A few DT questions


charting my way to top :)
Feb 9, 2005
I have more or less been a stagnant user here for about 2 months just reading the posts here. I have to hand it to you guys, you are one of the few boards on UM with arguement free discussion. Please, keep it up. Anyway here are a few questions on DT I have racked up over the last few weeks:

What does Skydancer sound like? I have heard it's much different than their other CD's.

Does anyone have a DT sweatshirt they want to sell? I don't want to spend 40+ dollars buying a new one.

I have seen a few videos of DT live, and on some,the vocals seem... bad. On others, the vocals seem better than the recording. What have your experiences been with them live?

Does anyone have an extra copy of Damage Done? Mine was scratched and now I can't listen to it.

Anyway, here are some things about me.
I'm an astronomy nerd

Thats about it. Thanks.
What does Skydancer sound like? I have heard it's much different than their other CD's.
Well Skydancer it's the "typical Melodic-Death-Metal groove"... it sounds real aggressive with really screamed lyrics and fast riffs. sounds a bit like at the gates and the first in flames :)

Does anyone have a DT sweatshirt they want to sell? I don't want to spend 40+ dollars buying a new one.
i have 2 but i won't sell them :)

I have seen a few videos of DT live, and on some,the vocals seem... bad. On others, the vocals seem better than the recording. What have your experiences been with them live?
Live the vocals are *brutal*... IMHO Mikeal is probably the best live voice of the whole metal scene! it's just so damn perfect and so damn awesome! no way to compare it with the records :)

Does anyone have an extra copy of Damage Done? Mine was scratched and now I can't listen to it.
try on ebay :)
What does Skydancer sound like? I have heard it's much different than their other CD's.
it sounds like sabbat (uk) mixed with some melodic speed metal and also lots of atmospheric acoustics and it's ambitious as fuck maybe some would say pretentious but these people need to fuck off
Hello. I've read some of your posts. You seem like a nice chap, and you seem to be consistent with the high-quality posting i've seen on DT's UM forum. Keep it up yourself. :)

1. Think of DT emerging from their 1989-1992 death sound into a much more romantic and melodic style. Not nearly as solid as "The gallery", but a nice album when you don't compare it to more recent Tranquillity stuff. I especially like "Through ebony archways", but that's probably the song that's least representative of the album.

2. Unfortunately, i only own one DT shirt and want to keep it until i find a better one. When i do, i'll put mine on eBay and tell you. If i remember to.

3. I've listened to "Exposures" and to some of the audio part of "Live damage", but other than that i haven't heard DT live (okay, an early version of "Misery in me" that someone was kind enough to share). From what i've heard, however, they seem to be the kind of band that's not as good live as on album. DT is probably a better live band than i know, but with Mikael's mistakes in "Exposures" and with the horrible equalizing and audience-shutting-up that they did on that album it's not a very nice thing to listen to compared to the albums.

4. I have "Damage" burned, not original. The guy who got me into DT lent me that album and "Haven", so i don't have those in original.

I like astronomy. I find it to be depressingly desolate, but that's my ever-present negativism. :)
Thanks for the replies.

@NT3N- Good riddle on your site, by the way. Unfortunately you got me hooked on notpron, and now my life is consumed with it.

I guess I just have to hear the vocals for myself, hopefully that dream will come true on DT's upcoming tour.

@Undo- Thanks for the kind words. If by desolate you mean no one is into the hobby I know what you mean :(. If you mean that while stargazing, there is no one to accompany you , thats just how I like it. Just me and the stars:)
I actually meant that it's desolate (to me, anyway) to think of such a vast and beautiful universe and of the endless possibilities of life-containing planets and lifeforms and then realize that humanity will probably never even leave its own solar system, let alone find other lifeforms.