A guy in my class is dead


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France

I just thought speaking a bit about this here wouldn't be useless.

I'm in the national airline pilot training in France, and we were 74 taken in 2008, my promotion. We were divided in 2 classes in the country for convenience, so basically, to make it short, we were a class of 34 during the theory courses where we all met before being sent to state flight centers.

One of my mates, not the one I know the most but still a fun guy in the class, a little shy but really pleasant, has been found dead 10 days ago, he was 20.

We (the class) don't know the exact facts but it seems actually quite simple : he was partying with friends in a cold place, I think it was in the moutain, and he went sleeping somewhere around the house. Nobody seemed to search him, they may have all been drunk. He just never woke up, he died in the cold, he never had the reaction of waking up and going to the house. I think his friends will never forget this day.

Not saying that alcohol is bad (I myself drink a lot in parties, eventhough I always control myself and never get beyond) but still be careful, it does not happen only in movies : you can die stupidly because of alcohol. Yesterday I was partying for the NYE in a house near a river gone crazy because of the rain, and when a girl was missing I was actually searching her because of that story, because now I not only know but AM CONVINCED it is possible to die stupidly.

So, you can drink, but be careful, and try to be a little reasonable. Here in france there is a lot of "advertising" to choose 1 person a car to drive and not drink, but I think this should apply to every alcohol occasion. And being careful doesn't apply only to alcohol, but drogs, or dangerous acts. I like to live rock n roll too, but I try not do dangerous things. Crazy is not necessarily dangerous. I like a lot of you here even if we don't know personnally, and just hope this sort of stupid things won't happen to any of you here.
Really sorry to hear that dude - but I have to say, that's fucking incredible that you're in training to be an airline pilot :headbang:
i know how you're feeling bro!

alot(around about 6 or 7) of my school friends have passed away at an early age(the youngest was 15. he had brain tumours the size of golf balls that kept growing back..harsh stuff man)..one just recently died(22nd december actually!) in afghan. he was 22. died in an IDE attack!

.. i'm not amazing at giving advice, but all i can say is: sorry for your loss man, stay strong.. because, these are very tough times!


marcus is right, that job will be awesome..picture all the hot stewardesses kicking around:worship: :headbang: :OMG:
I had a similar experience in that at the first proper party I ever went to. I was about 12 I think, and it was just one of mum's friend's new year's eve parties (1999 now that I remember) but she had older kids so they had a proper party out the back; was the first time I'd ever had a full drink to myself. Anyways, most of the party headed off down to the beach to watch the fireworks to bring in the new year/millennium and when we got back, one of the older guys was found in one of the tents at the place the party was at. He wasn't waking up so an ambulance was called but he was already dead it seems. I learned that he'd drank a full bottle of Jim Beam or something in some stupidly short amount of time and it'd actually put a hole in his stomach lining. I'm not sure if he actually died from this or whether he did a Bon Scott but the point is at my very first party I got to see a guy get wheeled out in a body bag. Made me realise that alcohol shouldn't be fucked around with from a pretty early age.

Now I think a lot of us know this already, and I'm sure many people (myself included) have polished off a bottle on the odd occasion but there are definitely a few people who don't realise how bad things can go if everyone isn't watching out for each other.
Yeah I'm sorry to hear that man. I had a very similar experience, except a little more haunting.

One of my old classmates was found in a burned out car, in an empty parking lot in the early morning. He had been repeatedly stabbed prior to being burned alive. If anything was ever uncovered about the case, it wasn't revealed via the press.

Another one I believe also may have died as a result of a tour bus crash. I know that one of my classmates joined The Red Shore, and of course they had their accident a while back, but I'm not entirely sure if he was one of the ones to have perished in the crash.

And yes I've pushed myself too far with alcohol in the past, but luckily it ended with a simple loss of memory/fever/pass-outs and intense puking session. It becomes obvious very quickly how dangerous the stuff can actually be if you don't know your limits.
My brother almost died the same way.. but his girlfriend went out and searched for him.
Since then, ive been very careful with alcohol during the winter! ;X
A mate of mine jumped into a river for a laugh a few months back, completely sober, never came up. Took them almost a week to find him.

