Psychedelic drugs

Josh Burgess

Feb 18, 2008
Tampa, FL
Tryptamines (Magic mushrooms, DMT),
Lysergamides (LSD, LSA),
Phenethylamines (Mescaline, 2C-_ family synthetics, DO_ family synthetics),

Has this been discussed here before? I'm thinking there are probably a decent amount of people on this forum who've tried psychedelics, considering the amount of people here who smoke weed regularly. I think this could make for some interesting conversation. haha.

I'm extremely fascinated by psychedelics in general. Besides actually experiencing them, I love reading about the culture, watching documentaries about shamanism, checking out artists who are open about using them, etc. I find it interesting reading about musicians who have been influenced by them... people like Devin Townsend (in his younger days), members of Cynic, members of Meshuggah, etc.

What have you tried? What would you do again? What would you never do again? What would you like to try if you had the chance? Trip reports? Best experiences? Worst experiences? etc.
Done LSD once.
It's not a typical psychedelic drug, but it is most definitely a hallucinogen, but I've done DXM twice.
I'm a bit tipsy at the moment so I don't have the attention span to talk about my trips, but I'll get back to this thread when I can
I did a fair amount of shrooms.
Where the last time I experienced amnesia, assigning the wrong name's to my friends, having NO clue what was beyond the fence/hedge of my garden and then ...who the fuck am >I< actually?!!!

For more than a year I've seen this experience in bad daylight but I've found out it's not.

These kind of drugs break down your ego, beware, ego is more than boasting about what bands you've mixed, I trust the general public here to know that.
So the first ego-less experience (if that is possible) is always a bit frighting.

I have no real funnies to contribute for I thought I wasn't experiencing much and dont remember much.
apart from a all too obvious piece of Egyptian technology engraved in my hand...which had to be quite normal because it was on my hand right ?! ( goes to show hahaha )
Oh man, my acid days. I don't want to remember them. . .
your responses in threads on and around this topic always slay me...

in response, i've not tried any trippy substances, though once i'm sure the joint i had some off had something in it cause going to the park toilets was an intense experience...
I've tried:
Magic mushrooms (psilocybe cubensis): have tried these a number of times... can be very confusing and uncomfortable at times, but also completely amazing. The positive effects are very much worth the possible negative effects. Some of these times I consider to be among the most amazing experiences of my life.

Salvia divinorum: Tried multiple times, only worked for me once... It was extremely bizarre and uncomfortable. I haven't really wanted to try it again since then. Most people report not enjoying the experience too much. I would have to agree, but then again it's not really a recreational drug. Definitely hallucinogenic, but not really psychedelic in the same way as tryptamines or LSD. Very powerful and strange...

Hawaiian baby woodroose (LSA): did not work for whatever reason... probably had a bad batch from the website due to an impotent shipment. probably won't try again due to them being strong vasoconstrictors...

Morning glory seeds (LSA): ordered them from a website with a friend so that they would be free of pesticides. could not manage to get enough of them down before the intense stomach aches started. Another friend managed to take a full dose of 300 seeds without feeling much effects other than extreme stomach pains. haha... but a different friend had positive experiences with them. I think a coffee grinder is a must, and of course make sure the seeds were not sprayed with pesticides, but I probably won't try them again due to them being strong vasoconstrictors...

I almost tried what I believed to be LSD at the time (had 3 hits), but found out from a friend before taking them that they were probably actually an RC (research chemical), which was most likely something like 2C-B or DOC... something from 2C-_ or DO_ family, anyways. I decided I didn't want to experiment with those since so little is known about them still and would wait until something more reliably known to be LSD was around...

Other than LSD, I'd really like to try DMT at some point. I've soaked up tons of information about it, read books by Rick Strassman and Terrance Mckenna, watched a lot of documentaries about Ayahausca (DMT + an MAOI taken orally), etc. I find it really interesting. Even though it's supposed to be extremely powerful, I think I would enjoy it since it's a tryptamine and supposed to be similar to psilocybin/psilocin in effects (although on another level).

