I'm actually looking for your HONEST opinions with this one.

As you people could probably tell, I'm not exactly happy with my current situation in life. I'm single, work at Wal-Mart, can't go to school because I'm stupid and poor, out of shape, impatient with myself, etc.... Well. I had this idea before, but I just thought of it again... Anyway, I'm thinking about getting into one of the Armed Forces. The training would put my body through hell and get me in shape, it will teach me discipline, it will give me goals to reach and motivation to get there, and it will actually make me do something worthwhile.

So, I was just wondering what you people thought about the idea. If you have any family members in any kind of AMERICAN service, what are some stories you hear, how well off are they, etc?

Join the Marines or kill yourself.

The power is yours!
Seriously, Will. If you'd like to be in the military and still have a semi-normal life, join the Air Force.

If AF is out, then go with the Navy...
I think he has a lot of issues he needs to work out still, unless he has enough inner strength to man up and not be a pussy (no offence) and just stick with the change then he'll be fine. It's a hard thing to do though.
My brother went to cooking school and realized it wasn't for him so he joined the Navy in the early 00's. Kind of a weird change but he served four years and now he is a Philadelphia Fire Fighter (works at the fire house right by the Troc). So it helped him realize his goals. I'd say go into the Navy or somewhere they won't send you off to get killed (Marines or Army).

I'm in a similar situation. I work at ACME and am just about to only get an associate degree and undecided about my future. I could use some discipline but the military is not for me and I'm in a serious relationship so it wouldn't be good for the old lady.
"ooooo i'm a manager at walmart" doesn't sound as appealing as "I'm in the military".

I can't get a job in addition to Walmart, because I don't have a set schedule. I can't get an apartment with anyone, because my pay is shit and I don't want to risk the inevitable "Oh. I had to get gas. I can't pay for my part this month".

As for the physical demands, fuck it. If they let me in, they'll have a good idea as to whether or not I can do it. If I do get in and I get hurt, at least I'd be trying something that I've had in the back of my mind for a while. I actually FEEL like doing something in my life. It's only a matter of time that I find something enjoyable, and this might be it.

I'm going to actually make a serious contribution here, so bare with me.

From what I know of your previous employment, You obviously very much dislike working with customers. The problem with your current career situations however, are more troubled with problems of job commitment. If you stay at a job for less than, oh, say 1-2 years, new employers see it as a commitment problem.

I'm not saying that you DO have a commitment problem, I'm simply pointing out that the jobs you seem to land, always have a way of causing misery with you, ultimately ending in you quitting. I see it all time with people. It's not that they're crappy employees, it's that they can't seem to find the motivation to continue a job they dislike. Nor should you have to. But in today's world, an employer isn't going to look at a resume that says,

"McDonald's - 2 weeks: Reason: My manager hated me."
"Wendy's - 1.5 months: Reason: My Co-workers were assholes."

...and so on, and so forth. It isn't fair, but it's the way it works.

As for the army, it can bring many beneficial instances to your life, such as what you've said yourself in the original post. However from what I gather, it seem you're coming to the conclusion that, now correct me if I'm wrong, "I can't keep a job for whatever reason, I'm too poor for school, so my only two decisions are become a bum, or join the army." I hope that's a fair enough dumbing down... perhaps I'm off. But regardless, you should first look into perhaps a factory or manufacturing job. Try it out for a few months. Great pay, and you don't deal with customers. Maybe look into technical support or phone-related customer service.

A lot of places give the chance to further yourself in their company. The catch is it takes time and patience.

Anyways, I don't think you should resort to the army just yet. You're a smart guy, and if you work hard for a place you only very mildly dislike instead of hate for a good while, you may end up making enough money to start putting yourself through school. The army may just be a place to waste 3 years, and then come back to the same problem you're in now.
Steer clear of the Army and Marines, Will. I loved the Air Force but I would never have joined the Army or Marines. Ever. Again, Air Force first and if that doesn't pan out, try the Navy. IF you decide the military is right for you. Don't jump into anything because you're unhappy...join the military because you want to be in the military and serve your country.

There are just some things in life that you don't have to like, you just have to do. If he feels the military is for him, he just needs to do it. There shouldn't be "if this" or "if that". All or nothing, either do it or don't.

I know so many people who said, "Man, I almost went in the military...even got to MEPS but I didn't feel it was right for me", which translated means, "I chickened out". I still see them occasionally when they bag my groceries, :lol:. Usually, they were people who needed to go into the military but were just too scared to do something on their own. The military can be a great stepping stone and especially a step up if your life is going nowhere. It's not for everyone, but you'll never know until you try. You must be a strong person of strong character and able to handle stress...other than that, they'll teach you everything else.