Doing stupid shit can get you killed, alcohol or no alcohol
one of my classmates also died while being drunk, he was climbing a tower crane, and then fell off it, apparently he was still alive when he was found in the morning

i still think that alcohol can be fun, but i agree that people often underestimate the dangers because they don't consider it as a drug, but that's what it is
I know a guy who died just down the street in the same way. Got too drunk for his own good and fell asleep in the snow and this was in the middle of fucking civilization! This town has about 100000 inhabitants and the street he died on is a 10 minute walk from down town. Pretty weird that nobody saw him until morning, and then it was too late.

As for myself... I know my limits very very well and I never even consider doing stupid shit when I get drunk. If anything.. I get more cautious when I'm very drunk.
Sorry to hear, man. My deepest condolences to his family and friends.

I couldn't help laughing to myself after reading the bit about you getting plastered and searching for some missing girl in a flooded river, though :lol:
Yeah, that happens a lot e.g. here in Finland because it's so cold outside in the winter (currently -18c in Helsinki). Apparently my aunt almost died when she went out drinking for the first time, she'd passed out somewhere and when her friend found her (luckily they went searching when they noticed she was missing), she was in really bad shape. Some of my friends have also passed out in the snow, but have luckily always been found before anything bad could happen.
Sorry to hear that, dude... This coming from the guy who always winds up as "designated driver" EVERY time.... ...consequently, we all wind up home & in one piece.

BTW, that's cool about training to be a pilot.... too bad you weren't around about ten years ago... I flew online with a lot of airline guys (pilots, mechanincs, ex USAF) in a game called "Warbirds." ...loads of fun. 727 drivers make the best wingmen!
Thank you. Honestly, I'm not personnally affected, I'm not too sensitive to that sort of events. I would be if it was emotionnally linked to me (friends, family etc). That will be harder for those who were supposed to see him after the holidays, especially the one who flies in binom with him (not to mention his family and friends). I just wanted to tell it, so that it can be useful next time someone happens to be in a dangerous situation if he can think twice. I myself am not really affected but you're sweet, still!

@Marcus : yeah thanks, being a pilot is my oldest dream (actually, my parents say I liked planes when I was 3 or 4). I'm really lucky I can fulfill it (I passed a concours leading to have the training free).

@iamandi :
marcus is right, that job will be awesome..picture all the hot stewardesses kicking around
Well, I'm still training so no fun part (honestly, mostly trashing hard parts :) ) but in front of our state school, there is a private school (where you have to pay like 100 000 euros to enter and not be sure to be taken in the end by a company because you mostly pay your license) who train every 2 weeks stewardesses... I can tell some of them are actually smoking hot

@Ermz : the stabbing/burning story is actually horrible. This is a murder, so obviously it's horrible. I had a scream-remake in my original town, the only one in france. I knew the sister of the killer, but we didn't know at first. We learnt it after a black joke went bad !

@ShreddyMarz : who are you talking to about the funny story ? Erkan ? I didn't get it :)

@Glenn Fricker : yeah, it sucks if you're the only one but if you're the only one who actually does it, it's maybe the best option you drive :) I have a friend who never drinks, so he always drives, it's practicaly aha Also, I used to fly online too on several simus. Do you know F4.0 ? It's a damn realistic old game about the F16. So realistic that you find there most of the real pilots playing online. I myself didn't even master the plane because you have to learn every mode so I don't even remember I ever launched any IR missile by lack of time to learn it :lol:

Anyway I'm surprised to see how those accident happen a lot, seems like everyone knows somebody dead by a stupid thing !
As most of you are aware, I'm 42. Older than many here, but not that old in the grand scheme of things. I just recently got the announcement from my High School Reunion committee that they were getting together plans for our 25th anniversary this year (were having it at one of the casinos here in Connecticut - party time!!!) - so anyways - I went to the site the linked to reply and they had an obituaries section on the page where I found out that 15 of my classmates have passed away over the years (some were very close friends back in my high school days). I was aware of a couple of them, but 15 - sort of blew me away. I did however realize that I very well could have been one of them given my two bouts with Leukemia - but I'm still waking up each morning and that's all that matters to me.

As for your classmate - my condolences my friend.