Did you guys know that comedian/ex-Fear Factor host/UFC commentator Joe Rogan is a huge advocate of psychedelics? He often talks about mushrooms and DMT. He owns an isolation tank. The tank is light proof and sound proof, temperature controlled, and filled with salt water so that you float and don't feel the weight of your own body... basically, it isolates you from all outside stimuli. So, when taking a psychedelic and spending the trip in an isolation tank, everything you see and experience comes 100% from your mind... nothing to influence it other than your own thoughts. That has got to be an intense experience. hah
LSA seeds fucked my stomach, but I had this really intense feeling of being outside under a canopy of trees; even though I was in a grotty little room in a North London house., very useful for reading up on said psychedelics (as well as any other drug imaginable). The Trip experiences are very interesting and useful. The key to having a good experience on any drug is set, setting, acknowledgement of ingesting whatever substance throughout, and RESEARCH!
I've tried:
Magic mushrooms (psilocybe cubensis): have tried these a number of times... can be very confusing and uncomfortable at times, but also completely amazing. The positive effects are very much worth the possible negative effects. Some of these times I consider to be among the most amazing experiences of my life.

Salvia divinorum: Tried multiple times, only worked for me once... It was extremely bizarre and uncomfortable. I haven't really wanted to try it again since then. Most people report not enjoying the experience too much. I would have to agree, but then again it's not really a recreational drug. Definitely hallucinogenic, but not really psychedelic in the same way as tryptamines or LSD. Very powerful and strange...

Hawaiian baby woodroose (LSA): did not work for whatever reason... probably had a bad batch from the website due to an impotent shipment. probably won't try again due to them being strong vasoconstrictors...

Morning glory seeds (LSA): ordered them from a website with a friend so that they would be free of pesticides. could not manage to get enough of them down before the intense stomach aches started. Another friend managed to take a full dose of 300 seeds without feeling much effects other than extreme stomach pains. haha... but a different friend had positive experiences with them. I think a coffee grinder is a must, and of course make sure the seeds were not sprayed with pesticides, but I probably won't try them again due to them being strong vasoconstrictors...

I almost tried what I believed to be LSD at the time (had 3 hits), but found out from a friend before taking them that they were probably actually an RC (research chemical), which was most likely something like 2C-B or DOC... something from 2C-_ or DO_ family, anyways. I decided I didn't want to experiment with those since so little is known about them still and would wait until something more reliably known to be LSD was around...

Other than LSD, I'd really like to try DMT at some point. I've soaked up tons of information about it, read books by Rick Strassman and Terrance Mckenna, watched a lot of documentaries about Ayahausca (DMT + an MAOI taken orally), etc. I find it really interesting. Even though it's supposed to be extremely powerful, I think I would enjoy it since it's a tryptamine and supposed to be similar to psilocybin/psilocin in effects (although on another level).

I've only done shrooms out of those listed. I hit salvia one time but it didn't do anything so I don't really count it. After watching some friends trip the fuck out and look like they were going to go insane, I decided I probably will not ever try it again. I am thankful nothing happened the one time I did try it.

Shrooms I have done a few times. Every single time has been awesome so far, sans the first time for about the last hour before coming down I thought for the rest of my life every person I spoke to would speak to me with completely random responses that had nothing to do with what I said to them o_O but it went away after an hour like I said. That particular experience with shrooms lasted about 6-7 hours, so 5-6 hours of awesome experience for 1 hour of kinda bad isn't a shabby deal IMO. Coincidentally, I'm known to my friends as "The Shroom Captain" because of that experience, I took 7.5 grams my first time :lol: My 2nd-4th times have only been positive 100% the entire time. So far with shrooms I have noticed they can take quite a toll on your body, as can be expected - you are ingesting fungus after all - so they aren't something I feel anyone should do very often, at least for me. Some people can get really sick to their stomach and even throw up (which only intensifies the trip, some even make themselves throw up on purpose just for that), but hasn't happened to me yet.

Did you guys know that comedian/ex-Fear Factor host/UFC commentator Joe Rogan is a huge advocate of psychedelics?

Yes and marijuana. :heh:

He often talks about mushrooms and DMT. He owns an isolation tank. The tank is light proof and sound proof, temperature controlled, and filled with salt water so that you float and don't feel the weight of your own body... basically, it isolates you from all outside stimuli. So, when taking a psychedelic and spending the trip in an isolation tank, everything you see and experience comes 100% from your mind... nothing to influence it other than your own thoughts. That has got to be an intense experience. hah

Holy fuck. That's a great idea. Also research: psychomantium if you get bored ;)
I've only ever done 'shrooms myself, and unfortunately the first (and only) time I've ever done em', it was an 1/8oz.

