A rant about the metal community

Yeah I guess, I look like a metal head, but I just love music. Although metal is what i like best, I will listen to almost any style of music. I suppose thats why I'm in a Music Industry Arts program. Few of my friends don't like music really, just technical ability, so they are big into metal that is fast/brutal, or super shred.Any Real musician realizes that music is from the soul, and knows how to touch others with that honesty. Anyone can learn to play scales, modes, theory, and be good at playing, but it takes a way with your instrument of choice to bear your soul and express emotion in the sound you create to really hit someone hard, and create emotional response without words that can be profound.
right on about 'music lovers'.

at the heaviest metal concerts or in discussions with the most passionate metal friends, i still tell them "i also listen to björk and enya." i'm a music fan.
One of my closest "music" friends looks like a pure metalhead if he throws on his Enslaved shirt, but he is a "music lover".

The beauty of my friendship with him is that we both try to criticise albums/bands/composers from more than one angle, which is something not easy to do with many metalheads as theyre so into metal and not much else.

In a way, I find that I have more respect for a metalhead who will also listen to things like classical, jazz, etc etc.

I love it when talking to people about music, if theyre able to jump from, say, Abbath from Immortal to Aretha Franklin in the same paragraph. I respect that ability of open mindedness.
I see the "not brutal enough" discussion only in the internet, because that's where the morons dwell. When I meet metalheads in person, they are mostly pleasant people who are knowledgeable and mostly open minded about music, although most prefer to be at least a bit "UG" when it comes to music in general.
I really think that most of the most loud "act stupid and be elitist" crowd in the internet is under 17 and going through puberty. I was very much like that when I was sixteen, but I've grown since. And please people, don't take this as "everyone under 17 is an elitist" or some other generalization like that.

I've never encountered the "metalhead are stupid" stereotype someone mentioned (and I've seen it mentioned a lot elsewhere). But on the other hand I have lots of experience with "metal is immature" attitude, which is pretty near, and can drive you nuts too.

And about appearance... I have long hair, because I like to headbang on gigs and it's more fun with hair. It is rather unpractical though and I've been thinking about cutting it short. I wear mostly black, but some other colors too. I was very much into the "metalhead look" when I was younger, and the black just stuck. It's simple and I don't have to wonder what colour goes with what.
I do have three band shirts, because I like to support bands and also show the support. Someone might even find a good band because they see a logo in a shirt. I do have some sense of aesthetics though and I only buy a shirt if it's not too "loud". Simple logo and maybe something small on the back, preferably in just black & white. No CoF shirts for me thank you. This is also the reason I only have three of them, hehe.

That said I, like others in this thread, also enjoy other music besides metal. Only things I have real problems in music are rappers who don't rap "to the beat" and trumpets in jazz... they just make me cringe. Although I think it's just a matter of getting used to. Music is like beer. I didn't like Guinness Special Export Stout at first either, and now I just get euphoric when I drink it. :grin:
I don't really know all that many metalheads outside of the internet.
But of those i do know or are aware of most are good decent people. Some seem to be assholes, but i've found they are not the ones who are all that inot their music. They seem to be the ones who think it's trendy to be a metalhead.

I wear black, have long hair and go to metal gigs. But doesn't mean i'm a moron. I have a degree from university.
I don't care what people think about me, or dislike me being into metal.
Let's do a AA type thing. I have a confession!

While I enjoy the likes of Opeth, Necrophagist, Mastodon, Arcturus, old Ulver, Immortal, Graveland, Deicide, Morbid Angel, 1996-2002 Judas Priest, Bloodbath, etc.

I also enjoy Katatonia, Bjork, ABBA, many prog bands, Flock of Seagulls, Foo Fighters, Bob Dylan, The Beatles. etc.

The point is, there's good music and there's bad music, who gives a shit if it's metal or not?
The metal community used to have more people capable of doing things in it.

Now, it's mostly followers, usually fetus kids who want to jerk off and feel important but are unable to contribute to anything. They'll quit after a few years, and go on to be the tools that they are.

As far as I see it, unless it changes its course, metal is about to be absorbed by hardcore (metaphorical for "Asia" if metal is "Europe") and then by rock as a whole.

And if it couldn't find a way to fight off the hordes of imitators and sheep who drowned it with their own weight, RIP to it - it's better off dead.
Silent Song said:

as for the AA post: i'm also a Björk, Foo Fighters, Beatles, etc fan. couldn't agree more. there is more to it than metal.

If you like Bjork, pick up some Mum, another Icelandic band of absolutely ethereal music. Sorta of a cross between Bjork, Godspeed, and Sigor Ros.
infoterror said:
So YOU say. And why should I take your word as law?

Answer: I should not. Hence, my post.

I posted what I did because I have passion for what I love, not because I want people to think I'm cool.

I don't have to prove my honesty to you. Only the honest need agree and share the same passions for their interests.