A Melodic Death/Metalcore song to mix for you guys! Vocals included!

Thanks man, it's Metal Foundry 2.0 and Andy Sneap preset called Legacy (but kick is steven slate ex ;))

The snare was MF??? I could never get it to sound like that! The drums are awesome. So much so that I just used the ones you provided even though I almost always replace them with my own. I may do it anyway just for fun, but I don't really think it needs it. Anyway:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19418909/Widek - Passing v15.mp3

I tried to go for a kind of a Fredrik Nordström vibe on this one with maybe a little Disarmonia Mundi for good measure.
I've never mixed anything that isn't my own, and I'm still actually very new mixing in general. But, this song is awesome, so here's my attempt :) Also, no monitors... just computer speakers... so go easy on me XD


Seriously though, nice work with this song it's catchy as hell.

edit: Updated mix and new link.
Here is my (prettty quick) shot at it. It's an awesome song! Very well written and very catchy. DI's were a little noisy so i couldn't dial in too much gain, but i really like the outcome actually :) Guitars are all Lecto by the way. I know the bassdrum triplets at the end sound weird, probably some misstriggers with apTrigga, gonna rework that later on.