I'm actually looking for your HONEST opinions with this one.

Four years goes by DAMN fast...actually, you've been posting this same complaint for four years now, and what has changed? Got any new skills? Got a passport? Got any $ towards education? Got any overseas stories? Available for Veteran benefits..ect..ect...ect.

They say "USN, never again", but everyone I know that's been in the Navy seems to be a bit more mature and conscious.
Just go check it out...take the test...DON'T sign anything yet until you're certain and know where you place, and in which branch. Lower point scores will generally have the recruiters ask you if you have a color preference to green or tan.

I talked our bass player out of going into the Marines in '83, even after he signed up. He probably would be much better off, had he just gone in.

Plus! ...you can post photos of blowing shit up during basic, or launching missiles and other destructive fun. (selfish pleasure :blush:)
It's easy to get stuck in the same habits. It's really hard to re-program your brain and get out of that rut, but if you're really dedicated then you'll make it. It all comes down to you, you are your only obstacle. Complaining (not saying you are) doesn't accomplish anything.

If you truly want advice then I'll tell you the most important thing you need to know: Don't fall back into old patterns once you decide what you want to do. No change happens over night, and a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Take shit one day at a time. And don't give up, if you do fall off the wagon just get back on and try again. It's all on you dude, good luck.
I would say nay. There are ways that you can fix the things you aren't happy with that I think would be more fulfilling since they would be more self-sufficient. Don't like book learning? Go to a trade school! For instance, at New England Tech you can go in and study audio and video recording. I'm sure there's something like that around here. As for the single thing, you've been single, what... a month? Gimme a break :p
I once talked to a guy who went to tech school for networking.
After only 1 year of school, he was making 70k a year. Not a bad gig.


basically im in the exact situation Will is, HOPEFULLY i will be going to Community College in January to take Core classes and the transfer over to NESCOM to learn Audio Engineering, it's my dream job but it's a hard field to get a job in from what i've heard...
some new "skills" not worth anything, and some travel stories within this continent. that's about all I have to cheer about over the last 4 years.

Well...in hindsight, I should have jumped right in after high school and held off on my music shit! It would have been an awakening and advantage. I used to hang out in the Wailuku, Maui recruiting office on the way home from elementary school in '74, for the stickers and things. Pretty F'n quiet there since Nam was going on at the time. I should of asked questions...which is what you should do, since it crossed your mind. The future doesn't just come and knock on the door...unless it with a warrant for your arrest. :Smug:
My brother is a nuke tech in the navy, works on several submarines, and in the past 5 years has generated enough savings that when he gets out he will be able to sit back and relax for quite a while and pursue other career interests in that time.

That's all I have...
I did 6 years. I would strongly recommend it. Yes, you get in shape and it's hell (even though a little more "pussified" now) but you learn a trade. Don't go in without a plan as you will just end up working the mess halls or shit like that. Figure out a trade, get an "A-School" after boot camp, and specialize in something. It'll help you a ton when you get out and a lot of the training you do can be used as college credits or towards an internship. When I got out of the Navy, I was a Journeyman in hydro-electrical machinery mechanics, which means a nice pay bump starting a new job.

Because of the training I received, I make good money and am set up to be making $125k a year within the next couple of years... all without a college education. I tried college twice and couldn't get into it either time. Plus, you make a decent living, get to see the world for free, get full benefits and retirement...
A good friend of mine and his twin were in the Marines and have been out for close to two years. Both were in Iraq and both made it out without major incident. One is using Marine money to go to college while the other is looking to it (I don't know what he's doing now). Both seem pretty happy and came out pretty normal.

I almost joined the Marines or the Army, but I started to have really bad asthma. :(
I wanted to join at one time.... but then i realized i would fail the physical anyway cause i have scoliosis (did i spell that right?).