A question for Warrel


Undercover Shredder
Sep 8, 2003
I've heard that Mr. Loomis doesn't like the people who post random crap on this forum and all that, but I was hoping maybe you could get him to answer a serious question for me. I was wondering what kind of modes/sweeping patterns he uses to get that ultra-badass sound on his solos and leads. A lot of his sweeps sound very diminished and a little bit of it sounds like the melodic minor to me but I really don't know. This would be one kick-ass favor and I would be forever indebted to you if you could hook me up with this info if at all possible. Thank you very much for even reading this.
NapalmForLunch said:
He is in not home... Ask in the questions for the band thread.

If another person says this to me i will personally find out where they live and torture them over a period of 7 days or until they die from pain/bloodloss, is that understood?

It's in there. I'm not explaining myself again. If you want an explanation see the other thread or ask someone else, this thread is for people who know about posted topic - IE: Warrel Dane and anyone else who may actually know.

No offense Napalm - you couldn't have known, but hey, this is a warning for the others