Big Warrel interview

What game? WoW?

Yeah, before it got super casual and dumb. 2004 - 2010 (played EQ from '99 - 2004). Our guild ended up as a top 30 world guild during most of The Burning Crusade. We also didn't raid 8 hours a day, 5-7 days a week either. Initially I started out as a Shaman, and then one day created an alt Warrior for the hell of it when the instances were not working. Decided I liked taking, so I changed that to my main. Then, we ended up getting pieces for the Thunderfury before anyone even knew what they were for. One Warrior ahead of me ended up with one of the first ever (not sure exactly what order, but there were not even ten in the wild yet, and I randomly ended up with the pieces for another a few weeks later). I guess all of my luck was front-loaded, because it was awful from there on out. Anyway, I eventually tried out DPS and liked that enough that I didn't want to tank anymore. Was usually the top damage on raids for most of my time playing, and also kept up with better equipped Warriors in further progressed guilds.

I guess the latest expansion is supposedly pretty good, and second best to TBC, but I'm not jumping back in now. I put too much effort into my previous guild, and I was also with the same people for many years.
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I tried WoW but hated the player base. Just too much dickishness. So I'm with EQ.

I thought the GF who inspired DNB ran off with a cult and was never seen again, not killed by a serial killer.
I thought the GF who inspired DNB ran off with a cult and was never seen again, not killed by a serial killer.
"Patricia was newly married to Douglas Zyzkowski. They left Seattle, Washington, in November 1989, when they decided to hitchhike to Georgia to attend a religious workshop."


edit: looks like they didnt link it to that trucker scumfuck till about 2012
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I tried WoW but hated the player base. Just too much dickishness. So I'm with EQ.

In general yes, it seemed to initially be mostly populated by late teens to early twenty-somethings who had no idea how to act online. We didn't tolerate that shit, and the initial core of the guild was formed by people that had previously played EQ anyway. You know the horror stories you'd hear about guilds that raided by having the raid leaders yell, and constantly berate everyone to "get things done"? That wasn't us, but we also didn't tolerate people constantly doing the same mistakes again and again either. Our roster pretty much sat at 40 the entire time, with maybe a single person leaving or joining every six months.
"Patricia was newly married to Douglas Zyzkowski. They left Seattle, Washington, in November 1989, when they decided to hitchhike to Georgia to attend a religious workshop."


edit: looks like they didnt link it to that trucker scumfuck till about 2012

Didn't know about the murder. "Forever" takes a new level, with that. DNB is definitely one of the darkest album in my collection. So dark and yet so beautiful.