I'm surprised that "black metal" list only has about 40 replies as I write this, it has all the elements of a flame war (elitist outrage, cruelty to newbies, claims of open-mindedness whatever that means)...maybe the GMD crowd is growing weary of endless bickering...somehow I doubt it.
NAD said:
Heehee, this is funny for all the people that remember the Opeth vs. maudlin of the Well board war. That all went down before I became a motW / Kayo Dot fanboy, but I still paid full attention to it, for whatever reason.

I love at the end of the thread when some commandante asks for a MOTW recommendation, and some MightyA moron says something like " NO!! you cant support Them they bash Opeth (our Gods) in all their interviews!"
If I based my collection on bands that were purely friends with eachother Id have like 3 CDs.
Yeah a lot of these bands have killed one another. :tickled:

I couldn't tell if that MightyA dude was serious or taking a shot at Opeth fanboyism.

From the Finntroll forum FAQ, this tickled me funny bone:
Q: What about my avatar? Can I put in one which is 1000000x1000000 pixels wide and fucks up the layout completely?

A: No. The maxsize for your avatar is 100x100. Otherwise it fucks up the forum layout.
Black Winter Day said:
the billy milano forum would be the last place on UM i would ever post reguraly, even behind the bodom board. bunch of no-brained meathead rednecks. oh yeah, and billy... :rolleyes:
So I just got a PM apology from someone on the Billy Milano forum, apologizing for the rants about Islamic fundamentalists. Why I got this apology, I have no idea....I've never even been to that forum.

However, I did go have a look just to see what the fuss was about, and I thought it was funny that they though Ayeka was a German Nazi.

Anyway, I think the word I'm looking for is EEWWWIIIIRDS!
Christ, I should go back there...or maybe not. I could sit here and play with myself, that'd be more intellectual than trying to reason with those spackers :loco:

So, why would a forum of racists like that have a problem with the Combat 18 website? Like I said, spackers!
Ayeka said:
So, why would a forum of racists like that have a problem with the Combat 18 website? Like I said, spackers!
It's an interesting dilemna. Ever seen American History X? There's a moment where Ed Norton's character dismisses the KKK for being a bunch of idiots, even though he himself is a neo-Nazi.

I guess even racists discriminate between themselves, and so it works both ways. For example, 'red neck' types who hate anything that isn't American actually believe that they're not being racist.
JayKeeley said:
It's an interesting dilemna. Ever seen American History X? There's a moment where Ed Norton's character dismisses the KKK for being a bunch of idiots, even though he himself is a neo-Nazi.

I guess even racists discriminate between themselves, and so it works both ways. For example, 'red neck' types who hate anything that isn't American actually believe that they're not being racist.
Combat 18 have to be exceptionally, insanely retarded to beat the guys on those forums...mind you, I can't say I've seen anything to show that they're a bunch of clever clogs either :loco: At the end of the day it's a case of the pot calling the kettle black (bit ironic, eh?!) which is why I can't be arsed to go back...

...maybe we could encourage a few to come here an enjoy another good ol' flame war on our doorstep? :Saint:

And...I ain't seen American History X yet, been meaning to see it since it came out, had the entire plot ruined for me already :loco: One of my mates has just got it on DVD and I just remembered he's promised to lend it to me, so I guess I gotta sort that out.
I have seen Romper Stomper though, which is a very sad film on many levels. Of of which being that if the future of the white race of in the hands of doofuses like them guys, then we all really are up the shit creek!