My Interview With DT

Nt3N said:
interesting question! :kickass:

Maybe they just don't hehehe!
But it is an interesting question, makes me curious about it...

Another thing : except from Niklas, what are other members day jobs ? Maybe somoeone here knows... I have heard about Mikael's, but the others???
they all do some little jobs just to round their pay..

anyway I found out that jivarp is not only a proud father, but he's also got a girlfriend with whom he was hanging around at evolution :)
About Mikael's job Kathleen. I have heard two different. I do not know which one was the new one. Which one did you read...

I read an article once.... The reporter was not very good and he asked the same questions as they always ask. You know, about the latest album DVD etc.... In the middle of the interview something kinda spontanious slipped out of her.

"Do you have any pets?

Oh, no, no. I'm not a big pet kind of guy. I don't like pets at all, actually. I'm really against the whole thing. I've had them when I was younger, but no. "

Then it continued it the same way as before. You might have read Nt3n
Tritonus said:
About Mikael's job Kathleen. I have heard two different. I do not know which one was the new one. Which one did you read...

I read an article once.... The reporter was not very good and he asked the same questions as they always ask. You know, about the latest album DVD etc.... In the middle of the interview something kinda spontanious slipped out of her.

"Do you have any pets?

Oh, no, no. I'm not a big pet kind of guy. I don't like pets at all, actually. I'm really against the whole thing. I've had them when I was younger, but no. "

Then it continued it the same way as before. You might have read Nt3n

hahahahaha funny !

Well I have heard that he was working with deficient people or something...
King Chaos said:
I wonder what sort of gifts they buy each other on their birthdays. I'm-a ask them that if I ever get to interview them.

Leather outfits, bondage and mechanical dildos.

What? I would love to spice up the conversation :heh:
plintus said:
Leather outfits, bondage and mechanical dildos.

What? I would love to spice up the conversation :heh:

Hmmmm I have funny images in my head right now.... Would be quite exciting to see this happen hahahahaha Can we be part of it? :D I always dreamed of bondage !
11. Now a fun-question from a user of your official forum, who is your number 1 Costa Rican fan: is there any chance of having Malmsteen play as a special guest? It could indeed be a great idea!

(Laughs) No, no I’m not really a big Yngwie fan.... I like the vocalist, Goran Edman, and I would like to have him participate into an album, or even Yngwie‘s touring singer, but I don’t think it would really work in a Dark Tranquillity song. I mean, he is fantastic but it is not really my thing.

:waah: I love you Nico!!! I can't believe you asked him!!! Thanx a lot!!! The answer is quite interesting, because he said that he likes the vocalis, namely Mats Leven (whom I think is really fucking great!!!).

Wow, imagine Mats Leven singing for DT!!!

And with this I hope Mikael knows that he has a few true fans over here, he may have taken a wrong image of Costa Rica (since few pwople went to the konzert).

This has been a really informative interview, thanx a lot Nt3n!!!
Nt3N said:
but he's also got a girlfriend with whom he was hanging around at evolution :)

Yeah, he was and especially funny thing was when me and UC talked to him and I said I'm from Croatia and got a really weird look from mr.Jivarp, just to discover few minutes later why; his girlfriend came and it turned out that she is also from Croatia. It was a really funny experience...
I can't thank you enough for asking the Final Resistance question, it was a really interesting answer, one that I did not expect!
Mikael said:
But, yeah, definitely that is a possibility, even having female vocals is a possibility.
Awww, they will finally invite me over for a recording. How nice! :cool:

Thanks for the interview, it was really interesting to read. :)