A rant about modern day lyrics


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Why are the charts filled with songs about wanting to "feel" or to "belong"? It's becoming predictable, and it certainly doesn't apply to everyone.

I pride myself on thinking rather than feeling my way through "this thing that they call life." Humans have the ability to reason and make logical decisions, so let's use it instead of relying on temporary warmth and fuzziness that blinds us to reality, eh?

As for belonging, I think it was Groucho Marx who said something to the effect of "I'd never join any club that would have me as a member."

For as long as I can recall, I've existed on the fringe of every group I've ever been involved with, be it society, family or anything else. You know what? That suits me just fine. As Gene Simmons sings in Paralysed "Who knows?/well I don't care, cos I don't fit in anywhere/But it's all right."

I think Evanescence are perhaps the worst practitioners of the kind of lyrics that prompted this thread. Why does she need someone else to "save me from the dark"? If she really wants to get outta there, she'd have enough faith in herself to do it on her own.

"Save me from the nothing I've become"? Oh give me a break! Is your life so pathetic that you define yourself in relation to other people? If the rest of the world can't see you, then you have the freedom to do your own thing without being judged by them. Make the most of it and stop bloody whining :mad:

I appear to have mislaid the point somewhere in the midst of this tirade. If you find it and you want to discuss it further, feel free :).

Metal is just as bad if not worse, lyrics about dragons, Satan and so on are hardly any better :)

Its all about the perspective you are using when you are listening :)
I like lyrics that tell a story (Bon Jovi are waesome at that with songs like Blood On Blood, Bed Of Roses, Never Say Goodbye, etc etc etc) and Alice rules at that too, or I like really heartfelt lyrics as long as they don't whinge or complain like most modern rock lyrics do, and I love sleazy/goodtime/party lyrics coz they are fun and music is meant to be fun. And to me, the quality of lyrics isn't to do with their meaning but how well they can paint a picture or set a scene or imagery in your head. Which is why Nikki and Alice are two of my favourite writers.

Lyrics I hate are lyrics that whinge and complain and lyrics that are political. I hate politics and frankly couldn't care less about it so its the last thing I want to hear in music.
The whole "holier than thou" thing with metal is ridiculous, it has just as many stupid lyrics as any other genre does. Not only that, a lot of it actively promotes hate (ever read the lyrics to Tormentor Of Christian Souls by Dimmu Borgir for instance?)

I hate the whole elitism thing about metal, its ridiculous. The rap fans think metal lyrics are ridiculous, and vice versa, pop fans think metal lyrics are disgusting, and vice versa, its all quite silly.
spawn said:
Gravedigger just called and they want their cheese back Blitzy ;)
As Troops said, I like music to paint a picture and tell a story. I think Grave Digger's concept albums do just that, and not in a cheesey way, which is why I like them. I think their lyrics are in the same league as Iced Earth's 'Dantes Inferno', Maiden's 'Rime Of The Ancient Mariner', or Dungeon's 'Legend Of Huma' for example. They are definately not pure cheese like Manowar etc, but instead they tell a story. It is just that Grave Digger opt to do concept albums on medievil subject matter.

I completely agree with what you say about the whole holier than thou thing, and I agree there is good and bad in every genre. I love some Michael Jackson material, and he is the king of pop for example. Metal can be just as bad as the worst of the pop, but I think metal also offers the best in deep imagery and story telling. :)
I admire songwriters who care about their lyrics, real storytellers like Paul Simon, Billy Joel, Pete Townshend, Bob Dylan, Roger Waters, Neil Peart, Morrisey and Sting.

The words are just as important as the music. I don't think many artists in any genre understand or appreciate that, which is why there's so much rubbish out there.

Bon Scott (RIP) was a master of tongue in cheek sexual wordplay, and nobody's better than Alice Cooper at painting mental pictures and setting them to music.

You might think this is a strange subject for someone whose favourite band of all time is KISS, but even though a lot of their stuff is a bit thin on lyrical substance, it does have a strong message of "believe in yourself and to hell with what everyone else thinks." That's a philosophy I've lived by for nigh on three decades.

Kiss do get points for their tongue in cheek sexual word play too though, although theirs is probably a little less tongue in cheek and a little more blatant haha.

"I'm gonna put my log in your fireplace!"


AC/DC's lyrics definitely lost their tongue in cheek humour and became much more blatantly sleazy and sexist when Brian Johnson replaced Bon.... Givin' The Dog A Bone, Sink The Pink, hahaha!
Wrathchild said:
I think Evanescence are perhaps the worst practitioners of the kind of lyrics that prompted this thread. Why does she need someone else to "save me from the dark"? If she really wants to get outta there, she'd have enough faith in herself to do it on her own.

"Save me from the nothing I've become"? Oh give me a break! Is your life so pathetic that you define yourself in relation to other people? If the rest of the world can't see you, then you have the freedom to do your own thing without being judged by them. Make the most of it and stop bloody whining :mad:

Don't you ever say anything bad about Amy Lee again!
