I'm actually looking for your HONEST opinions with this one.

I was going to suggest that the other day, since you didn't make a list like we talked.

NAVY dude!
...if you can meet the points, Air Force. Where only the officers get close to the fighting. :p

You'll get way more out of it than staying at home collecting autographs! x10

so far, it's looking like the Navy might be the way to go. I like the benefits they offer, the payscale... and if they ship me out, at least I'll be working my ass off somewhere I've never been before.
As you people could probably tell, I'm not exactly happy with my current situation in life. I'm single, work at Wal-Mart, can't go to school because I'm stupid and poor, out of shape, impatient with myself, etc.... Well. I had this idea before, but I just thought of it again... Anyway, I'm thinking about getting into one of the Armed Forces. The training would put my body through hell and get me in shape, it will teach me discipline, it will give me goals to reach and motivation to get there, and it will actually make me do something worthwhile.

So, I was just wondering what you people thought about the idea. If you have any family members in any kind of AMERICAN service, what are some stories you hear, how well off are they, etc?

You probably dont wanna hear thsi but, you gotta get some sort of training or education, otherwise you'll be stuck in shit jobs forever. Take a few classes, its very possible youll find something that interests you.

It doesnt have to be traditional 4 year liberal arts.. there are plenty of trade/culinary schools that offer 2 yrs and less programs

My neighbor went in the military, similar situation as you (although I dont know much other than the above post), he didnt know what to do, failed out of college. He saw some different countries but generally thought it was a waste of time. He went back to school and now works in real estate, makes a good living. Also, things are different now than 10-15 yrs ago, where as now you will likely be sent to a combat zone.

What happens if a month into it, you hate it? Think about what is your end goal of joining.. or where do you see yourself in 5, 10 yrs? If its still in a military position, then fine.. otherwise, dont sign your life away, there are other options. You wont have time for any of those concerts in your sig if you join, as youll be training in South carolina with a bunch of uneducated, inbred shitheads or out in the desert getting shot at.

Good luck
I noticed that the pay is ALOT higher as an officer... like... ALOT. It would be nice to have a degree, but I really can't. I did my little "I suck at book learning" rant before, and I don't exactly feel like being in debt by getting loans.

The Navy offers about $1,000 - $1,300 living allowance for places in New Jersey, some higher in other states... that's in ADDITION to the starting monthly pay of approx $1,300. That's more than enough.
"Can I attend college while on active duty?

Definitely. Going to school is encouraged. The Navy will pay 100% tuition for all accredited classes. In addition to gaining knowledge, a degree can help you when it comes time for a promotion."

so basically... If I get "enlisted" in the navy, they'd pay 100% of my tuition. I could try that out since I wouldn't be wasting my money. If I get a 4-year degree while in there, I could attempt to become an officer after that. Well, fuck. That seems like a good idea!
Heartless - If you told me to kill myself, I'd laugh at you. I wouldn't. I almost did a couple of years ago. I woke up after that. My best friend killed himself last year, and it fucked me up and woke me up even more. I'm not going to do that.

I made up my mind on this entire thing. I'm going to do a ton of research and enlist in whichever one I think would work the best for me.

Good luck man, just remember to hang on, it's going to be hard but stick it out. Here are some quotes that I literally live my life by and I used to read these everday (along with a list of self-made goals)... I know it seems stupid to write goals down and read them everyday but trust me man, it really helps, especially when you lose the mindset you're in now, which will happen, when you're ready to give up and have forgotten why you're in this and what is keeping you going, then you will have that list to refresh your willpower. It sounds dumb as fuck but if you are to listen to me it will probably help you a lot.

"Success is a matter of a few simple disciplines, practiced every day. Failure is a few errors in
judgment, repeated every day."

"The strangest secret in the world is that you become what you think about.”

“Make no small plans; they have no magic to stir your blood to action. Make big plans, aim high in work and hope.”

“If you have a strong enough why you can bear almost any how.”

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strength. When you overcome hardships, that is strength."


Fill this out as well

1. Your ultimate long-term goal
2. 12 month goal
3. Three month goals
4. Weekly goals
5. Daily goals (habits to develop, things to do every day repeatedly)
6. The goal of beating your personal best
I noticed that the pay is ALOT higher as an officer... like... ALOT. It would be nice to have a degree, but I really can't. I did my little "I suck at book learning" rant before, and I don't exactly feel like being in debt by getting loans.

The Navy offers about $1,000 - $1,300 living allowance for places in New Jersey, some higher in other states... that's in ADDITION to the starting monthly pay of approx $1,300. That's more than enough.

Will, you won't be living off base unless you're either married, have a kid, or hit E-5 in the Navy, E-4 in the Air Force. That's where your living allowance comes from. You'll be staying in the barracks until then and eating at the chow hall. That's about four years in the AF and at least 5 years in the Navy. In the Navy you can expect to be hot bunking when you're at sea...that means that when you work, your bunkmate sleeps in your bed and vice versa, in a teeny tiny cabin full of 4 other guys for 6 months. While you're in port, you'll have at least one to two roommates in a small room. In the AF you have your own room and share a kitchenette and bathroom with a suitemate.

Also, the pay scales are all the same. An E-1 in the Navy makes the same as an E-1 in the AF, Army, or Marine Corps. The only thing that changes in pay is if you have some sort of special duty position like I did, or you live off base, as cost of living differs in different areas in the world. But then again, you won't be living off base for several years unless you get married or become E-5...only then is it automatic. In fact, you're still in the dorms as an E-4 in the AF, but you get put on a waiting list to move off base.

Yes, officer is the way to go if you plan on making a big career out of it. I joined due to the example set by my family who were all officers. I enlisted, however, as I felt it more suitable to my lifestyle.

