A recent facination with hard drugs

The only drug except for beer and weed that i would be interested in trying is LSD.. just due to the fact that it can "switch" your senses around.
For example, you are listening to metallica, but instead of hearing them, you taste them.. just like you might hear what a pizza tastes like!
But at the same time, it would be fucking uncool to see demons and what not eating you alive and really feeling the pain.. so as it has already been said: Fuck that shit.

Drugs are bad, mmkay?
Beer FTW!!:kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:.

Fuck the world, shave the children!


Drink and smoke weed just about everyday. (5ish on the beer, 8ish on the weed. Never drink hard alcohol anymore.) I've tried most hard drugs. Have done acid at least ten times, roll's(x) about the same in the past. Do I recommend it? No, not at all. You just don't need to.

However, I'm no junkie. Never get to the point that I don't know what I'm doing. Far from being poor but far from wealthy. Pretty successful for a 33 year old high school beer drinking drop out. :rock:
Fuck that shit.

I'm totally aware that people are responsible for their own actions. They take the initial step to try said drug. When addiction takes hold, it's hard for them to have any other choice until someone intervenes or they die. They need it to survive.

I think it's ridiculously stupid to try hard drugs in the first place, so for someone to do their "research" before doing so, well, I find that laughable. I think it's dumb to even try them in the first place.

So yeah, fuck that shit.

And for those who have tried them, some of who I know, they have had the good sense to not try them again...in most cases. I just think defending the use of them, or defending the "yeah I did my research so all is well, it will only be a one time thing," is a bit retarded.

I haven't told many people about my experience with drugs but in all honesty it is a miracle that I am alive today. Thats what a team of doctors said to me after I ingested 30,000 mg of pain killers during a suicide attempt during my teen years. At that stage if I could have gotten my hands on a gun I would have just made a big mess of things and be done with it all.
I can easily see how things like crack cocaine and crystal meth are hard for certain people to let go of because they grab ahold of your attention in an immediate way.
I tried crack once in my life........for a week straight. I'd go on LSD and Meth binges for months wandering from place to place. And weed, dont get me started because I never considered that to be a drug, it was just something to smoke, like cigarettes.
I spent from the ages of 16 until about 21 abusing nearly any drug or substance I had access to, which ironically enough become easier and easier to get once I got my foot in the door.
I have to say from my experiences with drugs that it isn't a road I'd suggest anyone happily travel without an unlimited and unconditional group of loving and supportive family and friends because it is a lot easier to get lost in life fading in and out of consciousness and I'm not talking about the immediate buzz factor, moreso the ultimate perception ones has of life while clear minded with straight forward dreams and goals.
Well, I know one guy who's tried all kinds of drugs (even injected heroin once), so I know it can be done. The same guy said that there's no point in doing hard drugs really, he said that they didn't feel worth the risk at all. He only tried them, only smokes weed now.

Just watched Requiem for a Dream two days ago BTW, I hadn't seen it earlier. I thought it was pretty good. If you haven't seen it, watch it.

I've had to see up close how someone close to me succumb to drugs. This person was a prime example of the "gate theory". Beer -> weed -> pills & speed.

So, yeah. Fuck that shit. All of it.

My experience with the gate theory is that it only works on people who really just want to get fucked up to forget their problems or whatever. When they just drank, they'd always drink far too much, so much that they'd just crawl on the floor and throw up on themselves and shit like that, and then pass out. When they found a new thing to use, they'd abuse that too, repeating the same pattern. And often mix it with drinking a ton of alcohol at the same time too. These guys would surely end up as alcoholics if they just kept drinking alcohol without touching drugs, so them staying away from "that shit" wouldn't save them.

Myself, I'm happy with a few beers every now and then (I quite rarely drink so much that I get drunk), and occasionally some weed when it's available or offered (which is rare, so last time I did weed was about 6 or 7 months ago).
I haven't told many people about my experience with drugs but in all honesty it is a miracle that I am alive today. Thats what a team of doctors said to me after I ingested 30,000 mg of pain killers during a suicide attempt during my teen years. At that stage if I could have gotten my hands on a gun I would have just made a big mess of things and be done with it all.
I can easily see how things like crack cocaine and crystal meth are hard for certain people to let go of because they grab ahold of your attention in an immediate way.
I tried crack once in my life........for a week straight. I'd go on LSD and Meth binges for months wandering from place to place. And weed, dont get me started because I never considered that to be a drug, it was just something to smoke, like cigarettes.
I spent from the ages of 16 until about 21 abusing nearly any drug or substance I had access to, which ironically enough become easier and easier to get once I got my foot in the door.
I have to say from my experiences with drugs that it isn't a road I'd suggest anyone happily travel without an unlimited and unconditional group of loving and supportive family and friends because it is a lot easier to get lost in life fading in and out of consciousness and I'm not talking about the immediate buzz factor, moreso the ultimate perception ones has of life while clear minded with straight forward dreams and goals.

Wow dude, glad to hear you were able to kick it all and get your life back on track (as I presume it is now), and that last paragraph is a great insight of wisdom indeed, well said! :kickass:
As a former bitterly anti-drug person who now smokes pretty much every night (note the use of the word night there, but that's just my preference), I'd like to think I can bridge the gap between the former and the latter. Basically, a lot of it really is the mentality you have going into it; I can see the logic behind the gateway drug theory, in that it's basically another way of phrasing the slippery slope argument (once you open yourself up to the concept of one drug, it's inevitable you'll eventually open up to others).

