I'm actually looking for your HONEST opinions with this one.

Not to bring your current stride down, Will, but have you ever been on anti-depressants?

From what I remember, they don't allow people in who have been on 'em... unless that's changed... anyone care to correct me?
I was exactly where you are when I was your age, and I also considered joining up at one point. In fact, I was at the recruiter's office taking the ASVAB on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. I didn't join up, and I am glad, because it wasn't really what I wanted out of life. It just seemed like a way to leave behind all the parts of my life that I hated and start over clean. Since I felt I had screwed up my own life, it was appealing to put my fate into the hands of others.

I look back on who I was ten or even five years ago and I laugh, because I now know I could have changed my life at any time, and it was me keeping me down.
Will regardless of what you choose, listen tot he other stuff I said to you, there's a lot of good advice in this thread.

Btw, if I see another thread like this from you in a year's time, I will personally come down to where you live and kick your ass. Oh yeah and apologize to the black community for getting that negro fired :lol:
I didn't feel like reading through the whole thread, but,

If you're going to join the military I think it would be a better idea to get into an ROTC program, that way you get your college before your enlisted and they can give you a scholarship to pretty much any university in your state. Then you go into the military an officer after you graduate, so MORE $$$

I guess I'll read the rest now
As you people could probably tell, I'm not exactly happy with my current situation in life. I'm single, work at Wal-Mart, can't go to school because I'm stupid and poor, out of shape, impatient with myself, etc.... Well. I had this idea before, but I just thought of it again... Anyway, I'm thinking about getting into one of the Armed Forces. The training would put my body through hell and get me in shape, it will teach me discipline, it will give me goals to reach and motivation to get there, and it will actually make me do something worthwhile.

So, I was just wondering what you people thought about the idea. If you have any family members in any kind of AMERICAN service, what are some stories you hear, how well off are they, etc?

Actually will, the armed forces will teach you discipline...and also help you in school. It will help you cause they CAN help you with a lot of the things you mentioned. I would say if you really feel you need to get some discipline and some goals reached in your life, the armed forces is actually an option.

I have a friend who is stationed in Hawaii right now and loves it, the army pay's for most of everything for him. It would just suck if you were shipped off to Iraq and shit. But honestly, it will help you Will, if you feel you are unhappy and your stuck it's worth a shot. I wish you the best of luck though, you can always call me if you need anything.
Not to bring your current stride down, Will, but have you ever been on anti-depressants?

From what I remember, they don't allow people in who have been on 'em... unless that's changed... anyone care to correct me?

Actually, it all depends on your recruiter (and how bad they need to meet their quota :lol:). When I was going to go Airforce, I told the recruiter that I had done Shrooms twice in my life and I was automatically disqualified from joining the Airforce (but probably not even recorded so it doesn't really matter). Plus, I wasn't even going for a pilot position.

Now when I was going to go Navy, I was completely honest with both my recruiters (original recruiter got stationed back over here, I was living in Moses Lake at the time). I told them about the two times I did Shrooms, that I smoked Weed back in Middle School and High School, that I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar Depression and ADHD when I was a kid and that I actually have a medical record of taking anti-depressants in my early teens. I was told to tell the higher-ups that I smoked Weed once in my life and Sr. Chief took care of the rest. Even though I was going for either CTO or CTI, they still didn't like that type of thing.

Though, this was five years ago so times may have changed since then.
anti-depressants didn't work for me, nor did the anti-psychotics. when i was put into 2 mental hospitals for attempted suicide (took a handful of tranquilizers) they tried everything, nothing seemed to work. I've learned to deal with it, i still get terribly depressed a few times a month where I pull myself away from all my family and friends and put myself in my room and i just sleep.

the anti-psychotic pills never worked, i just had to tell myself that the things i saw and hear were not real, and eventually things started to get better.

I dunno it varies from person to person, some meds work for others, some don't. Other then getting severly depressed all the time, its just sometimes and im doing much better now and i didn't need meds, i just had to find ways to cope. They wern't the BEST methods cause it was illegal lol, but it helped.
anti-depressants didn't work for me, nor did the anti-psychotics. when i was put into 2 mental hospitals for attempted suicide (took a handful of tranquilizers) they tried everything, nothing seemed to work. I've learned to deal with it, i still get terribly depressed a few times a month where I pull myself away from all my family and friends and put myself in my room and i just sleep.

the anti-psychotic pills never worked, i just had to tell myself that the things i saw and hear were not real, and eventually things started to get better.

