A semi-serious thread about my life


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
So my girlfriend and I have decided that spending half of our pacheques on marijuana on a weekly basis probably isn't a good idea. Decided to only smoke on the weekend. Now, we've been smoking roughly a half ounce a week between us since last summer, and I don't think it's been much of a problem with school, etc. The primary problems it presents for me are these:

a) Health:
Debatable, I know, but in all honesty I can't see sucking hot smoke and ash down your throat as being a very positive thing. This is probably the least important of the three for me, 'cause seriously, a lot of things are unhealthy, and to stop all of them would be impossible, so why single out one just because it's illegal?

b) Money:
I don't know how I still have any. I make $75-150 a week during the school year, and at least 55 of it (sometimes significantly more) goes to weed. While this isn't essentially a problem as I have no expenses that I'm neglecting and am not in debt, it's money that could be going to things like travelling, etc.

c) Family: They probably know we do it, to think otherwise would be extremely naive. I don't really mind them knowing, but I respect my family very highly and don't want to be doing something that they have a problem with. I don't KNOW they have a problem, but I do not want to be the one to bring it up.

There's no point to this post. I'm not asking questions, really, as I know what I have to do and am prepared to do it. Not gonna stop entirely because it has many positive aspects and I don't want to lose those. However, in order continue with our lives in the way we want them, we cannot be intoxicated all the time, for the reasons stated above.

Any thoughts?
it's probably a good idea.

but then again I've started drinking a hell of a lot more lately, for no apparent reason, so I can't really make judgements on people's "bad" habits.
Not gonna stop entirely because it has many positive aspects and I don't want to lose those.

I am just interested if you can elaborate on this ...

Sorry, can't give you much advice, as I never habitually did drugs ...
Only problem now is I have difficulty getting to sleep. Last time I didn't smoke for a day, it took me four hours to fall asleep. No coincidence, indeed. And the withdrawal seems to cause sheer BRAINFREEZE for 1 full day, coupled with nausea and some other minor setbacks.
This is a Blast Beat Event:
Saturday February 25th
Doors at at 6PM Show at 8PM, 10$

Eclipse Eternal - fuck they suck!
Nefastus Dies - pretty good!
Will of the Ancients - never seen them live, but heard good things
Empyrean Plague - awesome live!
Visions of the Night - don't know what to think of them yet..

....and free vodka shots between bands \m/
Well, I smoked roughly 3 times a day for about 3.5 months last year and I have to say, that for about 2 months after I stopped I had a few problems, such as short-term memory loss, random paranoias every now and then and an inability to enjoy Sleep as much as I used to. No worries though, since all those symptoms have gone away.
wow, a quarter a week each, that's a lot....i usually go through about half that much in a week and i consider myself to smoke quite a bit, once or more a day roughly....i think you could smoke during the week if you just smoke LESS, you seriously must be high all day every day :lol:

but if you need to restrict yourself to the weekends just as a psychological thing, that might be a good way to get yourself back down to a normal level, not to mention your tolerance. i've been sick so i didn't smoke for almost a week and i smoked twice this weekend and both times got WAY higher than usual for the amount smoked, it was quite nice actually. if you get your tolerance down and maintain a lower level of smoking activity you won't *need* to smoke as much.
was with this chick once that could not enjoy sex unless she was stoned ... she said all her early sexual experiences were while high ...
or maybe she needed to get stoned just to bang me ... who knows?