Bad trip, felt like I forgot how to think, didn't know which way was up, was laying on my drummers couch kicking the cushions off of it and screaming like a girl because I thought the TV was attacking me... I was just waiting for it to end, seemed like 4 minutes was 4 hours, etc.

I don't really remember much of that night, I just know it was really bad and scared the fuck out of me :(
Ive mushrooms 3 times now. I was always leery of psychedelics because I have such a rigid mind and I am prone to be a hypochondriac. First time I didnt take enough and not much happened..

Second time was the most amazing experience of my life, i took an 1/8th ontop of this mountain overlooking this massive landscape. The clouds where rushing up the mountain with the sun shining down on them. At first I panicked and started vomiting, but then i looked up and saw those clouds and i was in sheer amazement. It was the most beautiful thing ive seen in my entire life. The rest of the trip me and my girlfriend where walking through this burnt forest with a fog bank coming through the forest, we encountered about 15 deer in a group grazing. I cant think of a more awesome day ever.

Third time I got horribly sick and was vomiting, I thought I was dying until i got my mind around it and just had an unpleasant trip for the remainder.

Key thing with mushrooms I think is a very comfortable setting with people you trust and to make sure you are in a positive frame of mind!

I would recommend mushrooms to ANYONE! Its an experience of a lifetime, words cannot express the majesty of reality when viewed through unfiltered eyes.
Shrooms I have done a few times. Every single time has been awesome so far, sans the first time for about the last hour before coming down I thought for the rest of my life every person I spoke to would speak to me with completely random responses that had nothing to do with what I said to them o_O but it went away after an hour like I said. That particular experience with shrooms lasted about 6-7 hours, so 5-6 hours of awesome experience for 1 hour of kinda bad isn't a shabby deal IMO.

Haha, yeah they can be like that. The second time I did them was the only "bad" or uncomfortable time I've had on them. It was mostly due to the week before I had seen a friend take WAY too huge of a dose for the first time and had to babysit him for an entire night... like 8 hours. He layed in one spot for about 4 or 5 of those hours... just completely mind blown and gone. So, that gave me a first hand experience of how intense it could be, and it made me nervous when I went to do them the second time, which caused me to be really uncomfortable for the first hour and a half or 2 hours or so. I never completely freaked out or lost it or anything, but all kinds of little things were bothering me like crazy. I kept feeling cold, a ceiling fan was casting a spinning shadow in the room that was driving me crazy, overall just really uncomfortable and awaiting the worst... haha. BUT eventually I watched my friend's entire living room turn orange while simultaneously feeling a huge rush of energy and euphoria. Felt really warm and extremely energetic... it was like what I would imagine ecstacy to be like. From that point on, the rest of the night was completely amazing. By the way, for people who've never experienced it, seeing a room turn colors sounds really trivial, and in a way it is, but when you experience something like that for yourself for the first time, it's flat out amazing. The most beautiful washed out neon shades of colors... a shade you've never really seen before. It all seems so very different from anything you've ever encountered before... so, even something as simple as shifting colors can be really beautiful and astonishing...

So far with shrooms I have noticed they can take quite a toll on your body, as can be expected - you are ingesting fungus after all - so they aren't something I feel anyone should do very often, at least for me. Some people can get really sick to their stomach and even throw up (which only intensifies the trip, some even make themselves throw up on purpose just for that), but hasn't happened to me yet.)

I've never had any nausea from mushrooms, but I've taken them either ground up or chewed them up really well. It's not really because it's a fungus. It's just that the human body is not meant to digest raw mushrooms of ANY kind. Same goes for a number of raw vegetables too. We don't have the proper enzymes to do it... so, unless they're already ground up or chewed up really well, it could cause a little nausea... Although it's never happened to me, I hear it's pretty mild in comparison to a lot of other things. For example, those morning glory seeds... their shells are rock hard and those things will feel like they are completely destroying your stomach. haha. Also, mescaline-containing cacti like peyote or san pedro are known to cause vomiting... so does ayahausca. kinda comes with the territory, I guess.
I've only ever done 'shrooms myself, and unfortunately the first (and only) time I've ever done em', it was an 1/8oz.

