A Question For Metaltastic

From your own experience, what sort of characteristics would you say the different magnets offer?
I'm not biased either way, as of yet, until I invest some time and dollars into the matter. I've read reviews online from both ends of the spectrum that swear by either alnico or ceramic... but you never really know what merit the poster has and thats why I come to you guys for feedback. I'm much more likely to get sensible responses out of fellow sneapsters rather than to potentially rely on some kid who thinks he'll get Slayer's guitar tone out of a Squire Stratocaster running through a DOD Death Metal Distortion Pedal into a Crate 8" practice combo amp. Know what I mean?
Alnico vs. ceramic is a tough one - for awhile I thought I would prefer Alnico for warmer, more dynamic tones, but then I realized the cut and presence of ceramic is so addictive (at least in the EMG 81) and Alnicos just feel looser to me (case in point, the EMG85 is Alnico). But there are so many varieties of Alnico I of course haven't tried them all, and the SH-15 Alternative VIII has an Alnico VIII magnet, which apparently is really hot and cutting. Either that or the SH-5 Duncan custom would really be what I'd consider! And screw adjustable pole pieces, you'll end up just making it worse and going crazy trying to fix it; better to leave well enough alone sometimes I'd say!
It's a bit hard to generalize, but yeah, Ceramic pickups are often more focused, tighter and brighter... at least compared to their alnico counterparts, if they have one (like the JB vs. the Duncan Distortion, EMG 60 vs. EMG 60A, for example)... but then again, there are certain ceramic pickups (like the Invader) which aren't really bright or tight, but have a ceramic magnet.

It's just a matter of preference, really.