My turn. A question about drugs

Ever tried it?

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Santa Hat Forever
Am I the only one on this board who has never even tried a single drug (that is´t ciggaretes or alcohol)?

I´ve never in my life smoked pot or any drug besides alcohol and cigs (and caffeine but you know what I mean), I´m 22, been surrounded by it and offered it many times which is perfectly normal if your social activities always involve metal circles.

Just curious, I have absolutely nothing against it, but it seems everyone in the world has at least tried it and am curious to know if anyone on this board is in the same position as me. Only vote no if you have NEVER EVEREVEREVEREVEREVEREVER (doctor cox style) done it not one bit.

Edit: I voted no, obviously
I smoked weed about 6 times in my life ... last time was probably about 14 years ago

so if you're not including cigs, alcohol etc ... in the "****** catagory, thats it for me
Smoked cigarettes for 6 years.
I drink socially.. Jager.

And, i've smoked weed like 4 times in my life.
Everytime I smoked it, i was like... Okay, this time is going to be great. Weed just doesn't agree with me.

The first time i smoked weed, it was "creeper", and i had a HORRIBLE experience. I had the spins and tremors. I was literally biting my tongue so i wouldn't swallow it.

Horrible, horrible..

But yeah, i'm too terribly scared to try anything else.
Plus, i had a girlfriend one time who got really fucked up on pills all the time. It's frightening. :/
I'm 33 and I've never touched anything but alcohol. Not even cigarettes.
And with alcohol it's only perhaps a time or two per year.

I got nothing against drug users, I just don't want or need it.
I tried weed when i was about 17. Not proud of it, though.
Also I was a smoker (normal cigarettes) from age 15 to 16 (roughly) and drank a lot until I was 18.
This changed a lot in the last two years, for some reason i don't like and don't need it anymore. I saw quite a few scary things related to alcohol and drugs, i guess that had an impact on the decision.. i'm completely drug free for a year now, and i have no intention of changing that :lol: you really can have fun without booze. I'm 20.
Big fan of weed, medium fan of booze, never tried anything else (oh, except a Xanax once when I was pretty stoned, all I remember is my tongue felt funny :lol: ) Also, I've never even had a drag of a cig
I have never smoked a cig or taken any drugs yet... i want some beer, and i wouldn't mind testing out weed, but at the moment I am totally clean, so I'm in the same club Dan :D
I drink and smoke a bit.

I've tried weed quite a few times. It magnifies pain, nausea and uneasiness. I've stopped trying.
I did speed and was a pill popper, takin all kinds of pain meds when they were available. Ate some monster hash brownies that I'm positive had something extra in them. Havn't touched any of that shit for about 7 years now. I'd use the "college" excuse except for it was more like a phase of not wanting to remember college. Smoking is nasty. I can tend to drink quite a bit, but usually only once every month or so, if not longer. I have an intolerance or allergy or something to weed. Never done any hallucinogenics. I get VERY sick if I smoke it and feel like I'm gonna die, so I just don't smoke it. :)
Dam dudes, are you sure it was just weed in there? That's either a panic attack or someone gave you some fucked up shit.

No idea what was in it.

For those who haven't tried this or that, one thing I can honestly say is that I've never met anybody over a certain age who expressed regret for not smoking, drinking, or doing drugs. I've met quite a few (and am among those) who have said the opposite.
Tried many. For recreational use the only one that I really recommend is LSD, and in small dosages unless you wanna end like Syd Barrett. The rest of them I´m better without, altoguh I still drink much more than I would like to. Sugar is kind of a drug too.