Psychedelic drugs

I have a friend who tried out LSD, he was found in a park screaming for his life, because apparently "the demons where eating his insides".. he literally saw demons ripping his guts out and chewing them for almost 20 hours straight.
Since i heard that(And other similar stories from other people.), ive just decided to stay the f*ck away from that shit.

But another funnier thing that another friend experienced was when he ate some mushrooms, and everyone turned in to Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse! :lol:

Both of those things sound like complete bullshit to me. Those are the kind of things you hear from people who've never done it and don't really know anything about them.

LSD is not going to last 20 hours. more like 10-12 hours on a heavy trip. He would have had to have been on an insanely high dose for that to be even remotely possible... a dose so high he'd probably pass out and/or piss & shit himself and/or forget how to talk, etc.

While the people turning into disney characters thing is definitely possible, I doubt it. Sounds like a made up story by someone who's never really tried it...
Salvia is powerful. Not a recreative drug.

Ayahuasca is pretty popular here in Brasil, there are a few "religions" here that use it as a tool.

There's plenty of useful info about psy drugs around, I hope most of them keep like they are... legal! So I hate those videos on Youtube of people going insane with Salvia...
LSD: Have done on multiple occasions in my late teens/early twenties. Only had a visual trip one time, the rest were more mental if that makes sense. I used to love tripping out, always used to describe it as the closest I could be to god/higher power I could get without dying. That being said, I could not imagine doing it now, when you trip its a good idea not to be under stress or have worries and at this stage of my life I have plenty of both

Mushrooms: Done on a couple of occasions, first time was with my girlfriend at the time-she was a stripper and I had a front row set in front of the stage, the stage was mirrored and they had a strobe going--so between her and the strobes it messed me up. It was an ok drug, nothing I sought out
Yeah honestly regarding hallucinations... I haven't had any, including when I took 7.5g of shrooms my first time, that's a lot of shrooms lol. One friend of mine I watched him eat them once for his first time and he was telling me all kinds of crazy shit he saw, and he only took like 3.5g. I know it affects everyone differently but I really wish I did have hallucinations at least for one of the times I have done them.
A lot of times, and this is something I've even done myself, people will say "Why did I do this? I want this to be over! I'm never going to do this again!" and then their mood will change and the trip will completely change directions and instantly they will change their mind and feel that it was totally worth it...

I think the main thing is being aware that you're under the influence and just let yourself go, just let your mind go... once I had Lírio (Datura) I tell you brother, never again hahaha... very dangerous, the alucinations are too real, intense and weird. But as time progresses I remember less and less of it, maybe one day I'll forget how strong it was and I'll do it again. :lol:
Salvia is powerful. Not a recreative drug.

Ayahuasca is pretty popular here in Brasil, there are a few "religions" here that use it as a tool.

There's plenty of useful info about psy drugs around, I hope most of them keep like they are... legal! So I hate those videos on Youtube of people going insane with Salvia...

Many of them are already illegal in much of the world. Salvia was legal here when I tried it, but it's now illegal in Florida and a lot of other states in the US. This has just been happening within the last couple of years. Unfortunately, all of those Youtube trip videos have a lot to do with it...

Ayahuasca is also illegal in much of the world, because DMT is illegal. However, anybody can buy mimosa hostilis rootbark online (even on eBay lol) and use that to extract DMT. It's not a really easy process though, so most people don't bother trying to do it...
Yeah honestly regarding hallucinations... I haven't had any, including when I took 7.5g of shrooms my first time, that's a lot of shrooms lol. One friend of mine I watched him eat them once for his first time and he was telling me all kinds of crazy shit he saw, and he only took like 3.5g. I know it affects everyone differently but I really wish I did have hallucinations at least for one of the times I have done them.

Whattt? Man, those must have been pretty weak. 7.5g of even averagely potent mushrooms should be more than enough to make ANYONE have tons of visuals. A lot of people say that mushrooms don't produce visuals/aren't as strong as LSD/etc., but that's really not true at all. They definitely can and will produce tons of visuals and can be just as strong as LSD. Actually, I've heard from a number of friends and just random people that they think LSD is easier to handle, because it is supposedly more clear-headed and less of a mindfuck. But, anyways... you should try mushrooms again sometime. 7.5g of averagely potent mushrooms would be enough for mostly anyone to get to a Level 4, probably Level 5 experience.

