a personal question for EXCIAR


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
so, I've recently seen this:

In South Korea circumcision was largely unknown before the establishment of the United States trusteeship in 1945 and the spread of American influence. More than 90% of South Korean high school boys are now circumcised, but the average age of circumcision is 12 years.

How, exactly, does that come about?? How do Americans hanging around suddenly make a culture that has no circumcision tradition suddenly (and universally) decide to adopt it? What the heck was the amazing marketing of this?

This gives some detail (from a pretty anti-circumcision perspective):


but not enough.

So, exciar, what's your opinion of how this happened, based on people you know and their attitudes? and at age 12??!?!
I might not be korean but I think I can field this, uncircumcised penises are way less aestheically pleasing. So korean women screwed around with American guys, were way pumped about the improved appearance of the penis, told their korean boyfriends to get it done, and they dutifully complied. Only the promise of sex will get men do things like cut their dicks.
Ok the part of this I'm wondering about isn't so much the circumcision but rather the age at which they are having it done! I personally do not think I would voluteer to have my wang clipped (ha ha, bird pun, i'm so sorry) at 12 no matter what Osmose's aesthetic beliefs are, I mean OW. Why don't they do it relatively close to birth like everybody else.
i'd like to know what underlies the spread of western culture, too. this is probably the best place to start.

osm0se, you could be right, but is it really unattractive to all cultures?
Well, almost all of the passage xfer has quoted are true. I really don't know what made us so jewish but there is a bias that a boy have not been circumcised is not ready to be a MAN. Jewish Conspiracy maybe...

Also I have been circumcised at the age of 12 (for medical reasons that I have faced) and that was fucking terrible experience that I never want to meet again.
I asked women (well, two, it's not like I did proper polling, although it is kind of a good pick-up line) and they both said that they can see hygenic advantages to circumcision, and clean is more inviting than dirty. I'm not sure I agree (about the advantages). Why would the natural state of the penis be more unhygenic than the tampered with, given same cleaning practices otherwise? Anyway, neither of them found the circumsized penis to be more attractive than the hooded counterpart.

The people involved in my minute research were greek, however.
nick, I understand why a lot of aspects of Western culture spread--you have the opportunity to watch cartoons, you wanna watch cartoons. I just don't understand how penis-cutting spread.

my understanding is that uncircumcised penises require more attentive cleaning in order to achieve the same level of cleanliness. in theory all penises can be the same cleanliness, circumcised or not. in practise, many foreskinnies slack.

anyway, my question remains unanswered. exciar's supposition about the Jewish conspiracy is a look at the basis (although I think maybe the opposite: notice how the articles talk about how the only other Asian circumcision nation is the Phillippines and that's considered to be because of Islamic influence). but how did the Americans/Jews/Muslims sell it to the Koreans! 0sm0se's answer is ridiculous and yet it's the best one so far.
Just to point out the supposedly obvious; but the fact is that an uncircumsized penis is in fact naturally "cleaner" than the circumsized one. The foreskin provides smegma which is anti-bacterial and moisturizing, supples the penis.

Not saying that I don't clean.
ormur =