I dunno it varies from person to person, some meds work for others, some don't. Other then getting severly depressed all the time, its just sometimes and im doing much better now and i didn't need meds, i just had to find ways to cope. They wern't the BEST methods cause it was illegal lol, but it helped.
I'm stuck doing the EXACT same things with my psychosis. I have realized though, that if I eat healthy and exercise daily, I end up with ONE day where I'm SUPER depressed instead of it being spanned over a week. My ups last about the same, and i get hit 2 or 3 times a month.
Know what Will, you and I may have differences but I'm going to have to say no on this one. With the way the worlds going you'll just get shafted into being a vet. I didn't read what everyone post, I just went with my gut feeling, and what I know found out,when I was going to join they told me that I would never have to see armed combat, then a few months later "war" broke out. They have a clause in the contract that you'll sign saying that they do not have to honor any previous pacts made.
Know what Will, you and I may have differences but I'm going to have to say no on this one. With the way the worlds going you'll just get shafted into being a vet. I didn't read what everyone post, I just went with my gut feeling, and what I know found out,when I was going to join they told me that I would never have to see armed combat, then a few months later "war" broke out. They have a clause in the contract that you'll sign saying that they do not have to honor any previous pacts made.
OK, this aint bout Nevermore, but it's real interesting nevermore or nonetheless or whatever. It sure makes an impression reading bout you guys' reallife situations, and your first- and second-hand experiences bout these matters. So, keep'm coming guys :rock:

As yo can see, I havent left Neverboard; I just readjusted my expectations. Guess that's what metal is also about :kickass:

OK, cool place to be guys. Lots goin on; some dumbassed, some ingenious :Smokin:

Nicky (old habit).
Will, if you're thinking about going into a branch of the military, your only option should be Air Force. As you know, I spent 9 years in the Air Force and traveled all over the world, had great experiences, and absolutely loved my job. The only reason I got out was because I really wanted to stay in Italy and didn't want to continue puddle jumping for the rest of my life. I had some reservations about where the AF was going, and I'm glad I'm out now, but I still miss it. It was a great experience.

First off, it's not very hard. You do your basic training and tech school, get into good shape, and you're sent to your first duty station. In the AF, they treat you like a human being; there is still of course strict rules and discipline, but it's not so gung ho as the Marines or Army. I used to get into debates (friendly, of course) with my Captains about international intelligence matters and such, but they always respected me as a human being. In the other services, they won't even acknowledge your existence. Of course, there's a line and you cannot ever get too friendly with them, but my last boss AND HIS BOSS begged me to stay in, telling me I was the only controller who knew what the hell was going on in the entire squadron. They actually put their faith in me, as I had put my faith in them. That's the difference...you're not just a number in the AF, but a valuable part of the team from the lowest airman to the squadron commander. I was only a Staff Sergeant as well.

The quality of life in the AF is EONS away from any other service. Yes, we go to the desert every year, and no, the officers aren't the only ones close to the fighting. That's an old saying because officers are the only ones allowed to become pilots. However, the difference between the Air Force deployments and Army and Marine deployments is DRASTIC. Everywhere the AF goes, the quality of life will still be better than the other services because the AF puts more money and more emphasis on quality of life than other services due to the fact that the other services WANT their people to be pissed off and frustrated. They fight better that way.

I'll be honest, our time in Iraq was no picnic. We got bombed every single day and sustained casualties, but this was 2004, right as the insurgency was starting, AND we were in the Sunni Triangle. Now in Balad, they're living in air conditioned trailers.

If you want guidance, discipline, money for college, hell, MONEY FOR ANYTHING, also great experiences, then I would join the AF. There's a reason they call us the Air Farce....jealousy. If the services were automobiles, the Air Force would be a Lamborghini.

However, you must choose your profession WISELY. Depending on what you want to do, you must MAKE SURE YOU ENLIST WITH A GUARANTEED JOB...MAKE SURE THIS IS IN WRITING!!! Don't go into "Open General" because they'll stick you as a cook or a cop. If you want to use the AF as a stepping stone for other things later in life, you may want to look into the computer side of the AF like Networking and other computer techs. I didn't want a desk job and wanted to go into something operational. I originally wanted to be in a flying position, but the jobs were all full when I enlisted. If you'd like to fly, I recommend something like Loadmaster or Air Refuelling Boom Operator or even an AWACS technician. I flew on AWACS and it's a pretty cush job. My job was basically AWACS on the ground, but I also got the chance to fly with the F-16s on a mission in Korea because my job allowed me to. I wanted something very operational and at the tip of the spear; I wanted excitement and if I couldn't fly, I wanted to be as close as I possibly could be. Therefore, I went to another 6 month school to become an air weapons director. It's the same job in AWACS only on the ground; we tell the fighters where to go and who to kill and what the bad guys are doing, all through radar and radios. I loved it and I miss it every day. In fact, if I could do it as a civilian or just rejoin the AF and stay in Italy forever, I'd rejoin tomorrow. But, you might not be looking for excitement and stuff. I loved all the intelligence briefings about the capabilities and limitations of adversaries that came with the job, but that might not interest you. If you want a 0730-1630 Mon-Fri job, go for the Computer Technicians...maybe even Tech Control. With those jobs you can get out of the AF and make a mint doing the same thing, and the AF has already paid for your schooling and training.

