Indians, permanently. The music is really good, but god those lyrics are retarded.
7. I Am Law was MUCH better with Bush singing. He gives that song the edge it always needed.

That's one man's opinion. Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars. GREAT DVD.

(As an aside note, I just saw the Metallica/Godsmack show, and over 50% of the folks I was with felt Godsmack was better than Metallica live. It was also the first time I have EVER seen people sitting down at a Metallica concert. I couldn't believe it. That band is missing Jason Newsted SEVERELY right now. They sounded good, and were trying, but they have lost a few steps. Sully flat owned the arena that night.)
I thought Belly of the Beast lacked at first, but, after turning it up real loud, it sounds MUCH better. It is my fave song though, so that might be why I liked it more after blasting it.
I agree with the Indians comment. That song was never good in my opinion. It makes me sad to know that they still play it so much. I thought Inside Out was awsome live. I could really feel the emotion and power behind it.
I agree with the Inside Out comment. That track on the DVD definitely stands out from the rest with the level of intensity they hit with it. I was a little disappointed with Belly of the Beast also, just didn't seem as powerful as I thought it would. I saw them play about a week or so after the Chicago show, and they played Belly and it frickin kicked all ass then.
The live version of What Doesn't Die is better than the studio version. :headbang: It's one of those songs that kicks ass, but then just kicks MORE ass live; sounds better that way.

Kinda like how the live version of Selloutisuck's Harvester of Sorrow is better live.
Rozy157 said:
As an aside note, I just saw the Metallica/Godsmack show, and over 50% of the folks I was with felt Godsmack was better than Metallica live. It was also the first time I have EVER seen people sitting down at a Metallica concert. I couldn't believe it. That band is missing Jason Newsted SEVERELY right now. They sounded good, and were trying, but they have lost a few steps. Sully flat owned the arena that night.)

It isn't jason they are missing. james just sounds way too mellow now and clean in his vocals making the old songs sound bad. They finally play some of the killer old material but when it is song the same way stupid tracks like sad but true or the whole new cd, it just doesn't cut it. who cares anyway about selloutica or alice in chains jr..
the US version of MOMD is region 0, which means it will play in any region's player. and I thought Belly Of The Beast on the DVD is better than the studio version...but maybe that's because John sounds 100 times better than Joey. Indians also sounds better than the studio version.
Lars can't drum anymore, James can't sing anymore, Kirk has refused to keep his place as lead guitarist according to their new album.

but I'm serious when I say Lars can't drum anymore... as far as I've heard and read... he avoids double-bass at all costs.. and I've downloaded a couple live MP3's off of uh... Metallica Vault or whatever the hell its called... including Dyer's Eve, and they butchered the hell out of that song... it sounded like a different song. Lars was off-beat with timing and uncoordinated through the song, and you can hear it. Even one of their new songs "Unnamed Feeling" has a part with very minimal double bass, and he doesn't even play THAT live with the MP3 I have. Its really sad...

so how does this relate to the 'Thrax DVD? I think there is no excuse for Lars to represent himself as shitty as he is representing himself and the band... and just watching and hearing Charlie on any song proves my point.

But its not all Lars' fault... James needs to work on putting the enthuisiasm back in his singing, and Kirk needs to get creative once again.

A good drummer makes up a huge part of a heavy metal band however, and that's what Lars gets to carry on his shoulders.

I don't want to seem like a typical Metallica-basher, because believe me, there's nothing more I'd like to see than Metallica come back with a killer album.

on a lighter note, I'm good at rambling.

oh, and I agree that What Doesn't Die is even more killer played live... :D

and I don't agree with the Indians comment :( At least Indians is about a more serious subject, and not about a comic. :D nothing against I Am The Law of course! don't hurt me!! both songs are classics! :D

edit: oh, and another addition to this mile-long post, I found this funny:

I saw Metallica on the last show of the Sanitarium tour last year and when they played St. Anger, they showed Lar's feet on the huge monitors (during the double bass part)and he sure as fuck wasn't doing double bass. Yeah, you can cover it up by saying "the mix was bad" but when thousands of people can see it on a huge big screen, it's pretty damn hard to cover up. So whoever of you think the mix is bad, which it's not, you can go fuck yourselves.
I thought of a couple more things after I made my first post:

1. Rob Caggiano is probably the best thing to happen to that band in YEARS. Looking at it now, were it not for his influence, WCFYA wouldn't probably be near as good of a record as it is. You can tell he's really a "member" of the band, and the guy just fits in. Great stage presence. My only qualm was the fact the he more or less butchered most of Spitz's solos (what few he played,) but maybe he just needs to work on his guitar tone.
2. How depressing seeing Frank and knowing he's not in the band anymore.
3. Refuse to be Denied - One of the coolest things I've ever heard in my life was when the audience screams at the start of the song. The hair stood up on my arms watching that.
4. Scott needs his Marshalls back. The tone of those Randall amps just doesn't have that classic Scott Ian crunch.

That's it.
Well he only plays a few of them, and it's like he's tying to update them to the "new" solo sytle they've used since Spitz left. They cut the solo completely out of Caught in a Mosh and I Am the Law. Maybe Indians too. But honestly, I never liked the solos in those songs anyway, so good riddance.
Well after just seeing them rip Inside Out live in Adelaide on Friday I gotta agree! The fact that Robs guitar screwed up just before the song didn't detract from nothing as Scott and co just powered on ... MAN what a show!
I think MMD is awesome..I just wish all the songs would be on the cd as well as the Dvd...but its only a minor flaw..the positives defiantely outweigh the negatives...I can now get rid of my Live-The Island Years cd to my roomate who's a right wing Joey fan....haha.The cd takes me back to last summer when I saw 'thrax in Pittsburgh.Great sounding cd.After seeing them live and watching the dvd....I'm impressed how Scott has come a long way in is backing vocals..He really lets it rip on some of the verses of the songs...especially Metal Thrashing Mad...so Im extremely happy with it! :headbang:
is it just me or does that lil drum solo seem just a tease. i wish that Anthrax would do something i've seen other places. let one of the guys, Scott for instance, play a few minute solo or something to get the crowd going and then the rest come back and play more. the have Joey Vera(or hopefully Frankie again someday soon) come out and play a bass solo. then more songs then just let everyone have solo's in there so that the band can rest in shifts so to speak. and then play longer shows. I know if they were to play a longer show i'd be more apt to drive to one farther away. right now my limit is 200 miles if theres not one closer.

i question i ask, does it seem like thwey play Inside Out faster live then they did on the cd, cause i was singing along with it and it seemed a tad bit faster to me.
Okay, I know someone's gonna wanna kick my ass for this...but those times Scott sang backups I couldnt help but crack up. Idunno what about his voice it is but I'm beginning to question his credibility as a backup vocalist. example - the line he sings on inside out. i sincerely hope he's not gonna sing frankie's parts when they come to chicago on the 28th. And i recall someone suggesting scott do a guitar solo...when have you ever heard scott solo? can the words scott and solo be used in the same sentence? Charlie on the other hand would be a different story. On the birght side, scott ripped through that verse in bring the noise and probably rapped better than bush or frankie. he couldve been the next white rapper. Overall the DVD is fucking awesome, I was at the show and it brought back a lot of fond memories.