A question for power metal fans...

Beats Limpy bIZIT

MANOWAR tribe I quess, show your colours, instead of black.
I don't know...but it's not only in power metal,it's for the same reason that blacksters will go wearing corpsepaint or gothsters make up.BTW ManOwaR are my fave band along with NVM,but I don't do the things you mentioned.
ha ha. Every time i see one of DIMMU BORGIR's older albums, and i see a picture of the band dressed up like CLOWNS...

...I lose just a tiiiiiny little bit of respect, even though their new on is so good...!
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth
Are there any extremely hardcore power metal fans here?
Like the kinds that would bring plastic swords and wear plastic armour to a power metal band's concert? And if there are, why do you do this?
I've always been curious about this.
Well i have seen a guys at manowar concerts wearing helmets and cloaks. really funny. i am a die hard fan of power metal. I love power metal. but it would make me ridiculous if i do the same things that i think that suck on Black Metal...
Well.. I LOVE power metal but I think I'm not a diehard fan because diehard fan would propably not listen to anything else.

I don't wear swords and cloaks and helmets at the concerts but I still kinda regret because I did not bring plastic sword with me when I saw Rhapsody live last summer. :)