I'm actually looking for your HONEST opinions with this one.

i'm right there with you will:


i would love to do that... but i gotta get my ass in somewhat better shape first...

but idk that would mean walking away from the federal career plan i've already got..

but it helps that i already walk around with this:


so maybe i'm just a crazy bastard...
but idk. i have my degree so i could at least go to OCS and come out a 2nd LT/Ensign but that would mean leaving my current job, where i get to mess with high explosives and such anyways...

Honest opinion?

I think your just distracting yourself from the real issues. You think that by changing things in your life will make you feel different because you will be in a different situation doing different things. If you want to change your life start by changing yourself and then choose what to do from there.

Also if you do decide to join the military, please do humanity a favor and say away from the artillery.