A Natural Disaster Reviews

The teletext section is called Planet Sound, and I think it's been running for over 10 years now.

It's metal reviewer's are normally OK, though they did rave about Opeth's Deliverance being the best album of 2002, and then absolutely slated the band for releasing Damnation - they seemed to totally miss the whole point of the album.

I've just quickly skimmed through the album (which has leaked onto P2P, but I won't be sharing it!), and Violence has really blown me away - I would listen to the whole album again right now, if it weren't for the fact that it's 3am!

Now I really must get some sleep before rushing down the shops to purchase a legitimate copy!


short interview
mindview = free belgian metaaaaaaaaaaaaaalzine

(attempt to translation)
full/surrounding guitars bading in a floating synthesizer sound open the album. an atmospherical beginning, the trademark of anathema. the tone for kindalike songs has been made, 'closer' is no exeption to that. In this song though, psychic confusion is professionally translated into music. the tittle track is sung by a woman and that's not a bad choice. the angelclear vocals of lee douglas is lifting the song till a vulnerable whole. 'pulled under' and 'violence' are a bit thougher songs. pity that 'balance' is sounding so Radiohead like.

6/7 gold and 12th out of the 33 new albums this month

(dutch: verzengende gitaren ingebed in een zweverige synthesizertoon leiden het album in. een sfeervol begin, het handelsmerk van anathema. de toon voor dergelijke songs is meteen gezet en closer vormt daar geen uitzondering op, alleen wordt daar de psychische verwarring deskundig op noten gezet. het titelnummer is ingezongen door een vrouw en datt was geen foute keuze. het klinkklare stemgeluid van lee douglas verheft het nummer tot een kwetsbaar geheel. pulled under en violence zorgen voor de hardere noot op de cd. jammer dat balance zo radiohead-achtig klinkt.)
rif raf, free *temporally quality releases* music zine belgium
15th year, n. 150 november 2003 p.42

einstein’s favorite saying that change is the only consistent thing in the world, is more than ever counting for the oeuvre of anathema. They kicked off as a doom metal band and nowadays the scousers are exploring all of music land’s sub genres. By using countless new techniques and influences from a diverse range of sources (even jeff buckley approaches), this 7th full length album is the most adventurous anathema-record ever, a record which makes you ‘tumble from one surprise into another’. The highlight is closer, a very self-willed song. The incredible construction of this modest (serene) song leads to noisy guitar fantasies. But ‘a natural disaster’ has more beauties to offer. What do you think of the breath taking guitarsolo at the end of ‘flying’! ‘pulled under at 2000 metres a second’ could easily be in the ‘afrekening chart’ (radiochart made by self-willed teenagers), while the female singer sung titletrack could easily be placed in the donna playlist (commercial radiostation). ‘violence’, a long instrumental end, varies from modest pianos till deafening guitar and drumm volleys. Just a quick mention of the production, which was done with great succes by the band itself. This is a first class record for surplus value seakers.

einstein's motto dat verandering de enige constante is, geldt eens te meer voor het oeuvre van anathema. begonnen als doommetalband exploreert deze Liverpoolse band thans alle muzikale niches. door het aanwenden van tal van nieuwe technieken en invloeden uit uiteenlopende bronnen (zelfs jeff buckley is soms nabij) is hun zevende full length-album de meest gedurfde Anathema-plaat tot nog toe, een plaat waarbij je van de ene verrassing in de andere tuimelt. het hoogtepunt is het zeer eigenzinnige 'closer'; de geweldige opbouw van deze ingetogen song leidt uiteindelijk tot noisy gitaarexploten. maar 'a natural disaster' heeft nog meer moois te bieden: wat dacht je van de adembenemende gitaarsolo aan het eind van 'flying'! 'pulled under at 2000 metres a second' zou zo in de afrekening een eerbiedwaardige plaats kunnen bekleden, terwijl het door een zangeres ingezongen titelnummer zo op de donna-playlist kan. 'violence', de lange instrumentale afsluiter varieert van ingetogen piano's tot snoeiharde gitaar- en drumsalvo's. nog even vermelden dat het vijftal de productie zelf met veel succes in handen genomen heeft. klasseplaat voor meerwaardezoekers! (stefan helsen)
dougie said:
OK.....Channel 4 British TV...Review as follows (On teletext)

They give it 5 out of 5. ( No other review recieved such a high mark )

No longer the whipping boys of the Goth metal underground,
Anathema's rise to grace has been as impressive as it has been rapid.
Entwhining Floydian progression and the sort of twisted tenderness that would drive Thom Yorke wild, this is truly enormous.
A staggering example of truly emotive rock they should go stellar.
the best Anathema review I've ever read. short, simple, describes the band accurately and gets the point across. I myself am almost certain that Anathema's next album will be a top 10 hit. They deserve that kind of success more than any other band in the world.

what MFN needs to do is do a video for the lads, release a single and get them support slots with bands like Travis, Coldplay, Feeder etc maybe even Radiohead and voila! Anathema will break into the mainstream and sell loads. as I said.. they deserve that now!
thats what i wanted 2 years ago but i have given up on that kind of thing for now. i just don't think m.f.n have the money anymore to do that. they lost alot on us though. i reckon they must have mis-spent some somewhere.

'maybe next year eh lad?

i were right about that saddle though!'
found on www.shedrock.com
Anathema - A Natural Disaster (2003)

A Natural Disaster is such a fitting title for this newest release from Anathema, because quite frankly it is a disaster from start to finish. ANATHEMA is just another band in a long line of Euro metallers that have gone so soft that to call them Heavy Metal would be stretching the definition so thin as to be almost transparent. This was a pretty cool band back in the mid 90’s, but now they come across as some kind of PINK FLOYD wannabes almost. Every song so slow and moody and that none of them manage to grab your interest and hold it. I found I spent most of my time waiting for them to break loose, but it just never happens.

Guitarist Vincent Cavanaugh has now assumed the role of lead vocals, taking over for the departed Danny White. He has a decent voice, but not one that lends any power to the songs, it just sort of floats through each with a kind of detachment that I find annoying. He never attempts to use his voice to take a song to another level, instead just letting the song dictate his performance. Plus they use voice effects on “Closer” which is really annoying. Elsewhere a song like “Are You There” seems to contain no guitar work at all, just layers of bass, drums and keyboards. That is followed by o totally unnecessary instrumental called “Childhood Dream” which sounds like something off a movie soundtrack. The hardest song on the album is “Pulled Under” and it again spends more time exploring the astral side of the band, and again some voice effects, but at least it occasionally lets the guitars show up. The title track is a six and a half minute tear jerker with a female vocalist, another trend that is getting old and needs to be laid to rest. Really folks there isn’t a song on here that interests me more than marginally.

When I think about how good albums like Eternity and Silent Enigma were when I first heard them it makes me sad. I am sure this will sell like hot cakes overseas where this kind of pomp metal still seems relevant, but it is completely lost on me. I could buy CD’s of whale songs and be just as happy. In retrospect this makes the KATATONIA album I trashed earlier this year look like a lot better now. I may have to give that album another spin.

Added: October 23rd 2003
Reviewer: Shawn Gould
Score: 1/10
Related Link: Band Homepage
Hits: 35
Language: english
danny white? hahahahahahaha. :lol:

plus, he buries closer, so he can just fuck off and die. to put it politely.