Late response on my part, but I went over there as soon as I heard the news, and managed to download Disciple, the only album I did not already own.

I'll see what I can do to get my paws on a copy of Headspace's I Am EP, too. I like the website... and oh, naughty me. I didn't have you on my MySpace yet!

I'll gladly support you in any way I can, Damian. I already managed to get a few people interested in your solo music, including my now-ex-girlfriend. Even more people I know are starting to get into Threshold, Headspace, and other projects you are/were part of, as well.
You probably hear things like this all the time, but I simply have to say I adore you, as a person and as a performer/musician/vocalist. I have truly enjoyed every bit of music, both audio and visual, that has you in it.

I still do, really. On top of that, you are a very kind and friendly person off-stage as well, interacting with the fans (myself included), taking pictures, signing CD's and all that. No mega-rockstar cocky kind of attitude, thank goodness!
I do agree with earlier statements. I love you being a part of Threshold, and I will try to see you performing live as much as I can (I seriously could do that every day and not get tired of it). Speaking of which, I'll see you in Zoetermeer on October 9th.

I'm very curious as to which songs you and your band will be playing. Though don't reveal anything just yet. I like to be surprised. ^-^