Terrance Mckenna always suggested that the best way to take them is to take 5 grams of psilocybe cubensis (there are quite a few other kinds of psilocybin containing mushrooms out there, many of them being stronger) in a dark, quiet room and just relax and close your eyes. haha
Levels of Psychedelic Experience

The Erowid Psychoactive Vaults discuss Psychedelic Experience in an FAQ that partially overviews ideas expressed in Timothy Leary's book The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead. They classified five levels of psychedelic experience.

Level 1

This level produces a mild 'stoning' effect, with some visual enhancement (ie. brighter colors etc) Some short term memory anomalies. Left and right brain communication changes causing music to sound 'wider'.

Level 2

Bright colors, and visuals (ie. things start to move and breathe) some 2 dimensional patterns become apparent upon shutting eyes. Confused or reminiscent thoughts. Change of short term memory leads to continual distractive thought patterns. Vast increase in creativity becomes apparent as the natural brain filter is bypassed. (*)

* In order for the human entity to survive, it must learn from an early age how to shut out (or filter) the masses of information reaching the brain. This process of selective filtering allows us to become centered on a single thought. (Imagine being completely aware of all the signals coming into your body at the one moment, imagine being aware of every square inch of your skin and how it felt. Imagine being eternally aware of your tongue in your mouth, that itch on the end of your nose or the sound of the air conditioning hissing softly in the background. I believe that tripping brings back those awareness that have been shut out ever since we were three.

Have you ever noticed children walking into a shopping mall? If you notice next time, they appear to be tripping, staring wide eyed at all the amazing colors, walking along looking up at the ceiling and watching themselves in the mirrored surface. As children age, they gradually learn to shut out the onslaught of information, they no longer seem to notice the world as their younger siblings do! By the time adulthood is reached, these sensations are even lost to memory. Perhaps this explains why so many first time trippers, seem to feel a strange sense of familiarity, a feeling that the trip reality is somehow more real than their straight reality.....

Level 3

Very obvious visuals, everything looking curved and/or warped patterns and kaleidoscopes seen on walls, faces etc. Some mild hallucinations such as rivers flowing in wood grained or 'mother of pearl' surfaces. Closed eye hallucinations become 3 dimensional. There is some confusing of the senses (ie. seeing sounds as colors etc.) Time distortions and `moments of eternity`. Movement at times becomes extremely difficult (too much effort required)

Level 4

Strong hallucinations, ie objects morphing into other objects. Destruction or multiple splitting of the ego. (Things start talking to you, or you find that you are feeling contradictory things simultaneously) Some loss of reality. Time becomes meaningless. Out of body experiences and extra-sensory perception type phenomena. Blending of the senses.

Level 5

Total loss of visual connection with reality. The senses cease to function in the normal way. One may feel like they are merging with space, other objects, or the universe, or feel oneness with the world. There are powerful, and sometimes brutal, psycho-physical reactions interpreted by some users as reliving their own birth. Feelings of reaching to the beginning or the end of space and time. The loss of reality becomes so extreme that it becomes ineffable. Dream or movie-like states, people have been reported seeing themselves in entirely different settings than their original setting. Many people experience religious phenomenon at this level. Often mentioned are an "all-powerful presence" or a "universal knowledge" which many equate to their idea of God or enlightenment. During experiences caused by substances such as DMT (which is an active ingredient in Ahayuasca), many people encounter conscious beings or entities that that seem to be alien or something stranger and manufacture visual patterns of objects that are self-aware themselves inside an incredibly strange and alien reality. These experiences cause people to experience an extra-dimensional reality of gemoetric patterns and "self-transforming hyperspace fractal machine elves with an agenda of their own". Earlier levels are relatively easy to describe in terms of measurable changes in perception and thought patterns. "Ego loss", or complete dissolution of one's awareness of the existence of self, is an essential trait of level 5 experiences; the boundaries between "self" and encompassing reality cease to exist, and all that one is conscious of is the abstract manifestations of the hallucination. Thoughts are not processed or realized in words or an "inner voice", as in everyday life; in the midst of a level 5 hallucination, it is essentially impossible to distinguish conscious thought from the hallucination itself. This feeling has been described, with tryptamine-based hallucinogens like LSD or high doses of psilocybin, as a sense of "oneness" with the universe; with extremely powerful entheogens such as DMT or salvia divinorum, the resultant hallucination is difficult to describe, but has been likened by some to being "transformed into a Picasso painting". Many people claim to have spoken to intelligent entities during their trips, to have experienced alternate dimensions, or to have existed for thousands of years - often not as a human but as an abstract entity such as a shadow or paint - though the trip itself, in the case of salvia and DMT, lasted only five to ten minutes. This effect can be produced in high doses of LSD, DXM, Ketamine, salvia divinorum, and high doses of psilocybin. DMT is known to send people to level 5 with an average dose, making it one of the most powerful psychoactive psychedelics known to humans.
erowid owns

you guys are making me want to go on a drug binge
fuckers >:{

Hahaha, if you and I lived close I'd chill and have you try out teh shr00mz. You seem to be one of my favorite sneapsters, because we agree on a ton of shit. lol

