A recent facination with hard...
In the subforum's description, all you can see is:
In the subforum's description, all you can see is:
You'll notice that (with the possible exception of 'know nobody who has read books', which is far more likely in my country than yours if I'm not mistaken) your argument carried over verbatim to something entirely different. This does not indicate a particularly good argument.
My argument may have not been very good but are you seriously saying that I need a good argument to be against drugs?
I know the way you approach drugs, and I've seen lots and lots of other "cool free thinking" people approach it the same way; that anything is dangerous when used in excess. Sure, water can kill you if you drink too much, it's no surprise... but how the fuck does that make it okay to use drugs? This type of argument is only stupid and retarded since if you think anything is dangerous, you're suggesting what... that everything should be legal and that people should make their own decisions about wether they wanna use drugs or not? Have you ever thought about the fact that people affect people? You are not only responsible for yourself, you also have an impact on the people around you and you are responsible for that as well.
I'm sure I can bet on the fact that in the last few decades, people have died more from over consuming water than from nuclear bombs. Oh shit, this is an argument for nuclear bombs, we should legalize them and let everybody own one in their backyard!
Now if heavy drugs were legal and let for people to decide if they wanted to use them... I'm not imagining good numbers here. People don't work that way, people need to be controlled because too many are too stupid.
Sorry for my half assed reply but I have to get going to work now, I'm so stressed :O
The main reason 'drugs' aren't widely considered bad is because heroine and crack are in the same general classification as "weed."
Uhh...what? Same general classification as made by whom, exactly?
Öwen;8441917 said:I think you need a good argument to be against anything.
Sure most drugs primary use is usually to be abused/or medication, the real problem about having drugs illegal is that people will use them illegal or not, and when you buy illegal drugs you sure as hell don't know what the fuck is in them, you can go from snorting 50% brickdust one night to grade A coke the next. Thats what kills most drug users - one day they actually get a good supply and since their body is used to snorting mostly brickdust or shit like that - they OD on the pure stuff.
At least in a system were drugs are handed out by government, the drugs cost less, so less people getting their houses robbed and the quality of the drug remains at some sort of standard so you have less junkies killing themselves by ODing, As long as the drugs are in government hands you can get them taxed to fuckery as well, benefit the public purse as opposed to straining it with thousands of counter drug police raids, hell the amount of raids around here where people are only selling a bit of weed is stupid, why spend time and money on people that want to get a bit high.
Also drug smugglers are cut out the market if drugs are legalised, so that does away with a good section of criminal enterprise - these nast characters are out of business for good.
Thats what I think anyway, but you can disagree with the badly thought out argument of "FUCK THAT SHIT", just because you dont do hard drugs, doesnt mean that banning everything to the hilt is going to work for people who make it their priority to get high - dangers or not.
My argument may have not been very good but are you seriously saying that I need a good argument to be against drugs?
That is... if democracy is working as expected.
Good point, but I don't agree to 100% and clearly the majority doesn't either or else the drugs would be legal, right? That is... if democracy is working as expected.
This is like saying we should just legalize piracy because it costs so much to fight it and it's just unstoppable anyway, people still do it, yada yada. Once we start going that road... we're fucked.
I know that people influence others, but it's entirely possible to use drugs without trampling over others' rights. Since that is possible - and in fact many do just that - I think it's absurd blaming *all* of our problems on drugs and not on irresponsible users.
Öwen;8442678 said:At the end of the day I think what you put into your own body is first and foremost your own personal responsibility, not the responsibility of government unless it is directly having an effect on other people.
Fair enough, my "analogy" with the piracy thing wasn't the best but you guys are still claiming that piracy hurts others while not hurting the pirates themselves, and that drugs only hurt the abusers. You are right, piracy hurts others and it doesn't hurt the pirates really, so you are right about that, and therefore the analogy wasn't really applicable but you still seem to think that drugs are OK as long as the person keeps it to himself.
I can never agree with you guys on that point. Drugs have the power to alter your whole fucking personality. How can you claim that drugs can be used responsibly? The only way I see drugs being used responsibly is if you lock yourself in a room and swallow the key, inject yourself with whatever fucking substance you want to, feel like you've accomplished something in life for a few hours until the world comes crashing down on you again, shit the key out, open the door and get out when you're sober. That's responsible drug use since you can't affect anyone else physically. Socially and emotionally, sure, you can still affect others so no matter how you turn it... I can't agree that someone can use drugs without affect the people around them.
Fair enough, my "analogy" with the piracy thing wasn't the best but you guys are still claiming that piracy hurts others while not hurting the pirates themselves, and that drugs only hurt the abusers. You are right, piracy hurts others and it doesn't hurt the pirates really, so you are right about that, and therefore the analogy wasn't really applicable but you still seem to think that drugs are OK as long as the person keeps it to himself.
I can never agree with you guys on that point. Drugs have the power to alter your whole fucking personality. How can you claim that drugs can be used responsibly? The only way I see drugs being used responsibly is if you lock yourself in a room and swallow the key, inject yourself with whatever fucking substance you want to, feel like you've accomplished something in life for a few hours until the world comes crashing down on you again, shit the key out, open the door and get out when you're sober. That's responsible drug use since you can't affect anyone else physically. Socially and emotionally, sure, you can still affect others so no matter how you turn it... I can't agree that someone can use drugs without affect the people around them.