My turn. A question about drugs

Ever tried it?

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I don't smoke cigs, but I smoked a whole pack in one sitting in San Antonio over the summer cause they were free and I was wasted.
I've smoked weed a few times, but I'm not a big fan. It just makes me tired. Medium fan of booze because I turn into another person, sort of like Jim Carey in The Mask.

I'd like to try Molly, and or DMT.
I'm going to Europe next month, I think I'm going to experiment with some club drugs...
My theory is I've got one life, and it's pretty lackluster, so I might as well sample what the world has to offer in brain chemistry altering substances. The end result is always me saying "meh." and I move on.
I used to be a heavy binger in my early teens. Discovered my appreciation for beer when I was 13 and from 14 to 17 I literally blacked out every weekend. I was always aware of the possible dangers, but I felt immortal and was convinced to have total control about it.

When I was 17 it got to a point where I realized that the bad things slowly but steadily overtook the good ones. For the first time in years I actually wanted to consciously experience my weekends, so I took the money to where my mouth is and just quit for a year. I was feeling so much better and my productivity went through the roof.

The hardest part wasn't even quitting, but to keep the social-life at the same level while staying away from booze. It takes a lot of character and determination to resist all the constant teasing and temptations.

For a long time I thought it's either black or white, no things at halves. But nowadays I've reached a state of grey area, having a hefty nights-out "only" every other week or so, but also sometimes months without any. Constantly on the verge of quitting again for good.


As for other drugs: For some time in my teens, I used to be around people who took everything they could get their hands on. Maybe with the exception of H. I just didn't know anybody who consumed within reason. I was affiliated with these people, but at the same time so disgusted by them ruining their lives. I was a heavy binger, but at least I got my shit together.

So when I finally gave in to a buddy, to at least try some weed, I felt a hefty pain in my lungs (being virtually a non-smoker) from taking a hit from a "bucket bong". It was so demystifying... I remember being pissed because it even destroyed my alcohol buzz. :lol:

So yeah... To this day, I still have some CD-cases that smell like nail polish remover from Crystal Meth. :ill:

... But I never personally touched that crap, at least as far as I can remember.
I'm in the exact same situation Dan. Most my friends quit smoking weed anyways, and they were pretty much like: you could've tried when you were 15 or something, and have a few giggles, but by now it's pretty much pointless. I have nothing against people that smoke, and hang around people smoking all the time, I just don't take any. On the other side, I know wayyy too many people on crazy shit, and someone that recently died of overdose.

Alcohol FTW though =D
I have smoked lots ( I mean LOTS) of pots when was 16/20 (I'm now 26) and it was great for me, much much prefer it over alcohol. It's a really cool drug, make you laugh a lot, and not agressive like alcohol tend to do. peace and love hahahaha!
The problem with pots, besides you need to eat a lot lol , is that you become a kind of mollusk, limp, don't want to do anything and absolutly don't want to work!! that's the main risk with it, not building your life in the best way you can. That's why I stopped smoking and didn't follow my friends when they tried harder stuff. I'm already lazy, so don't need to be more!!!
Moreover, for someone unlike me (I got a cool childhood/adolescence), who already got problems in there life, it could lead to panic attack, bad trip, and in long term and too much use of it, it can lead to schizophrenia; I've seen more people than you think that were to fragile at the beginning and end up like this, in psychiatric hospital just cause they smoked too much pot... that finished to convince me that's not that cool...
I am building an impressive list, although its not a regular thing.

If anyone gives me stuff for free, I will probably take it.
I'm calling bullshit/shenanigans.

It's a proven fact that injecting pot for long enough gives you rabies. I knew this dude who knew a dude who once went to school with this dude's brother who went through like 40 needles a day and in the end peeled his own skin off thinking he was a banana. When they locked him up in a mental hospital they found out he was a terrorist assassin. Mad shit.
It's a proven fact that injecting pot for long enough gives you rabies. I knew this dude who knew a dude who once went to school with this dude's brother who went through like 40 needles a day and in the end peeled his own skin off thinking he was a banana. When they locked him up in a mental hospital they found out he was a terrorist assassin. Mad shit.
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These days, I rarely binge drink because I'm 21 years old now and grown out of the "binge every weekend" thing. Even when I do "binge" now, it's nowhere near the levels I used to (which would be the point of barely being able to walk) and I rarely get hangovers now.
I've done LSD (once) DXM (twice, and it's technically legal though) and I smoke pot but never frequently. I used to smoke cigarettes but I quit cold turkey.
It's a proven fact that injecting pot for long enough gives you rabies. I knew this dude who knew a dude who once went to school with this dude's brother who went through like 40 needles a day and in the end peeled his own skin off thinking he was a banana. When they locked him up in a mental hospital they found out he was a terrorist assassin. Mad shit.

I really cracked up over this :lol:

And to answer your question Dan, I'm 23. Didn't start drinking till I was 20 and started smoking last year.
I'll rock the odd smoke when I'm drinking, and I'll smoke a joint on a camping trip once or twice a year. Tried mushrooms once, didnt do much but make guitar playing really messed up and left a horrible taste in my mouth. Waste of time for me. I do really enjoy my hookah though.

Moderation is the best approach for anything.

Courtesy of Socialnumb :D (more lulz here)
I've done cocaine, speed, ecstasy, weed and hash IIRC
Dropped everything because of two "serious incidents" with hash and weed ( yes, believe it, stomache hemorrage, puking blood and such, really tr00)
Now I just go with ciggies and little alcohol.
As I said in another thread, pot isn't as funny and harmless as some of you think. I saw people die from booze+pot, believe it or not (yeah i can rhyme). All I'm saying is don't overdo it.
Love the word "Pot needle" though :lol:
I am drugfree now-a-days although I do miss smoking weed. I drink every now and again, but not enough to really do anything. I had a huge falling into drugs after my mothers death when I was 16. Pretty much started with marijuana then went to pills, mostly percocet, oxycontin, xanax, muscle relaxers,etc., then I moved on to , and then onto harder stuff like heroin and such.

Pretty much I keep myself away from all of it these days bc it pushed me into much more depression than I needed when I thought it was gonna be my way out. Hell, it almost was my way out at sometimes and I don't mean the route I wanted to take to get out. Either or if you can control yourself then I say do whatever, but for me I can't really do much of it anymore.