A question that just popped up into my mind...


Mar 3, 2004
Do you consider it as normal when newcomers start a thread to say 'hello, here I am' and stuff...?

I'm wondering because you all seem to be mad about people who start a thread to say goodbye.
Is there a code of e-behaviour somewhere which says that you have to say hello but that it's rude to say goodbye ?

ur weirdos ... The aussie is right ! Crazy doodz !
without said:
I don't like poeple who say "hello" too..

"hello I'm here.. look at me"
i dont mind, i would much rather someone post a thread saying 'yo people, im going to be coming on the board from now on, lets all wave and get to know eachother' - its kinda the point of having a community... and id say we were pretty close because of it.
i dont like when people come on forums (not necessarily this one) ranting about shit and generally talking shite....thats far more 'look at me' as you put it...and more often than not they just piss people off.
drama_queen said:
Do you consider it as normal when newcomers start a thread to say 'hello, here I am' and stuff...?

I'm wondering because you all seem to be mad about people who start a thread to say goodbye.
Is there a code of e-behaviour somewhere which says that you have to say hello but that it's rude to say goodbye ?

ur weirdos ... The aussie is right ! Crazy doodz !
i think u misunderstand. btw, hiya mate, i'm tools :wave:
these last few weeks, many new ppl have 'arrived', which is great for anathema, and the board itself. and yeah ppl have started threads saying like hiya, i'm new and all, they've been greatly responded by many regulars :)erk: for that word).

but the reason why others say goodbye cos they in some sort of way couldnt deal with / didnt want to be part of the flow of this forum. it can sometimes be in yer face, and thats what its mean to be for as well.
in the first place to exchange ideas and facts about the band, anathema, and secondly a place to discuss random, associated stuff that may vary into sometimes strange, dark corners perhaps.

but all us us like to have a laugh, and we all have like different humour.
ppl speak out their minds here and there, ppl have their own specific view on it. either you can take it or not.

thats it. everyone's free to come over or fuck off as they please :D its a free world
drama_queen said:
Do you consider it as normal when newcomers start a thread to say 'hello, here I am' and stuff...?

I'm wondering because you all seem to be mad about people who start a thread to say goodbye.
Is there a code of e-behaviour somewhere which says that you have to say hello but that it's rude to say goodbye ?

ur weirdos ... The aussie is right ! Crazy doodz !

hahaha wow what great logic
rafael said:
As for me I don't really like people leaving, because we're all a part of the community.

and i don't mind ppl saying hi in a new thread, everybody can do it the way they think is best
don't know what you'd call me, let's just say i'm female :D.... well tools called me mater familias the other day, i like that and in fact i'm starting to feel a bit like that, hehe!