wtf? (serious emo thread)

they embrace it. or the pathetic wannabe goths try to. example:

i was helping my friend's brother move into res this August, and i hadn't seen this guy in like a year. He shows up decked in black with dark shades and a trenchcoat, and all his cds are NIN, manson, evanesence (haha)... so i laugh. later on, he's looking at the cds i brought with me. he's like "i've never heard of any of these, but do you like cradle of filth. they're true black metal masters.

i didn't know what to say :lol:
My sympathies to Demilich.

I respect a good suicide. I believe that a man's life is his own, and he may choose to end it as and when he sees fit (unless he chooses to do it it that grotesque manner AWMM told of). If it happends because of chemical imbalances and whatnot, it's a shame of course, but AWMM did have a point when he said that there is six billion people on this planet. It's of course a tragedy for relatives and friends when these things happen, and I do sympatize with them. But, unfortunately, some people have to die, and I think we can all agree that it's better that sick people dies rather than healthy. It may sound cynical, but I think it's rather logical.
1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
"goth does not == black metal.

This was in reference to the magazines rantings about blackmetal vs goths, has nothing relevant to my stance on suicide.

1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
1.If you can't seperate music from reality. It's called darwinism.

2. yeah. Trims out the gene pool.

3.Most people who commit suicide were wastes of the planet's resources anyway. At least now they'll fertilize a few plants of grass in the graveyard.

4.It's very rare that people that are worthwhile commit suicide, most of the time they realize that it's just the chicken shits way out. Been there, solved that."

1. These people, from what the article indicated. Killed themselves because they believed it to be the cool and "kult" thing to do. They did it because their music told them it was right. This to me, is a whole new ball game from "bad shit is happening, i'll kill myself".
2. See the above one, we don't need sheep running around. Six billion people, we should be able to stand on our own.
3. Reference to the "my music/cult/deity told me to" suicides such as this.
4. I guess this quote is rather hyprocritical. oh well. see if I care, at least I have the respect not to insult somebody related to a forum member.

I still stand behind what I said in this thread. The two threads are about a totally different situation in my mind. However, if you wish to continue this, please make a new thread titled "OMG HYPROCRITICAL TENDENCIES IS THE WORLDS BIGGEST FAG" and we can continue it there.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
I still stand behind what I said in this thread. The two threads are about a totally different situation in my mind. However, if you wish to continue this, please make a new thread titled "OMG HYPROCRITICAL TENDENCIES IS THE WORLDS BIGGEST FAG" and we can continue it there.

No need, I enjoy you for the most part.