...a film titled Anathema?

copy and past from the web synopsis:

"An existential psychosexual road movie

Niel is a taciturn, disenfranchised kid from suburbia given to waking fantasies and bouts of mild narcolepsy. He has gravitated to the city where he drifts aimlessly - until his serendipitous encounter with a young prostitute named Lily. The strange chemistry between them sparks a mutual exploration of their dark and dangerous repressions.

Spontaneously, the two decide to take a road trip. When Niel’s car breaks down, they meet a hitchhiker named Mahan. The three decide to share a motel room for the night. A surreal encounter with a bizarre theater troupe leads them into a three-way sexual foray that has some unanticipated consequences.

The next morning is dicey, but Niel and Lily manage to get back on the road. Inevitably, Niel’s car begins to fail again. He and Lily are forced to seek refuge in a house that belongs to an elderly, infirm woman named Elsa. Over the course of the night, Lily develops a tacit bond with Elsa – a mother she never had.

After this experience, Lily knows what she must do. She must pay a visit to her estranged father, a wealthy dilettante whose wife, Lily’s mother, died when Lily was young.

This last stop has Lily coming to full terms with her profoundly broken childhood. Niel, through his empathetic connection with Lily, finds himself reliving her most traumatic childhood experiences. He becomes the unwitting agent of both her father’s bloody redemption and the ultimate reconciliation between Lily and her father."

hmm... right