However, massive personal experience (in the form of observation) has taught me otherwise; SO many potheads (certainly the VAST majority I know, maybe the vast majority period) have zero inclination to try any other drugs (except for shrooms, and maybe LSD), and for me my reasoning for avoiding coke at all costs is I just don't wanna open up that door, cuz while I trust my willpower to know when to close it, I don't wanna put it to the test. I mention coke because I don't know anybody who does anything more (well, I hear about some people I went to HS who became addicted to heroin and went to rehab, but those are acquaintences at best) - however, none of my really close friends do coke, and if they did I'd probably start drifting away from them cuz I don't want that influence!
I believe life is about experiencing moments and having moments of awakened awareness.In a drug induced state your experiencing an altered reality.Some people can handle that experience and that reality better than others,it's just there DNA or the way there wired so to speak.
I know of a number of people who have died because of alcohol and heavy drug usage.Sad because that they didn't get to fulfill there potential.
Most good people turn into bad people after long drug use.It's not there fault but the addiction taking over and being in control.

I also find it very encouraging that alot of members say "Fuck That Shit" it's a worthy motto to have,when confronted by this issue.
Essentially what your doing when your inducing yourself in a druged state is handing over YOUR power.The reactions and realities are wide and varied,sometimes good and fun,but for those it takes a hold of,painful and devastating.

Ultimately it's each to there own hence why we have been given a healthy brain and body to occupy throughout the course of our life's journey.
I can only speak from my own experience here but I am sure a number of member would agree.

When you play music and you play with everything that you have,body,mind and soul you literally enter an altered state and the energy between the members interacting and performing that music is in my opinion the best drug ever made available.
I believe life is about experiencing moments and having moments of awakened awareness.In a drug induced state your experiencing an altered reality.Some people can handle that experience and that reality better than others,it's just there DNA or the way there wired so to speak.
I know of a number of people who have died because of alcohol and heavy drug usage.Sad because that they didn't get to fulfill there potential.
Most good people turn into bad people after long drug use.It's not there fault but the addiction taking over and being in control.

I also find it very encouraging that alot of members say "Fuck That Shit" it's a worthy motto to have,when confronted by this issue.
Essentially what your doing when your inducing yourself in a druged state is handing over YOUR power.The reactions and realities are wide and varied,sometimes good and fun,but for those it takes a hold of,painful and devastating.

Ultimately it's each to there own hence why we have been given a healthy brain and body to occupy throughout the course of our life's journey.
I can only speak from my own experience here but I am sure a number of member would agree.

When you play music and you play with everything that you have,body,mind and soul you literally enter an altered state and the energy between the members interacting and performing that music is in my opinion the best drug ever made available.

Well ultimately the brain is a tool for keeping things out, we think the brain is a tool for bringing things in, but it's not, it filters things out so that we can live in a limited reality, and when we take drugs we change, alter or disable this filter for a certain period of time and let more of reality in.

Which is ultimately dangerous because you experience things you were never intended to experience, we can somewhat make sense of the limited reality we live in, but when the floodgates are open everything changes.

I'm not sure where your trying to go with this,but The brain is the organ in the body that keeps you alive. Without it, you'd just be a bunch of random organs lying around.

Your brain controls everything about you. Your interests, personality, skills, thoughts, memories, emotions, breathing, heart beats, and just about everything your body does!

The brain processes everything that you tell it, consciously or subconsciously, to process. An ultimate, unreplicable computer. Without the influences of a spirit it can do nothing at all.

So seeing we are here in spirit,and our part is in evolving i don't see how it's design was meant to keep things out.
Anyone fascinated with the hard stuff should watch a couple of close persons slowly lose control of their lives due to drugs and get into a couple of fist fights with a psychotic user. The excitement goes away pretty fast.

Not that I'm straight edge - I drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and even have myself a joint every couple of months or so, but you get the point. Right?
I'm seeing a lot of words used like: "spirit" "design" "meant to" "intended" and "soul". These words used in the context of what the brian does or does not do sounds crazy to me.

I'm not sure where your trying to go with this,but The brain is the organ in the body that keeps you alive. Without it, you'd just be a bunch of random organs lying around.

Your brain controls everything about you. Your interests, personality, skills, thoughts, memories, emotions, breathing, heart beats, and just about everything your body does!

The brain processes everything that you tell it, consciously or subconsciously, to process. An ultimate, unreplicable computer. Without the influences of a spirit it can do nothing at all.

So seeing we are here in spirit,and our part is in evolving i don't see how it's design was meant to keep things out.

What I'm getting at is fairly simple, there is no doubt that the brain is a giant computer but it is also a filter for what we see, what do filters do - they keep things we can't cope with out.

Think about when you go outside, do you notice every crack in the pavement, every tiny detail on the leafs of the trees, do you notice every minute whisper, echo, rumble?

You don't, because if you did it would become so overbearing that you could not possibly function in a normal manner, if you noticed everything, in all its glorious detail, you would be completely overwhelmed.

The brain keeps all of this information out of your head, when you walk outside you dont notice everything, you might notice that your in your garden or in your street, but its a simplified reality that we can cope with, it's normal.

When you take drugs, you are changing the way you percieve things. Even something as basic as weed will change what comes in and goes out, ever noticed something whilst you were stoned in a piece of music that you didnt notice or appreciate before? You do, because you have an enhanced appreciation for it.