a little question..

Dunpeal said:
well... I don't know about the wrestler really :) ...
Perhaps I also had that dream about the songs...
I think I've been reading an interview or something last winter (which I couldn't find again :( ) and... there was something like this : The new album is written already, but it couldn't go out right after the Natural Disaster ...
I don't know ... it was something about that... but I'm not sure... is it true or just a spark in my imagination.

Bulgaria is a nice country ... but... people are mean :yuk: .. well most of them ..
yes you are right, in several interviews they told they would release a new album rather shortly after A Natural Disaster. But they don't have a record company anymore so I bet thats why its going to take a little longer. Bad news huh? Take care..
Dunpeal said:
Bulgaria is a nice country ... but... people are mean :yuk: .. well most of them ..

there are two girls from Bulgaria at my school. they're both pretty nice...