Sorry for the long post, but if you want to know more or have more specific questions, Will, PM me and I'll be more than happy to help you with anything you need. If you want to know the truth, I think the AF would be a godsend for you. You need to score a decent score on the ASVAB test for each job. For instance, to be a cop or a cook, you need the bare minimum. But to be a Russian Linguist in intelligence, you need to speak the language and score much higher. It all depends on you.


You can't have been arrested for anything that's still on your record, you can't have had a DUI, you can't be permanently on medication like Prozac or anything like that, you must be completely healthy with no diseases, able to use all of your limbs and body parts with full functionality, and you can't have done anything more serious than marijuana, or at least you can't TELL them that. As a caveat to that, if you're going into intelligence and you need a Top Secret clearance, TELL THEM EVERYTHING BECAUSE THEY'LL GIVE YOU A LIE DETECTOR TEST AFTER YOU'RE ALREADY IN THE AF, AND IF THEY DISCOVER THAT YOU LIED IN YOUR INTERVIEW, THEY'LL AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFY YOU.

Talk to a recruiter and get all the info you can, and then come talk to me and I'll tell you if it's bullshit or not. I think it's a really good idea, Will.
Also, I should add that you should want to go into the military because you want to be in the military and serve your country; the things you get out of it are just side benefits. If you go into the military, even the Air Force, with that attitude of "let's see how much I can get from this thing without doing too much", you're going to be miserable. No one likes the thought of war, but that's what the military is about; blowing shit up and killing lots of people. If that offends you, you shouldn't even be contemplating the military. No one wants to go, but it is a sad reality that the world we live in is dangerous and that fighting and maybe dying for your country is part and parcel of the deal. You can't join the military on your own terms; everything is on their terms and you must face the fact that you will have to do things you don't want to do, but you signed on the dotted line and you must obey, as long as they are lawful orders.

Another thing, don't listen to ANYONE who has never been in the military, whether it's positive or negative. They have no clue and just because they were military brats or their cousin's best friend's uncle's goldfish's roommate was in the military doesn't mean they know what the hell they're talking about. Spouses as well. If the person hasn't signed their name to a contract and served said contract, their points are moot because it will always be hearsay or another point of view from the outside looking in.

Find out for yourself and make your own decision on what is right for you. Take all positive and negative advice into account, but only from the ones who've been there. You wouldn't take financial investment advice from a plumber, would you?
Will regardless of what you choose, listen tot he other stuff I said to you, there's a lot of good advice in this thread.

Btw, if I see another thread like this from you in a year's time, I will personally come down to where you live and kick your ass. Oh yeah and apologize to the black community for getting that negro fired :lol:

internet threats.

344 Ogden Road
Wenonah, NJ 08090

I'm glad the bastard got fired, and I'm actually working on getting ANOTHER one fired. I'll apologize to the black community when the ones around here actually do something worthwhile like actually speak properly and have a work ethic.
Will, you said you want a clerical job in the military, yes? Well don't they use the ASVAB test to determine what kind of job they give you? I could be entirely wrong, as I've only been in JROTC in high school and I don't remember much.

Might be a good idea to start studying up for the test though, even if you're not sure yet if you're going to sign up for the military.
didn't you say you might have a shot at a management position in your department? as much as walmart sucks, that's definitely something. and if money's such a problem, maybe you could get a part-time job in addition to walmart. and what about getting that apartment with andrew or dan or whoever? your life isn't complete shit and you have options right in front of you to make it better. hell, keep going for jogs or walks with the dog because that gets you out of your house, gets you in shape, and boosts the seratonin in your brain so you aren't as depressed. i know i need to join another gym, as powerhouse went under and my moods have been fucked up as hell lately, though that's more of my own doing.

i remember when you were thinking about joining the military a while ago and you decided against it because the physical demands would be too much with your bad back... but maybe you could do something with their computers? that's what my cousin's husband does and he's really happy with it.

i dunno... it's just what you make of everything around you, i guess.
"ooooo i'm a manager at walmart" doesn't sound as appealing as "I'm in the military".

I can't get a job in addition to Walmart, because I don't have a set schedule. I can't get an apartment with anyone, because my pay is shit and I don't want to risk the inevitable "Oh. I had to get gas. I can't pay for my part this month".

As for the physical demands, fuck it. If they let me in, they'll have a good idea as to whether or not I can do it. If I do get in and I get hurt, at least I'd be trying something that I've had in the back of my mind for a while. I actually FEEL like doing something in my life. It's only a matter of time that I find something enjoyable, and this might be it.
I actually FEEL like doing something in my life. It's only a matter of time that I find something enjoyable, and this might be it.

Do what you have to do Will, even if it joining the military. I'm sure you will make the right choice though. There will be some bumps along the way but it will be worth it.

And as for a job, definatly find something you will like to do.

"If you find a job you enjoy doing, you will never work a day in your life."
If you WANT to join, then fucking do it, it will be an amazing life changing experience for you. Just don't coerce yourself into it because of the money. Just like anything else in life, if you do something just for the money, you will end up being unhappy and ultimately regretting it.