
Trett Eik: stp, alice, and pearl are the only real "mainstream" grunge/rock acts that I like
Trett Eik: whatev' people liked labeling htem
LadySway1985: you don't like soundgarden :-(
Trett Eik: Oh ait, blackhole sun dudes?
LadySway1985: yar
Trett Eik: wooon't ya come
Trett Eik: to waaaash away the raiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin
LadySway1985: their previous album (batmotorfinger) was more metal
Trett Eik: I can't really recall any of their songs other than that
Trett Eik: I will have to hear this album then
LadySway1985: LOL
LadySway1985: batmotorfinger
LadySway1985: my bad
LadySway1985: it's badmotorfinger
LadySway1985: duhduhduhduh DUH
LadySway1985: night was black! was no use holding back
LadySway1985: cause i just had to see was someone watching me?!
LadySway1985: in the myst dark figures move and twist was all this for real or some kind of hell!
LadySway1985: six! six six! the number of the beast
LadySway1985: hell and fire was sworn to be released
LadySway1985: torches blazed and sacred chants were phrased as they start to cry hands heald to the sky
LadySway1985: in the night the fires are burning bright the ritual has begun satan's work is done!
LadySway1985: six! six six! the number of the beast
LadySway1985: saaacrifice is going on tonight!
LadySway1985: sorry about that
LadySway1985: spontaneous metal interlude
Trett Eik: lol
Gorefisted: do you work?
Skjebnevette: we've been through this like ten bajillion times tbh
Gorefisted: dude i always forget
Gorefisted: i don't really care about you and keep knowledge about you in my memory forever
Gorefisted: :|
Skjebnevette: bullshit
Gorefisted: fuck, you saw through that.
Gorefisted: ah well, not everything has to be legendary
Skjebnevette: but that results in stagnation
Gorefisted: oh well
Gorefisted: it's unreasonable to think everything will kick ass and make waves (lol pun kind of)
Skjebnevette: but...the avarice
Skjebnevette: the capitalism
Gorefisted: ugh i know/
Gorefisted: it's bringng us down, man
Gorefisted: *lights up another joint*
Skjebnevette: we need a drum circle
Gorefisted: man he is a retarded poster wtf.
Gorefisted: and whenever i see his avatar i think GoD lol
Skjebnevette: but he's a philosopher
Gorefisted: lolol
Skjebnevette: dude, it says so right in his profile under occupation
Gorefisted: LOL oh christ...
Skjebnevette: and he says do not instead of don't
Skjebnevette: do not my balls itch?
Gorefisted: lmfao.
Skjebnevette: does not the skin flap between my asscrack and my ballsack accumulate moisture?
Gorefisted: i laughed out loud
Gorefisted: asscrack is not philosopher like imo
Gorefisted: anus aperture
Gorefisted: lol
Gorefisted: anal aperture
Gorefisted: god yes.
Skjebnevette: and somewhere out in the world, a new BDM band was born
Gorefisted: probably colombia.
Gorefisted: fucking weirdos.
Skjebnevette: they're probably all on drugs
Gorefisted: there is something in the water
Skjebnevette: heroin
Gorefisted: probably.
Skjebnevette: it adds flavor
Gorefisted: yum
Harkguy43: just so you know
Harkguy43: I think you're beautiful just the way you are
Skjebnevette: that wasn't gay at all
Harkguy43: not at all
Harkguy43: it's all about intent right?
Skjebnevette: very true, very true, an issue far too often overlooked
It's strange. I have a ton of silly conversations with my real life friends, but it's pretty rare for me to engage in such through instant messaging.
I don't talk to UM people that much because I'd rather have open discussions with them here.

I do talk to bluewizard on most days, you every other day, and Nikki and (M)aggot on occasion. I did start talking to mutantllama.
LadySway1985: i'm smiling next to you
LadySway1985: in silent lucidityyyy
Skjebnevette: why
LadySway1985: because i want to
LadySway1985: geoff tate told me to
LadySway1985: tbh
LadySway1985: =/
Skjebnevette: geoff tate looks like a faggo
LadySway1985: he is scary
LadySway1985: he looks like a white kim jong ir
LadySway1985: see what i did there
Skjebnevette: I don't know why you said jr tbh
LadySway1985: that's an i
LadySway1985: engrish
LadySway1985: ir
LadySway1985: il = ir
LadySway1985: engrish
Skjebnevette: I can't see
Skjebnevette: my eyes are half closed
LadySway1985: tell your boyfriend he's supposed to cum in the mouth then
Skjebnevette: I'm dying
LadySway1985: why
Skjebnevette: because I'm tiredsaurus rex
LadySway1985: really?
LadySway1985: i'm valosaurus rex
Skjebnevette: we should have buttosaurus sex
LadySway1985: lulz
[22:07] LadySway1985: it would suck to be blind and get shot by an arrow, but not die
[22:07] LadySway1985: cop: did you see him?
blind person: ...
cop: oh, right... *looks at arrow*... let's go that way
[22:07] ENDER2188: It would suck to be shot by an arrow anyway.
[22:07] ENDER2188: DAMMIT I GOT NINJA'D!!!
[22:08] LadySway1985: 8-)
[22:08] LadySway1985: in real time
[22:08] ENDER2188: YOU WHORE!
[22:08] LadySway1985: nyukka!