A few personal thoughts...


Oct 16, 2002
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Just feel like posting some personal thoughts about Symphony X and Prog in general. I feel lucky to have found this band. OK I'll say it...SymX are the most incredible band I've ever heard and most exciting band I've ever seen live. I think about the no-talent, pre-fabricated shit for music that fills stadiums and generates the big money for the machine (as it has for many years) and then think about the TRUE and HONEST talented musicians within the prog genre who work so hard and give so much for each and every fan (the SymX guys >>> top of the list IMO). But then I just recall the year I watched Jethro Tull win the FIRST Grammy for "Heavy Metal" category, and that about says it all. They were embarrassed to accept it. "Prog" Grammy category??? Hmmm..what a thought. :eek:

I was into "Prog" when it was mainstream and on Top 100 radio stations (i.e; Yes, Genesis, etc) It went "underground" for years when sub-genres started coming about. But it's coming around again and I wonder what will show within the next year or two. Since the Forum went up, I've been introduced to some great music, thanks everyone!;)

I personally think we're all fortunate to know and appreciate this music and also to be able to share with each other worldwide. It's a precious gift, and amidst these strange and turbulent times on this planet, we all have a strong common bond.

Have a good day. ::) !!

I know exactly just how you feel. It's a shame that such extremely talented musicians can be so overrated and obscured by the manufactured maintreem music of today. And I'm sure we all agree that all those mainstream bands put together will never reach the peak of musical knowledge that bands like Symph X have. It's a shame that channels and media like EmptyV dictate what's "In" and what's "Out" in music and I'm sure these people don't know absolutely nothing about it.

I hope that with the new exposure to the US, SX will teach these nu-metal kids what music is all about. To show them that music at it's best comes from the soul, not when generated by trend media and multimillionaire record contracts. Though bands like SX deserve more than that, I hope if they accomplish those heights, they stay true and humble to their fans. :rock:
Let people like what they like. I personally think commercial music in general is a joke, but i dont judge anyone who listens to the stuff. So what? The only thing that makes me pass judgement is someone who obviously changes who they are just to be like what they think the band or society wants them to be. for example... Some slipknot , Black metal, and goth fans are completely rediculous to me.

My message: BE WHO YOU ARE

Wooooh. What a tangent!

That moral doesn't go to eveyone. For example, I tend to be a terribly violent and out-of-control eccentric freak because of my mental illnesses.
If I am who I am, I'd be running around screaming/chanting some random words that I think are funny... in stinky clothes I haven't taken off for 2 weeks.

Originally posted by The holy one

That moral doesn't go to eveyone. For example, I tend to be a terribly violent and out-of-control eccentric freak because of my mental illnesses.
If I am who I am, I'd be running around screaming/chanting some random words that I think are funny... in stinky clothes I haven't taken off for 2 weeks.


Ok, the mentally ill are exempt from my motto