What's the catch?

Damian, last night i heard Spin, believe or not, but i cried. I had similiar expirience, altough, a girl (Marijana or in English MarryAnne) i knew made the first step and she had some boyfriend who was older than her and who was asshole. Maybe it's too personal, but i'm wondering have you ever seen that girl again and what is her name? Sorry, if this is too personal question.
I spent half hour trying to understand you, MD976 and in a moment everything seemed as I were "boyfriend who was older than her and who was asshole" ... what a mess! I misunderstood your story, and in a moment I made some construction about Threshold and Legacy festival in Belgrade ... what a mess!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAaaaaaaaa!
Forget it!!! I shouldn't have mentioned that. Now, i feel disgraced. So, i'm out of this forum for good. Farewell!!!
Please MD976, don’t feel disgraced, I understand you. I don’t suppose Asymmetry has heard the song. You obviously connect with it which is what I crave for with every song I write. It would be a great shame if you didn’t continue to discuss things on this forum.

I have always been a little uncomfortable with this song because of its gruesome content and I am not a big fan of violence.

As a school boy I had gone to a party on a Saturday night with a load of mates.
There were some stunning girls there - far prettier than I was ever used to and they had started a game of spin the bottle. When it came to my turn the bottle stopped on the most gorgeous, sweetest girl in the room. I couldn’t believe my luck. So I kissed her and as with teenagers, things progressed and she asked me if I would walk her home. What I hadn’t realised was a load of bikers had turned up from the city and were in the corridor. We were kids, these were men!
As I passed one of them, he took issue with me taking the girl out of the party and when I turned my back, he hit me. I fell to the ground humiliated by these lads but picked myself up and fort - ending up in the street.
I stood my ground and to my absolute surprised the biker got the worst of it.
There was blood everywhere my white shirt was soaked and none of it was mine - no cuts, no bleeding.
As the bikers left I searched for the girl but she seemed to have just vanished. Then the police turned up. Being covered in blood my immediate reaction was to avoid them; which I did by jumping a wall.
And the girl? I never saw her again… but naturally Monday back at school, I was the hero - with tails of how the police had been concerned by the amount of blood… and how I had taken on the bikers.
All said, I think I would have preferred the talk to have been, how I had left with the most beautiful girl from the party.

So what hppens when i'm a bit to busy with my new job, Damian joins te party...

So might aswell ask here aswell on behalve of the other Ayreonutters any chance of a release f the video footage from the SOP support concert:Saint:

and offcourse any chance for a solo concert in the Netherlands, otherwise they'll just have to book you as entertainment for next Years fanmeet

hope you like the birthday poster though
Yeah, Silver pants.
Still got them…
In fact I can see them were I’m sitting…

OK, I’m wearing them :)

When is the fan-meet next year? I’d like to do a solo tour autumn next year. Perhaps the fan meet might be a good gig to do? Thank you so much for thinking of me on my birthday, I was soooo touched!
You are sweet, sweet people.

I didn't feel I was on top of it the night they filmed on the SOP tour but the stage diving incident – that makes me chuckle. :lol:

Please MD976, don’t feel disgraced, I understand you. I don’t suppose Asymmetry has heard the song. You obviously connect with it which is what I crave for with every song I write. It would be a great shame if you didn’t continue to discuss things on this forum.

I have always been a little uncomfortable with this song because of its gruesome content and I am not a big fan of violence.

As a school boy I had gone to a party on a Saturday night with a load of mates.
There were some stunning girls there - far prettier than I was ever used to and they had started a game of spin the bottle. When it came to my turn the bottle stopped on the most gorgeous, sweetest girl in the room. I couldn’t believe my luck. So I kissed her and as with teenagers, things progressed and she asked me if I would walk her home. What I hadn’t realised was a load of bikers had turned up from the city and were in the corridor. We were kids, these were men!
As I passed one of them, he took issue with me taking the girl out of the party and when I turned my back, he hit me. I fell to the ground humiliated by these lads but picked myself up and fort - ending up in the street.
I stood my ground and to my absolute surprised the biker got the worst of it.
There was blood everywhere my white shirt was soaked and none of it was mine - no cuts, no bleeding.
As the bikers left I searched for the girl but she seemed to have just vanished. Then the police turned up. Being covered in blood my immediate reaction was to avoid them; which I did by jumping a wall.
And the girl? I never saw her again… but naturally Monday back at school, I was the hero - with tails of how the police had been concerned by the amount of blood… and how I had taken on the bikers.
All said, I think I would have preferred the talk to have been, how I had left with the most beautiful girl from the party.


My hero :worship: . Still, it's sad that you didn't see the girl again :( (oh boy this brings back memories hehe :( ).
When is the fan-meet next year? I’d like to do a solo tour autumn next year. Perhaps the fan meet might be a good gig to do? Thank you so much for thinking of me on my birthday, I was soooo touched!
You are sweet, sweet people.

Well there is no date planned as of yet for the fanmeet next year. But i made the fanmeetstaff take note of your plans... As i think this could be a very interesting option for all parties. We get good entertainment and a fun day.

Mind you i already know someone who would love to open for you for a dutch show. Who will be present at the fanmeet aswell. Just like youshe is ver versatile http://www.myspace.com/pianoladylau:kickass:
Yeah, Silver pants.
Still got them…
In fact I can see them were I’m sitting…

OK, I’m wearing them :)

And you just made my day as well :D

Though I was fortunate to see you wearing them at the Rotherham gig opening for Stream of Passion in 2006. I think my jaw dropped to the ground :lol:

When is the fan-meet next year? I’d like to do a solo tour autumn next year. Perhaps the fan meet might be a good gig to do?

I'm hoping it's in October since September is really busy for me next year with a writing meet and a festival :)
Commune I've considered since he released it on his website to be such an amazing album, his solo albums are above the calibur of most of the post-beatles albums in my opinion, and that is how I view his solo work.

Great job buddy, bold and awesome move!
I absolutely love being with Threshold


We love you being in Threshold too. I thought your vocal performance at Summers End (so did my friends) was one of the best live vocal performances ever; and I have been listening for 40 years to live music. You were also extremely nice to my two teenage daughters after the gig when posing for a photo or two.

I have bought your latest album from progrecords but they are out of stock so will download it since I have heard it's very good.

I do think however there is no justice in the fact that you and Threshold aren't massive global stars.