A Little Help Here!

According to Jon Schaffer:
You can expect "The Glorious Burden" to be an album based on
lots of history and some deep personal stuff. From the American
Revolution, the Civil War, Waterloo (Napoleonic Wars), Attila the Hun to
WW1 fighter ace Manfred Freiherr Von Richthofen aka The Red Baron, we're
covering a lot of very cool and tragic historical periods. This will be a
very unique and special record, that's for sure. Like I said in one of my
previous posts many of the titles were working titles and just that. I've
shelved some of my earlier song concepts till a later date, these topics
flow very well together over all and fit perfectly with the title. I
really wanted to challenge myself on this record lyrically and musically.
Most of my songs have been about dark fantasy and sci-fi or horror, but
this is a challenge because we are focusing on real life and often very
tragic events, so in a way it's new for Iced Earth. There will be alot of
that personal emotion that touches many of you as well, don't worry, but
overall this has developed into something different. Don't let different
worry you, we won't come out with baggy pants rappin', it ain't gonna
happen. This is a very metal record!
A while back I was working on a song called Gettysburg and it was a nice piece of music but it really wasn't giving me what I felt I needed to tell the story of what went on there 140 years ago. It's nearly impossible in 5-6 minutes of music. So around Super Bowl weekend I scrapped the original idea and started writing what I hope will be the biggest and best epic I've ever written. It has, without a doubt, been the most challenging subject matter and emotionally taxing undertaking that I've ever tackled. It will be just about 30 minutes long and told in 3 parts; one for each day of the battle. It will be called Gettysburg (1863) but will consist of 3 songs entitled "The Devil to Pay", "Hold at all Costs", and "High Water Mark." I will be hiring the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra to perform on it, as well as a few parts on a couple of other songs. I am working on string sections and the other symphony parts now and finishing up lyrics on it and on some of the other tunes.
Here are some more titles, these are pretty much final. "Declaration Day", "When the Eagle Cries", "The Reckoning (Don't Tread On Me)", "Greenface", "Red Baron/Blue Max", "Attila", "Waterloo", "Valley Forge", "A Gift or A Curse?" and "Hollow Man." This release will take up nearly every available minute on the CD format, because you deserve it!
they will , don't you worry ...
things like this happen in all bands at some point in there life , but only the strong ones move on ...
if it's in your heart no one can take your dream away from you ... :)
most bands have drummer proublems , i know we do , replacing a singer is a lot harder in many ways too ...