a dare for xfer

that's what my professors keep telling me. i think my adviser, honestly, is sort of trying to freak me out. i'm starting to wonder if he didn't get into med school and all these years has been angry about it. i'm busting my damn ass all weekend here frying my brain over trigonometric functions, that has to be worth something!
You're improving yourself. You have to get decent grades to get into med school, no doubt but you should be scared about getting in. Here is a fun statistic about american medical schools. The least selective medical school in 2007 (I think MCV) accepted less an 7% of all their applicants. Harvard accepted less than 5%. It's really hard to get in no matter where you apply.

Do your research, know if you get special treatment in your home state, marry a dude on the admissions committee, etc. This is like citizenship, do what you have to in order to get it and renounce, repatriate, repent afterwards.
yea i'm definitely trying to meet as many people as possible! i do know a few people who have good connections at schools i'd consider applying to. i'm definitely going to stay at my internship as long as possible so that i can really get to know the doctor's at the hospital because 50% of them went to schools in NY and one is on a board!
Don't rely on connections unless they are in your immediate family but do get a slew of recommendation letters. More importantly, get recommendations from people who are famous in their field or medicine in general. Doctors are people, which is to say, they are stupid enough to believe the opinion of someone they have never met based on the commonly held belief that they are a genius and thus, an excellent judge of someone else's inherent genius, potential, and preparedness. However, celebrity is more important. Hell have a recommendation written by Bono, because he isn't a doctor but everyone knows who he is and his various charitable causes. Also, write a huge check, means more than anything else.