A dumb question about drum hits


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
What is "crack" in a snare hit ?

I often read in drum samples descriptions "normal hit, crack hits, soft hits". I get it for normal/hard/soft/rimshot hits, but I don't get what is a crack hit.

Also, i've noticed in S2.0 or SSD there are different snare hits, more than I can understand why. Could you explain ? Are there different techniques to hit a snare ?
what is a crack hit

But seriously, to my knowledge it's just a really hard snare hit although the term might get interchanged with rim shots sometimes.
Isn't that supposed to be called a "rimshot" actually ? I've always called a hard it on head+rim giving a slighly more powerful and ringing hit a "rimshot" but I'm no drummer.

Technically it is a rimshot, and you can have soft rimshots and hard rimshots, but most software just have soft to hard normal hits and then hard rimshots at the top of the velocity range.
Rimshots and Crack hits are essentially the same thing: when the stick hits the snare head and the rim at the same time. However there is one major difference between the two, stick position.

On a "Rimshot", the stick is hitting the rim at roughly the half way point of the sticks total length. This produces more of a ringing tone.

When doing a "Crack" hit, the stick will hit the rim at 3/4's of the length of the stick from the tip. This provides more power to the hit, thus producing a louder "cracking" sound.