Unless you've got your heart set on the Navy, I'd really wish you'd reconsider going Air Force...I'm telling you you won't regret it. It's better in almost every single way.

Please keep updating the board with information as you find out...hopefully I can help explain these things further.
Will, you won't be living off base unless you're either married, have a kid, or hit E-5 in the Navy, E-4 in the Air Force. That's where your living allowance comes from. You'll be staying in the barracks until then and eating at the chow hall. That's about four years in the AF and at least 5 years in the Navy. In the Navy you can expect to be hot bunking when you're at sea...that means that when you work, your bunkmate sleeps in your bed and vice versa, in a teeny tiny cabin full of 4 other guys for 6 months. While you're in port, you'll have at least one to two roommates in a small room. In the AF you have your own room and share a kitchenette and bathroom with a suitemate.

Also, the pay scales are all the same. An E-1 in the Navy makes the same as an E-1 in the AF, Army, or Marine Corps. The only thing that changes in pay is if you have some sort of special duty position like I did, or you live off base, as cost of living differs in different areas in the world. But then again, you won't be living off base for several years unless you get married or become E-5...only then is it automatic. In fact, you're still in the dorms as an E-4 in the AF, but you get put on a waiting list to move off base.

Yes, officer is the way to go if you plan on making a big career out of it. I joined due to the example set by my family who were all officers. I enlisted, however, as I felt it more suitable to my lifestyle.

Unless you've got your heart set on the Navy, I'd really wish you'd reconsider going Air Force...I'm telling you you won't regret it. It's better in almost every single way.

Please keep updating the board with information as you find out...hopefully I can help explain these things further.

As for the air force, I didn't notice anything about being able to get free standby flights. That was a thing that I liked about the Navy benefits. Did I just miss something, or is that something that the Air Force offers, too?

I sure as shit do enjoy boats, though!
"Can I attend college while on active duty?

Definitely. Going to school is encouraged. The Navy will pay 100% tuition for all accredited classes. In addition to gaining knowledge, a degree can help you when it comes time for a promotion."

so basically... If I get "enlisted" in the navy, they'd pay 100% of my tuition. I could try that out since I wouldn't be wasting my money. If I get a 4-year degree while in there, I could attempt to become an officer after that. Well, fuck. That seems like a good idea!

Oh yeah, all the services pay 100% tuition if you're on active duty. It's a good deal, if you can actually have the time to go to classes. We even took distance learning courses from Iraq. I remember sending in homework through email to my teacher back in Italy when I was downrange in the desert.

There's a big thing called Service Before Self in the military, and you'll discover that it can be quite difficult to take classes while being on active duty unless you've got some cush job doing nothing. But don't give up and keep on their asses about going to school. It's fuckin' free man, you might as well take advantage of it.
As for the air force, I didn't notice anything about being able to get free standby flights. That was a thing that I liked about the Navy benefits. Did I just miss something, or is that something that the Air Force offers, too?

I sure as shit do enjoy boats, though!

Oh yeah, man! Definitely! We call them "hops" in the AF. In fact, I took a vacation to Okinawa for a week when I was stationed in Korea so I could take scuba diving lessons. Took a hop from Osan Air Base South Korea to Kadena AB Japan. All you have to do is:

1. Be on official leave. Can't go AWOL. Military doesn't look too highly upon that.

2. Put your name on the list at the terminal on base

3. Have your leave orders on hand

And that's it! They call you when there's a spot opening, which there usually is because Active Duty personnel get priority as long as there's room. Make sure you plan for contingencies, though, because you can be bumped if they need the flight for someone else. I've never been bumped though. It's 100% free, dude. I mean...it's the AF...that's their business is to fly.

Found this example:

Well, either way, I don't think you'll be making a mistake as long as it's what you want to do. Just do it for the right reasons and go in that recruiter's office with a clear objective for what you want to achieve. Just remember that nothing is impossible. If the job you want is full, wait for a new slot to open up. Don't let them trick you into doing something you don't want to do. Again, please make sure it's what you want to do for the next four years of your life. This is a big step and you have to really weigh what's important to you, physically, emotionally, and even ethically.

If you go through with this, there will be times when you get to basic training and everything hits you; you're going to say "WHAT THE FUCK DID I GET MYSELF INTO?!?!?!?". The truth is, everyone says that when reality starts to sink in and they're all alone with 50 other swinging dicks all sleeping head to head in the same room. It's just initial shock and it will wear off.

If this is truly something you want to do and isn't just some zany idea, which I don't think it is, you have to remain focused and remember why you chose this path in your life. You have to ask yourself, "Will my current path get me where I want to go, or would this venture open up new doors for me I never knew existed?" I'm sure you know the answer to that question. I just want to re-iterate that I'm not here to push you into the military. I got out because I felt my time was up; I didn't enjoy it anymore and I wasn't going to do another 10 years just to get some measly government retirement if I was to be miserable the whole time. We change as we get older and our priorities change. I had seen a good bit of the world and realized that it really didn't get that much better if I was to stay in...probably worse. Again, I'm just here to help you and try to offer some advice for getting into the military. I won't say it's a good or bad decision; you have to make that judgement because it's YOUR life, no one else's. People can call you a sellout and how un-metal it is to cut your hair, but at the end of the day, you have to do what's right for you. And if putting on a military uniform in the morning is the right decision for you, then I'm behind you 100%. (enter navy joke here)

I'll always plead with you to go into the AF, but if you really love the Navy, I say go for it. As long as you stay away from the Army and Marine Corps. When you're on the ship, you'll see all the Marines serving with you, as the Marine Corps is actually a branch of the Navy. You'll then realize why you didn't join the jarheads.

Anytime you have a question, just let me know and I'll do my best to answer it to the best of my ability and knowledge. Good luck, Will.