Bad trip, felt like I forgot how to think, didn't know which way was up, was laying on my drummers couch kicking the cushions off of it and screaming like a girl because I thought the TV was attacking me... I was just waiting for it to end, seemed like 4 minutes was 4 hours, etc.

I don't really remember much of that night, I just know it was really bad and scared the fuck out of me :(

They're not for everybody. I've met a few people who've tried it more than once and had a bad experience each time.

Like other people are saying though, the key is doing your research, knowing what to expect, being in a comfortable environment, and really being excited for it. If you are nervous or uncomfortable, it's not going to be fun. It amplifys your emotions tenfold. and like you said time seems to behave COMPLETELY differently while tripping. That is one of the most common things everyone says about it... 5 minutes can seem like an hour... that can make things uncomfortable if you keep checking the time over and over. haha.

But yeah, it takes courage, a strong mind, and a real curiosity & interest in it to really enjoy it and have fun. Overall though, just being in a good mood in a comfortable, familiar place with a really close friend/girlfriend/family member helps out a lot. Set and setting make a huge difference because of how outside stimuli affect what you think about and what you experience...
Ive mushrooms 3 times now. I was always leery of psychedelics because I have such a rigid mind and I am prone to be a hypochondriac. First time I didnt take enough and not much happened..

Second time was the most amazing experience of my life, i took an 1/8th ontop of this mountain overlooking this massive landscape. The clouds where rushing up the mountain with the sun shining down on them. At first I panicked and started vomiting, but then i looked up and saw those clouds and i was in sheer amazement. It was the most beautiful thing ive seen in my entire life. The rest of the trip me and my girlfriend where walking through this burnt forest with a fog bank coming through the forest, we encountered about 15 deer in a group grazing. I cant think of a more awesome day ever.

Third time I got horribly sick and was vomiting, I thought I was dying until i got my mind around it and just had an unpleasant trip for the remainder.

Key thing with mushrooms I think is a very comfortable setting with people you trust and to make sure you are in a positive frame of mind!

I would recommend mushrooms to ANYONE! Its an experience of a lifetime, words cannot express the majesty of reality when viewed through unfiltered eyes.

Haha, yeah. That's the great part about it, once you experience something truly awesome/beautiful/astonishing, it makes any bad experience completely worth it. A lot of times, and this is something I've even done myself, people will say "Why did I do this? I want this to be over! I'm never going to do this again!" and then their mood will change and the trip will completely change directions and instantly they will change their mind and feel that it was totally worth it.

I mean, you are dealing with your inner psyche in a state of consciousness completely unlike normal life... you're bound to come across things that make you uncomfortable, but the beautiful parts are almost overwhelmingly beautiful. I definitely agree that anyone who is even remotely interested in it should try it at least once in their life. I've been trying to talk my girlfriend into trying it sometime. haha.
I don't really like the idea of eating ground up 'shroom powder; would there be any issue with mixing them in with water and downing that?

No, that's what I'd do. Water wouldn't hurt anything.

Some people make chocolates out of them too. melt down the chocolate, mix in the powder, then cool in a mold to re-harden the chocolate. haha. or mixing them with something (PB&J sandwhich? chocolate pudding? lol), but an empty stomach is better.

Taking them ground up is noticeably stronger than just munching them down. I mean... it makes sense, because your body doesn't have to break them down nearly as much and there's way more contact points for absorption into your blood stream. Basically, when ground up, they kick in faster, the "come up" is shorter, the peak is more intense, but the whole overall experience doesn't last quite as long. Where an average dose of them just eaten normally would last probably 6 hours, the same dose taken ground up would last probably about 4 hours.

The "come up" being faster might be good for some people though. For me, the come up is the most awkward and uncomfortable part. Once I get past that stage I feel a lot better. haha. Some people might prefer it to happen more quickly... but some might prefer the slower, more gentle route...
I have a friend who tried out LSD, he was found in a park screaming for his life, because apparently "the demons where eating his insides".. he literally saw demons ripping his guts out and chewing them for almost 20 hours straight.
Since i heard that(And other similar stories from other people.), ive just decided to stay the f*ck away from that shit.

But another funnier thing that another friend experienced was when he ate some mushrooms, and everyone turned in to Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse! :lol: