Psychedelic drugs

Level 4
Destruction or multiple splitting of the ego. (Things start talking to you, or you find that you are feeling contradictory things simultaneously)

I'm an extremely level headed, grounded in reality type of person. I don't buy into all of that horseshit about people going nuts on acid or the famous story about a friend of friend's friend who believes he's a glass of orange juice.

But let me tell ya, I once took a red gel-tab and smoked a huuuuge blunt right as I was begining to feel the trip come on. By the time I had jumped on the bus to go home I was so completely tore up that I can tell you in all honesty that I understand what it would feel like to be a skitzophrenic. I've never experienced anything like that in my life. It was as if i was listening to a conversation happening in my mind. Usually, when you talk to yourself or try to work things out in your brain, you know what you're going to say next but this was completely uncontrollable. It scared me so much that I decided I would never take anything chemical again.

I've tried Morning Glory seeds and yea, after the intense stomach pain I was 100% tripping, pretty hard too. But I felt so disgusting and heavy like I had the flu or something...No good.

Now I stick to shrooms. I enjoy the spiritual aspect of it. I try to take them maybe once a year (like a cleansing almost) if I can get my hands on them but I fear my own emotions. I have to be in the perfect state of mind or else I'll start dwelling on shit and worrying about things that have no business being thought about while on psychoactive drugs lol.

haha. I've never TOTALLY lost it, but I know the feeling you're talking about. Your mind darts around from one thing to another really rapidly, and it's like you're listening to your own thoughts... almost as if somebody is in your head narrating events for you even though the dialogue is coming from your own brain. It feels like you're "hearing" the thoughts just after they were said. It's pretty weird stuff and can definitely cause anxiety, but usually the anxiety fades after a while when you kind of settle in and get used to everything.
Oh, and I'm pretty sure the whole strychnine in psychedelics thing is just a myth.

It's possible the tabs you guys are talking about were just some research chemical like DOC or 2C-B or 2C-I. Those are phenethylamines... synthetics similar to mescaline... but they each have their own effects.
I have been victim to the strychnine mixed shit before. It's a nasty high. (I felt kinda like a rat dying, full on rage stuff :ill:) I have also got the "pure" stuff (Mescaline) and it was a very chill high compared to LSD IMO. Just stay away from the stuff. It's not going to do much good. Maybe a little self discovery but that's about it. Not worth it in my opinion. I honestly would not have done all the drugs I did if I knew any better.

Yeah man, I'm pretty certain I'm gonna stick strictly to weed, and give shrooms and maybe salvia + DMT a try, but I really don't wanna fuck with anything harder
Yeah man, I'm pretty certain I'm gonna stick strictly to weed, and give shrooms and maybe salvia + DMT a try, but I really don't wanna fuck with anything harder

Good boy. ;) Although I would never do salvia. Watching other people do it did it for me. Kinda like the time I went to a "rave" a long time ago without doing XTC and realized everyone was out of their mind. Dam, I was one of them. :Puke:

That stuff will suck your serotonin (xtc) out of your brain. Never again.
I would go for the actual MDMA if anything at all. The other stuff "XTC" has a rush to it that MDMA doesn't. You kinda go mental and just move from the combined speed (what ever it is) and intense "feeling" that MDMA provides. You also get scattered thoughts and actions. You may or not be able to rationalize these thoughts which is kinda disturbing in hindsight. Personally I dealt with them by letting them go.

IMO, just don't do it more than once and get clean shit if your goal is just good feelings without the speed. That combined speed/feeling thing fucking feels great and that's IMO bad.
Have to say, interesting thread here. I've not touched drugs, never even tried smoking tabacco (more for fear of financial loss if I can't give up lol) and have never even been drunk enough to throw up.
The thought of psychedelics has intrigued me for some time, but I've always felt that such things could really make me mentally unstable. I always have some sort of worry or fear or anxiety, so based on all the information here I'm glad I haven't tried anything yet.....not to say that I've made a decision to do so in the future.
Dan, it's all set and setting man, that and respect for the substance.
I've found that if you treat a substance with respect and make sure the setting is good, you'll have a good time.

Also I really wanna try mescaline goddamn.

and marcus dont take fucking ecstasy man, srsly, that shit makes you fucking weird
I have a friend who tried out LSD, he was found in a park screaming for his life, because apparently "the demons where eating his insides".. he literally saw demons ripping his guts out and chewing them for almost 20 hours straight.
Since i heard that(And other similar stories from other people.), ive just decided to stay the f*ck away from that shit.

That *could* be completely indicative of his personality. If you're a fucked up human being with a penchant for cutting yourself... you probably shouldn't do psychedelics. They will show you how much of an asshat you are.

I thought I was dying once on Shrooms. Turns out I was just high.
i dont think id want to do any drugs with paul masvidal
i like his music but he's one pretentious motherfucker, if i had to listen to him go on about how his remix ep is CHANNELED COSMIC ENERGY while on acid i'd probably have to hurt him