My turn. A question about drugs

Ever tried it?

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I drink, have tried cigarettes (when drunk), have taken one hit of a joint (again... drunk :lol: ), and have taken prescribed (to me) vicodin. No desire to try anything else or take up weed, and ciggies are disgusting.
My list is long. These days I am 100% drug free. No alcohol, cigarettes, nothing. I was once mixed up in a whole scene. You name it we did it. In the end it turned out that smoking pot is the worst of them all. I've seen too many young lives ruined by metal illness from pot. If you like your brain avoid the drugs.
Done a wide variety. As a matter of fact i got high off mushrooms aged 13, 2 years before i ever got drunk. Only ones i would at all recommend are weed and mushrooms, in moderation. I don't do anything any more even when i have the chance except the occasional spliff. I just drink way too much instead :erk:
1 time smoked weed. wasn't impressed at all.
but i cannot guarantee that i wont do it when i'll visit amsterdam haha

Edit: but i drink and smoke on a regular basis.
I'm calling bullshit/shenanigans.

Call it what you want I know what I've seen. I have thought like you before. And really enjoyed smoking weed. I'm just saying that smoking one cigarette times to times doesn't hurt you and is cool actually, but some get cancer after years of smoking. With pot you add modifying you're way of thinking (habits), and some end up mad/depressed/schizo/social phobic/paranoid... (choose what you want), that's all I'm saying. It doens't hurt one time, but the habit of smoking weed CAN lead to psychiatric hospital.
If you enjoy smoking pot and have no problems in your life, then just enjoy.
If you try to escape from your problems smoking pot, you're taking the wrong way. That's all. Personally, I prefer using my time listening to music and having sex with my GF. Moreover, pot makes me so lazy I can't keep my dick up enough to really enjoy the moment, actually! :zombie: :lol:
Not a good way to keep a girl satisfied!
I was hanging around in the park this afternoon when some dude on the bench next to me rolled himself a big fat joint and smoked it right there in public and bright daylight with approximately 30-40 people on other benches around us. He seemed kinda nervous though, watching his back all the time and stuff. :D

Just sayin'... :Smug:
^I used to do shit like that. Used to have a spot on some church stairs. Once a cop approached me on the church stairs and said "give that to me" took a big toke, gave it back and said thanks. This was in Key West. Lived there for a bit.
This particular park is probably the best known place to get weed in my city. Really I can almost spot the guys who'll try to sell you something.

Haven't seen something bold like that happen before though.
^I used to do shit like that. Used to have a spot on some church stairs. Once a cop approached me on the church stairs and said "give that to me" took a big toke, gave it back and said thanks. This was in Key West. Lived there for a bit.

:lol: more chance than me, lost so many times weed under the sand on a beach after cops tried to catch me while smoking!
Or another day, a cop caugth me and just throw my brand new bag of weed in the sewers in the street...AARRRGGG, bastard! f****f****f****. Got no fine, thought...
i have never tried a cig , but i smoke at least 4 bowls a day !!
and thats normal around here ..everyone i know and hang out with , smoke weed at least once a day! i'm from Canada , so its normal !:)
and most of them are very accomplished...... like getting thier masters in medical science and stuff..
not saying weed makes you smarter , but it definately wont hurt anything !! IMO

420 CHEERS!!

it also gives me motivation to stay in the studio and not give up ... thats just me tho....
Am I the only one on this board who has never even tried a single drug (that is´t ciggaretes or alcohol)?

I´ve never in my life smoked pot or any drug besides alcohol and cigs (and caffeine but you know what I mean), I´m 22, been surrounded by it and offered it many times which is perfectly normal if your social activities always involve metal circles.

Just curious, I have absolutely nothing against it, but it seems everyone in the world has at least tried it and am curious to know if anyone on this board is in the same position as me. Only vote no if you have NEVER EVEREVEREVEREVEREVEREVER (doctor cox style) done it not one bit.

Edit: I voted no, obviously

I never have either. Tried smoking just once when I was about 12, and tried drinking alcohol also just once around that same time frame. I've never touched a drug of any other kind, except caffeine, which I personally don't consider a drug.
i only drink. ive never even taken a puff of a cigarette. hell, i rarely take an asprin when i need to. :lol: and i dont even drink that often. but i do enjoy drinking...
One thing I'll say about weed; I know I personally didn't really enjoy it the first couple of times, it was just a bit overwhelming - it grows on ya though :D (though not like I'm advocating anyone to go out of their way to make themselves like it or anything)
I was hanging around in the park this afternoon when some dude on the bench next to me rolled himself a big fat joint and smoked it right there in public and bright daylight with approximately 30-40 people on other benches around us. He seemed kinda nervous though, watching his back all the time and stuff. :D

Just sayin'... :Smug:

i once smoked a fat joint while sitting on a bench at the park that's straight across the street from buckingham palace in london

i couldn't help but wonder if the queen was looking out the window at me
Looks like everyone is smoking weed in England though... We even got offered stuff walking the streets of Eastbourne (we weren't looking let alone asking to buy anything I might add) and that's not exactly Soho. More like Britains retirement castle so...
I've smoked pot, yeah. It doesn't really work with me (yet?), it either doesn't do anything really, or then it hits me so hard that I'm completely unable to do anything. It's made me feel really, really uncomfortable sometimes too.

We also collected magic mushrooms with a friend and ate them, but nothing happened as we didn't quite find enough. I'm interested in trying them again some day though.

That said, I don't really do a lot of anything, because I don't enjoy being really drunk/high/whatever that much. I get drunk approximately once or twice a month, but usually my drinking is just a beer or two on a saturday night while watching a movie. I smoke a cigarette or two occasionally but I'm not addicted and don't wish to be.

I'm not really interested in most drugs but I'd like to try pot more to see if I end up liking it or not. Don't want to start smoking daily and shit like many of my pot smoking friends, that's kind of weak IMO if they can't enjoy anything or be creative unless they're high. I want to have a psychedelic trip or two in my lifetime too.