But seriously, you gotta walk the walk. If you reallywant to do it and you pass the tests and physical and mental requirements and decide to go in, you gotta go in head first. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it isn't worth your while. I wouldn't be where I am today and have all the doors open for me had I not been in the Air Force.

All that being said, the military isn't "just another job". It's a way of life...your entire life will change whether you want it to or not and you must change with it. If you aren't ready for that, you don't need the military and the military doesn't need you.
I really wasn't looking to be argued against for expressing my opinion. In all sincerity: Fuck off, Dead Winter.

What works for one person, might not work for another. That's great things worked out for ya. Really. But I've had a friend killed in the Air Force. I bet if she could, she wouldn't think joining it would be such a great idea now, eh?
Little defensive there over something Dead Winter couldn't have possibly known, eh?
I really wasn't looking to be argued against for expressing my opinion. In all sincerity: Fuck off, Dead Winter.

What works for one person, might not work for another. That's great things worked out for ya. Really. But I've had a friend killed in the Air Force. I bet if she could, she wouldn't think joining it would be such a great idea now, eh?

I was typing that thing before you even posted. It had nothing to do with you or your post. I wasn't arguing with you and in actuality, I think it was good advice. So in all sincerity: YOU fuck off.

I've had a friend die in the Air Force as well, while I was over in Iraq with him, and another friend had his leg blown off. I had to load his casket on the C-130 out of Balad after the funeral. It happens. It's the military. But that's a great point: people die in the military and if that seriously offends you or may sway you from joining, you shouldn't be joining. I've only re-iterated that about five times. But I also had a friend die in a motorcycle accident, and I own a motorcycle. Am I never going to ride again?
I do apologize. You do have the tendencies to argue against a heartfelt helping opinion where it's not needed, hence my quick to act aggression.

Still. Fuck you. :tickled:
I do apologize. You do have the tendencies to argue against a heartfelt helping opinion where it's not needed, hence my quick to act aggression.

Still. Fuck you.

*Shakes head* Don't worry about it.

This isn't about me or you or anyone else. It's about Will and Will is looking for advice and maybe a little insight regarding the military.

I feel that that just maybe he might be interested in the opinions of people who actually served in the US military recently. I'd say I fit the bill, so I'm only trying to offer my opinions about my time in the military. I can't speak for anyone else nor would I. At the same time, I'm sure he'd appreciate any suggestions to the contrary since it's a big decision, and that's where you come in. I'm sorry for your friend but I'm sorry for all of mine as well who were killed or injured. Shit happens, it's the military, and it's a good thing you brought it up because it's real and it's a real possibility that Will could get hurt or killed if he joins the military. That's life.

Let's keep it on topic and stop the insults.
Back on topic:

Will, if you're a little iffy about joining the military, just make sure you have really exhausted ALL of your options before even considering it. I enjoyed my time in but that doesn't mean you will.

I had wanted to be in since I was a kid, so I'm naturally biased towards the military. Seriously, make sure it's something you really want to do, and make sure you want to do it for the right reasons.

Anvil had a point about checking around for jobs with no customer face-time. Jobs do exist where you do your 8 hours and go home. You just have to make sure that's for you.
well, if I sign up for the clerical jobs in the military, i don't think i'd see much action

Ooooh, that depends on which service.

The Army and Marines are shooters first, jobs second. In other words, their core competency is to lug a rucksack and shoot a rifle. If they need you, they can pull you off of your Information Management job for a tour of duty in the desert somewhere as a grunt, humpin' it in the sand.

I've seen fucking veterinarians go to Iraq.

I've said it once and I'll say it again: stay away from those two services unless you're just fucking gung-ho and military-minded.
well, if I sign up for the clerical jobs in the military, i don't think i'd see much action

Dead Winter's right. Don't let a recruiting officer bludgeon you with false promises of a desk job. Even at the very slim chance you do get one, the chances of you being pulled off it and sent into action are as certain as Steve over there eventually loosing his liver due to drinking.
Yeah, my recruiter was cool and completely honest, but he was about the only one who was. 95% of them are fucking snakes, Will. Whatever a recruiter tells you, you double-check that shit with someone who is either currently in or has been in in the last five years or so.

I've seen so many people get royally fucked because some dickhead recruiter wanted to make his quota.
I was wondering that as well.

I'm sure he'd like a happy medium, though. It seems like he either has one extreme or the other. Either he's in a cave typing shit in for 8 hours without uttering a word, or he has to deal with bozos in Wal-Mart, neither of which sounds appealing.