I love weed and psychedelics. I'm not into destructive drugs though... cocaine, opiates, cigarettes, meth, etc. I'm not into any of that kind of stuff and think it's pretty stupid to do that stuff to your body. I don't even drink that much, and really hate drinking whenever I overdo it (doesn't really happen anymore, but has when I was younger and more wreckless lol)
Both of those things sound like complete bullshit to me. Those are the kind of things you hear from people who've never done it and don't really know anything about them.

LSD is not going to last 20 hours. more like 10-12 hours on a heavy trip. He would have had to have been on an insanely high dose for that to be even remotely possible... a dose so high he'd probably pass out and/or piss & shit himself and/or forget how to talk, etc.

You are right, thats why he didnt leave his house for almost a year, talking to a shrink trying to solve out that massive mindfuck he received.
There is a thing called psychosis, if you are messing around with drugs, you might want to look it up.

While the people turning into disney characters thing is definitely possible, I doubt it. Sounds like a made up story by someone who's never really tried it...

That one might be untrue, although i still doubt it, because that guy has tried almost everything on this planet and probably wouldn't lie about it.
You are right, thats why he didnt leave his house for almost a year, talking to a shrink trying to solve out that massive mindfuck he received.
There is a thing called psychosis, if you are messing around with drugs, you might want to look it up.

What does the fact that your friend freaked out have to do with tripping for 20 hours though? Not much... I'm not going to say it's flat out impossible, but it's highly unlikely. LSD just doesn't last that long. If that is actually true, then he took a very irresponsible amount that most people would never ever attempt. It would take a LOT for anything like that to be possible. Chances are that he had some sort of preexisting mental illness or psychological problem, and the LSD didn't help.

I didn't mean to be an ass about it, but a lot of people know very little about things like this and just spout off myths they've "heard about" from so and so... 90% of the time it's BS. The same is true regarding weed... TONS of myths that have been repeated way too many times...
Tried salvia, first time it did nothing but make me a bit stoned, second time it made the room change shape, and made me feel as though I was moving backwards, even though I was just sat in my chair haha, also made everything go green. Pretty cool stuff.

Never tried shrooms or lsd, I wouldn't even know where or how to obtain that kinda thing.
Level 4
Destruction or multiple splitting of the ego. (Things start talking to you, or you find that you are feeling contradictory things simultaneously)

I'm an extremely level headed, grounded in reality type of person. I don't buy into all of that horseshit about people going nuts on acid or the famous story about a friend of friend's friend who believes he's a glass of orange juice.

But let me tell ya, I once took a red gel-tab and smoked a huuuuge blunt right as I was begining to feel the trip come on. By the time I had jumped on the bus to go home I was so completely tore up that I can tell you in all honesty that I understand what it would feel like to be a skitzophrenic. I've never experienced anything like that in my life. It was as if i was listening to a conversation happening in my mind. Usually, when you talk to yourself or try to work things out in your brain, you know what you're going to say next but this was completely uncontrollable. It scared me so much that I decided I would never take anything chemical again.

I've tried Morning Glory seeds and yea, after the intense stomach pain I was 100% tripping, pretty hard too. But I felt so disgusting and heavy like I had the flu or something...No good.

Now I stick to shrooms. I enjoy the spiritual aspect of it. I try to take them maybe once a year (like a cleansing almost) if I can get my hands on them but I fear my own emotions. I have to be in the perfect state of mind or else I'll start dwelling on shit and worrying about things that have no business being thought about while on psychoactive drugs lol.
yeah socailnumb is right. Although, it's not pure. It's usually cut with something. The comedown is the worst cuz you're def not tripping anymore but it's still lingering and you can't sleep because of the strychnine.

Like I said, luckily I kept myself under control cuz I knew it was just the drugs but if I wasn't as level headed, I probably would have freaked out in the middle of the bus lol.
I have been victim to the strychnine mixed shit before. It's a nasty high. (I felt kinda like a rat dying, full on rage stuff :ill:) I have also got the "pure" stuff (Mescaline) and it was a very chill high compared to LSD IMO. Just stay away from the stuff. It's not going to do much good. Maybe a little self discovery but that's about it. Not worth it in my opinion. I honestly would not have done all the drugs I did if I knew any better.