A Requiem for a Dream


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
okay, I am 99.9% sure that there is probobly a thread about this movie somewhere on this board, but I'm going to make a new one anyway, so if there is: Sorry.

This movie is the most fucking depressing thing I've seen in a long time, if not the most depressing movie I've ever seen. Its about 4 people, as they turn to drugs in their search for happiness, and predictably, all goes awry... If you haven't seen it, you must. It is essential.
I loved that movie. It was a shock initially, just because I thought it would glamorize drugs and stuff, but when you see how things end up I was really impressed. Makes you feel almost sorry for the characters, but you remember they brought it on themselves.

Besides, anything with Jennifer Connelly is gonna be good... fuckin hoooooooooot!
other movies you should go see

1. the 7th seal
2. buffalo 66
3. event horizon
4. les pact des loups
5. naked lunch
6. rules of attraction
7. gummo
8. kung fu zombies
9. female trouble or pink flamingos
10. amelie
11. pi
12. anything by peter jackson other the lotr series
(dead alive)
(meet the feebles)
(bad taste)
13. highlander 1
14. spun

ok. that is all.
deathstrike from hell said:
other movies you should go see

1. the 7th seal
2. buffalo 66
3. event horizon
4. les pact des loups
5. naked lunch
6. rules of attraction
7. gummo
8. kung fu zombies
9. female trouble or pink flamingos
10. amelie
11. pi
12. anything by peter jackson other the lotr series
(dead alive)
(meet the feebles)
(bad taste)
13. highlander 1
14. spun

ok. that is all.

hey great list!..

but of all of those .. i haven't seen kung fu zombies! ?

hmmmm i suppose i should!, if its worthy of being in a list with the rest of those movies
i let someone borrow this movie once, and then he let someone borrow it, and i still haven't gotten it back .. for the last year and 1/2 its been "oh i'm making plans to get it back to you this weekend!" whenever i ask ...

and all i got in return was Suicide Kings .. not a good trade.
kung fu zombes is along the lines of dead alive. the zombies in the movie arent the traditional kind (like the ones in retur of the living dead) these ones know martialarts lol its quite histerical at times. definately more of a peter jackson kinda movie than a serious one.
NicodemiX said:
I expected that from you.
you mean i'm becoming predictable? shit... i will have to think of some new and entertaining ways to impress people! :)

seriously, hubert selby jr. is one of the best american writers of all time. all of his novels are worth their weight in gold. reading "requiem" is almost more trippy and shocking than the movie. just beautiful, beautiful prose...
As a film freak I can honestly say that this movie is overrated. It's so predictable..the last half hour is just taking the depressing mood of the film and just taking it further and further. It should be " 2 Hour Public Servie Announcement" instead. It had pretty good directing though. Trainspotting is a much better movie.
Brent, you do realize it was a book before a movie right?

And Trainspotting is good, but it doesn't leave a disturbed impact on your mind.