a question for Bryant


Nov 14, 2003
Bavaria, Germany
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Hey Bryant!

I'd like to ask you to do me a favor. Your wife is Asian, right? Japanese or Chinese if my memory doesn't fail me. Well, I have a friend who'd like to get a tattoo with Japanese or Chinese symbols (depends on what she'll like more) for these 4 words: love, friendship, soul & infinity. Most people here don't know how to read Japanese/Chinese and there are rumors that some people ended up with having a tat saying something stupid like idiot or fool. And now my friend is scared to fall into that trap. So I thought you might be able to help me out. Could you ask your wife about it? It would really be greatly appreciated if you could help me out with this. If you need my e-mail addy to send me pictures just let me know and I'll send you a PN. :worship:
DrillSergeant said:
Hey Bryant!

I'd like to ask you to do me a favor. Your wife is Asian, right? Japanese or Chinese if my memory doesn't fail me. Well, I have a friend who'd like to get a tattoo with Japanese or Chinese symbols (depends on what she'll like more) for these 4 words: love, friendship, soul & infinity. Most people here don't know how to read Japanese/Chinese and there are rumors that some people ended up with having a tat saying something stupid like idiot or fool. And now my friend is scared to fall into that trap. So I thought you might be able to help me out. Could you ask your wife about it? It would really be greatly appreciated if you could help me out with this. If you need my e-mail addy to send me pictures just let me know and I'll send you a PN. :worship:

No problem. My wife is Japanese but Japanese use both their own characters as well as Chinese. The Japanese characters are less intricate than the Chinese characters, but she may know the Chinese characters for those words.
There is an English/Chinese dictionary online here.... http://www.tigernt.com/cgi-bin/ecdict.cgi If that doesn't give you what you want, let me know and I can ask my wife.

Hey Bryant!

I talked to my friend again and she was very happy about the link you gave me. Told me to thank you a thousand times. There's just one more thing. She'd like to see the Japanese symbols for these words, too:

- love
- soul
- friendship
- infinity
- brother
- sister

Please, would you be so kind and bug your wife about this for me?
DrillSergeant said:
Hey Bryant!

I really don't wanna be a pain in the ass, but i see you posted on another thread so you might just have missed this one.

Sorry !! I will ask my wife to write them for me. I still have serious Prog power on the brain. An amazing festival like that takes a while for me to get back to reality. I will ask her this coming week to draw them out for me. I can scan them and post them.

I have the Chinese symbol for Dragon on my lower back...born in the year of the dragon. I'm thinking of adding above it Heavy Metal....hey, it's something that will be with me the rest of my life....always a Scorpio, always a dragon always a Metal fan!! \m/
DrillSergeant said:
Just wondering how you can know that you'll always be a metalhead?
Well It's been 26 years( will be 40 next month and still luuuuuuv the pit!) been into metal since the late 70's and don't forsee me getting into Kenny G or Lawrence Welk anytime soon!!! \m/
Bryant said:
I'll try and remind the wife to do that tomorrow. I had to work late tonight and she was asleep when I got home. It will get done dude. I haven't forgot about you.

There's no hurry. Take your time. I suppose you and your wife have more important things to care about. I'm glad you do it anyway.