a dare for xfer

ozmagreed: so you realise im simply not going to post on your dare thread
ozmagreed: it will only be an issue if it someone blossoms into a beautiful and amazing thread
ozmagreed: that's interesting, funny, relationships forged and broken
ozmagreed: board slang spawned from it
ozmagreed: so hopefully it will die
seipptastic: it's just a matter of time my friend
Hizballah Rocket Attacks Kill One Israeli
The State Department-designated terrorist group Hizballah killed one Israeli teenager and injured four others during a weekend of attacks, firing Katyusha rockets, mortars, anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft fire at Israeli cities and positions along the northern border with Lebanon, The Jerusalem Post reported. Israel responded to the attacks by destroying the launcher that was used to carry out the attack. “We have made clear to Lebanon and Syria our serious concern over this calculated and provocative escalation by Hizballah,” State Department deputy spokesman Philip Reeker said. Hizballah, a group that Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage calls the “A-team” of terrorist groups, enjoys the patronage of Iran and Syria. The group is based in Lebanon, where it maintains an armed force of thousands of men, controls up to 11,000 rockets that can strike deep into Israel and trains Islamic terrorists from around the globe. Read more about the threat posed by Hizballah.

PA Television Promoting Anti-Israel Violence
The Palestinian Authority (PA) has returned to airing spots on its official television channel that promote violence against Israelis and encouragement of suicide martyrdom, despite commitments made by Palestinian Prime Minister Abu Mazen to end incitement in the media, the Israeli daily Ma’ariv reported. The PA media have also stopped broadcasting a news clip that promotes the peace process between Palestinians and Israelis, instead substituting nationalist songs and calling for violence as an option to achieve political goals. In his landmark speech on Middle East peace, President Bush called on “every leader actually committed to peace will end incitement to violence in official media.”
oh, yeah nick. post here if you want in on that NWN campaign. it's going to rule...boson instructions from BCO made a kick ass adventure and I think I'll start it next week. also post here if you want to get in a few games of starcraft anytime.
man, if only I had saved that long and rambling IM convo I had with alex yesterday in which he hemmed and hawed about how he wanted to make faux indian food. what a tard.
xfer seems to exist in some sort of dreamstate where he imagines everyone immediately understands everything he says and agrees with him 100%. take that new thread he just posted for example: who does he think he is?