A "Kreator" question for Andy


New Metal Member
Dec 3, 2003
Hi Andy, I just noticed that the new Kreator Album is not as loud as the other Albums you produced (Exodus etc.).
Was there a special reason about that?

Don't get me wrong, I'd be very happy if the "trend" would go go back to the dynamik again.

Thank you - Vagelis
the difference between the loudest and the least loud part of a song is the dynamic range of that song, lately most stuff gets mastered so harshly that there's hardly any dynamic left, it's just full on all the time...
no real reason, I didn't really have time to A/B levels on that one, it really was a 4 am finish, get on a plane (I was flying out to Germany next day) and I sent it straight to the band for approval. Yeah, I think it could of taken a bit more compression possibly, but schedules and deadlines don't allow you to tweak forever. At least it wasn't smashed to bits (turned inside out as I put it).
quieter or not, E.O.G. is an awesome sounding CD... i reference it alot, among many other CD's i love, while mixing.:rock:
Hi, I am new,
Mille said in a German Guitar Magazine (it's called Guitar) that they recorded with Dual Rectos but they wanted an other sound and reamped the whole thing with 5150 (I hope it's right, I red the article 2 or 3 months ago) and his parts were recorded with an Fernandes Randy Rhoads with Emg 81 at the bridge, the other guitar player plays Jackson Soloists I think (Seymour Duncan equipped).
I hope that all of these informations are right.


P.S.: Excuse me for my bad English
StefTD said:
Hi, I am new,
Mille said in a German Guitar Magazine (it's called Guitar) that they recorded with Dual Rectos but they wanted an other sound and reamped the whole thing with 5150 (I hope it's right, I red the article 2 or 3 months ago) and his parts were recorded with an Fernandes Randy Rhoads with Emg 81 at the bridge, the other guitar player plays Jackson Soloists I think (Seymour Duncan equipped).
I hope that all of these informations are right.


P.S.: Excuse me for my bad English

that peavey amp ?
yes, Peavey 5150, I think Mark I modell but I am not sure, it's the same thing like the 6505 if you want that sound.
Mille used the Fernandes Randy Rhoads cause it won't get out of tune like his B.C.Rich Beast and Jackson King V, that's what he said in the Guitar Magazine, imho there's no big sound difference between the guitars (I've played an Fernandes Randy Rhoads and it was like the old USA Jackson Randy Rhoads of a friend, awesome ) also, all of his guitars are EMG equipped if I remember right, that cuts down the sound difference to a minimum (my opinion, but sometimes I like that sterile sound of EMGs).
actually Milles gtrs are a bit beaten up, tuning keys missing etc, so it just made sense, and like the Jacksons, the tuning is pretty good all the way up the neck.
Glad you like the album, it's always fun working with Mille, all round good guy. I've got some real old pictures of me and him in New York on my 20th birthday, I'll try and dig them out and post them up here, see who's aged the most.
Andy Sneap said:
actually Milles gtrs are a bit beaten up, tuning keys missing etc, so it just made sense, and like the Jacksons, the tuning is pretty good all the way up the neck.
Glad you like the album, it's always fun working with Mille, all round good guy. I've got some real old pictures of me and him in New York on my 20th birthday, I'll try and dig them out and post them up here, see who's aged the most.

dude find them and post :D !! can't wait howu looked like in * the early days *

lol . . . . andy rulez :worship: