A new mix [BDM cover]

nice playing man! as far as the mix, the whole thing is wayyy uber-squashed and the balance of the mix is odd. Either way, nice playing!

edit: the guitar tone and actually playing sounds damn near the original though..

Great job Mendel!

I dont know the original, but i like the attack of it all.. better get that RAM shortage sorted if your playing suffers of it eh?

I agree with CJ on the compression, it's too much.. it would be hard to hear a entire album with these settings, it strains the ears maybe a bit too much after a while...
Kev has a good point as well, the high end might be a too much yeah...

Also, have a look at your drum MIDI track... their drummer does not sound as tight as yours.. haha..

i know, i know, i should not speak of realistic drumtracks, since mine are just as tight as well, tight being without mistakes, without mistakes being not realistic, but in the end, im planning to have a good look at my MIDI tracks as well, and seperate the hits from where they are now, so it sounds more realistic.. what i do for now is create tempo switches that are hardly hearable, but are there since most of the time (unless your name is roddy or hogan) are not always spot on like MIDI or a click track...

Again, the attack is amazing, might even be too much too handle.. ;) great stuff!
aah ok thx for al the comments duudees !!

about th drums you are right, dfhs is to tight, i triedto get moe realism cause i imported the mp3into nuendo and listened to every single hit.
good job (without the timing problems!) - nice playing
I A/Bed with the original and the original sound is better (sure!)
Yeah... REEEAAAAALLYY extreme Compression on this mendel! which did you use? maybe try the PSP mastercomp you can get alittle more compressing out of that then other because it being so transparent.
Mendel said:
aah ok thx for al the comments duudees !!

about th drums you are right, dfhs is to tight, i triedto get moe realism cause i imported the mp3into nuendo and listened to every single hit.

ha im totally going to show this to zach
Hah! I recorded that record. I personally dont like the way it turned out. I had never really recorded anything that fast before.. wish I could go back and do it again..

BTW theres very little compression on anything in the mix. More limiting to keep stuff in place dynamically. The band didnt want the record sounding too pro tooled and fake... and when its that fast you can really hear drum samples and if the drums are too edited. REALLY wish I had more overhead mics to capture the cymbals better... bugs the hell out of me when I listen to it.
Red Planet said:
Hah! I recorded that record. I personally dont like the way it turned out. I had never really recorded anything that fast before.. wish I could go back and do it again..

BTW theres very little compression on anything in the mix. More limiting to keep stuff in place dynamically. The band didnt want the record sounding too pro tooled and fake... and when its that fast you can really hear drum samples and if the drums are too edited. REALLY wish I had more overhead mics to capture the cymbals better... bugs the hell out of me when I listen to it.

Sweet. So are you Eric? I absolutely love Miasma. I love the way that it sounds, too. Don't sweat the fact that you don't like it - it sounds really good and I think that in time it will be a classic metal record.
Red Planet said:
Hah! I recorded that record. I personally dont like the way it turned out. I had never really recorded anything that fast before.. wish I could go back and do it again..

BTW theres very little compression on anything in the mix. More limiting to keep stuff in place dynamically. The band didnt want the record sounding too pro tooled and fake... and when its that fast you can really hear drum samples and if the drums are too edited. REALLY wish I had more overhead mics to capture the cymbals better... bugs the hell out of me when I listen to it.

hey dude ive always wondered what other cd's you have done?
Red Planet said:
Hah! I recorded that record. I personally dont like the way it turned out. I had never really recorded anything that fast before.. wish I could go back and do it again..

BTW theres very little compression on anything in the mix. More limiting to keep stuff in place dynamically. The band didnt want the record sounding too pro tooled and fake... and when its that fast you can really hear drum samples and if the drums are too edited. REALLY wish I had more overhead mics to capture the cymbals better... bugs the hell out of me when I listen to it.

holy shit wtf, guys on this board knows zach and even recorded the album ? WHY THE FUCK DIDNT I KNOW THIS w are talking about gods here :D
what amps did they used on miasma ?