Why Metalheads often think "Emo" Lyrics aren't good?


The Unjesus
Jul 9, 2011
Churning Sea of Absu
On a lot of youtube videos and album reviews, metalheads always give emo kids shit for having suicidal/depressing/relationship lyrics, yet they love songs like "In My Darkest Hour" "Fade To Black" "Suicide Note Pt. 1 & 2". It seems as if it isn't "Metal" enough to talk about something deep and personal. I personally see no problem with it, mostly because I have definitely struggled with depression on and off in my life, and I write lyrics around that subject matter because it means something to me. Share your thoughts on these subjects and lyrics. I would prefer to keep the comments serious, so keep the shit to a minimum.
"Metalheads" commenting on youtube-videos are usually 15-years old, so it's pretty obvious. Also, truly depressive and suicidal lyrics are often very good, as emo-lyrics tend to be like this shit. There's a vast difference.

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A better question is: "Why does anyone care?" They're random youtube commenters, they're probably suffering from mental deficiencies anyways. Also I like depressive/suicidal lyrics too when they're done right. Key words being "done right".
the last thing I want to hear a singer go on about is personal bullshit.
I want to hear either fantasy, history, gore... whatever else

Music can still be personal and be about those things. Krieg's album "The Black House" is about N Imperial's struggles with schizophrenia, dementia, or some other mental illness and does not sound whiny or emo.
There's a diff from emotional music and 'emo'. Not the samething. Emo is for kids/teens.
"Emo" doesn't mean "emotional", in most peoples' minds. It means whiny bullshit.

You will NEVER find more deeply personal lyrics than Pig Destroyer's, but I don't think anyone gives them grief for it. Sometimes listening to them feels like I'm reading a deeply disturbed man's diary when I really shouldn't be.
Obviously the emo being referred to in this thread is the annoying whiny recent fad and nothing to do with the original emo punk bands from the 70s.