wtf? (serious emo thread)

First off my condolances to you Deimlich and the family.

My ex girlfriends father committed suicide while I was dating her ... she was in Hungary and found him when she went in the house. There was definetelly family trouble there, and the man was an abusive alcoholic ... so you can imagine his state of mind. People like that need help ...

The only ones I have no sympathy for is selfish assholes like the Hunter Thompson who kinda plan it for some selfish reasons ... while leaving their family in distress. Dicks like that ... buh bye fucko.

Ever had an anxiety attack? I had one a few months ago FOR NO REASON. I was eating dinner with about 10 friends and suddenly the back of my head went numb, then my arms and face, I coulnd't breathe properly, I had an overwhelming sense of fear, and knew that I was going to die. The effects went away in 30 minutes. For a few days I felt very detatched from reality, but that went away as well.

As far as this ... this does not happen for no reason. yes a chemical imbalance is at play, but usually there is something that you thought about or that was knawing at you for some time, before the anxiety attack happens.
I had some in the past, and got some help for it. For some reason it is very common in NYC. It usually stems from problems not dealt with ... stuff piling up in your head where you are not taking control and resolving issues.

I think according to Freud it was ... he said that "depression is nothing more then unexpressed feelings" ...
lurch70 said:
I think according to Freud it was ... he said that "depression is nothing more then unexpressed feelings" ...

haha, explains why I mope around when I'm too chicken shit to ask some chick for a phone #. Wheres a 6 pack of beer when I need one :p
that saying is so fucking true ... it works every time ... if you just let loose on your feelings ... if something is bothering you ... you feel better instantly.
@nad: you suicidal? never woulda guessed

@awmm/1lb/whatever: i used to think exactly like you, a point which my girlfriend kindly reminded me of just now as we were reading this thread. i don't really hold it against you, as i remember why i thought that, but in the end, but for what its worth, yours is a dismissive, narrowminded way of looking at things, and it presupposes depressiotn and suicide as weaknesses. they're weaknesses in that they increase your likelihood of premature demise. same with smoking, drinking excessively and all that shit. these things develop for a variety of reasons that range from the mind of the person who commits suicide to their environment, interaction with family/friends/etc, failure of long or short term goals, and a whole pile of individual priorities and stuff. this, to me, means it is impossible to pigeonhole everyone who's ever commited suicide into this group of "useless" people.

i didn't make this thread 'cause i wanted compassion or sympathy. i didn't know this guy very well, and we didn't get along hardly at all. also, i respect an individual's decision to kill themselves, as if i was ever in a situation where i didn't want to live anymore, i can't say i woudn't do it. i still believe it to be a pretty selfish and generally not nice thing to do, if you know what i mean.

uh.. that was long. i don't even know if i make sense. hope it did. i know it's unlikely that i'll convince anyone, and that you guys are entitled to your opinions, but i seriously hope you give it some thought. if you live the rest of your life with such a jaded way of looking at things. if it ever happens to someone who matters to you, we'll see if your opinion changes. sometimes it takes something like that to see something from a more sensitive (in a general sense, meaning in tune with the needs/issues of others) perspective.
Demilich said:
@nad: you suicidal? never woulda guessed
years ago. only one time was it completely serious (when i was 18) but when i was much younger than that it could be a regular thought. i'm a very different person these days, although then again i doubt anyone on this forum would guess me to have the temper of an atom bomb. well, i've mostly worked beyond that but up until a year or two ago it would still surface on a regular basis. bad things.
Demilich said:
i respect an individual's decision to kill themselves, as if i was ever in a situation where i didn't want to live anymore, i can't say i woudn't do it. i still believe it to be a pretty selfish and generally not nice thing to do, if you know what i mean.
i agree with this completely. it's an awful mixture of anger and compassion. buddy of mine, a close friend of his killed herself a few years ago and he went through both ends of the spectrum for awhile. i'm glad he worked through it, some days he'd get really upset about it and start blaming himself, and he was nothing but a positive influence on her life. ugh.
although then again i doubt anyone on this forum would guess me to have the temper of an atom bomb.

really? this is a surprise. having met you in person, it makes it even more surprising as you are very mellow. this online persona is played up ... well maybe not when you are drunk :lol: :loco:
Eh, it doesn't surprise me. I can go from calm to totally fucking wrathful in about .000000155167437575757 seconds, easily.
lurch70 said:
really? this is a surprise. having met you in person, it makes it even more surprising as you are very mellow. this online persona is played up ... well maybe not when you are drunk :lol: :loco:
see? :loco:

i am mellow 90% of the time, but i come here to goof off (obviously). except of course when i'm drunk, i'm a total spaz after a few beers. my friends say i'm the most entertaining drunk in the world, apparently i start doing shit that people think about, but would never imagine doing. oh wait, that is what happens. :loco:

edit: oh yeah, when i refer to Salman Rushdie's Fury as "life changing" i'm completely serious. without that book i'd still be full of rage-ohol.
MFJ said:
Eh, it doesn't surprise me. I can go from calm to totally fucking wrathful in about .000000155167437575757 seconds, easily.

I go from apathetic to raging in about 45 minutes. It's pretty hard to get the ball rolling, but once it goes, it's a fucking runaway russian military train loaded with live nukes and a fuckload of ultra-l33t-greenberet-ninja terrorists... oh yeah... and all the action movie heroes aren't answering their phone today so they're not coming to your fucking rescue.

Nice thing is, usually i'm the only person who can make me angry, and i'm also usually the only person who can calm myself down (with the exception of 2 chicks and 1 guy).
Thanatopsis123 said:
A foursome that includes another dude calms you down?


No, they're the only 3 people who can talk me down from Angry. Otherwise I have to reason it out, or cheat and use an FPS and some 'Angry' metal (malevolent creation, myrkskog, zyklon, God Hates us All).
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
Nice thing is, usually i'm the only person who can make me angry, and i'm also usually the only person who can calm myself down (with the exception of 2 chicks and 1 guy).

Yeah I hear you. Besides myself, usually only my brother or parents (rarely) can get me totally fucking pissed off. When it comes to calming down, it's only by my own means or by this other girl's means. For the most part, people try to help out when they don't know what the fuck is going on. The thought is nice, but honestly- GTFO.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
God Hates us All
haha, Payback is like the best FUCK YOU song ever. well, other than a few choice Dylan cuts.

Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your mouth,
Blowing down the backroads headin' south.
Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth,
You're an idiot, babe.
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.


yea, i go from placid to enraged in seconds, sometimes i even surprise myself...i'll get locked out of my room accidentally or something even more trivial and suddenly just get really pissed off and stomp off. and then think to myself, "am i really that mad just because [insert stupid reason]" but it's just that i get in a bad mood and little shit just sets me off.

have i mentioned my friends told me the one word that describes me is "aggravated"? :lol:
i should really check that book out. :p