wtf? (serious emo thread)

cthulufhtagn said:
my point is i really can't understand the way most people around here think is all, the whole "if you can't keep up with the rest of us you deserve to die" mentality. it's such a big part of the metal culture, this willingness to utterly disregard any modicum of compassion for those less fortunate, less healthy, less able. is it because you (and i speak generally) think it makes you a badass? do you really think you're more fit to live? YOU AREN'T.

I'm sorry, but since you know 0% of what experiences I've had in my life with people I love, you simply cannot say this.
Dick Sirloin said:
Since we're on the subject of suicide, why don't we keep it there?

Your problem: you assume that every man has radical free-will, and is not imposed upon by outside sociological and medical factors. Since when did we become so humanitarian? Since we discovered sympathy, compassion and love. I know those ideals aren't very "metal", but then again, mankind aren't exactly robots.

You got killed in a tsunami? Fuck you, that's your fault. You contracted a deadly virus? Your fuckin' problem, man. Deal with the consequences. Every man is responsible for everything that happens to him, am I right? I mean, he has to have done something wrong in order to deserve his fate... every person is, after all, put here, islanded, individuated, free from his fellow man, with nothing to guide him but his ever-discerning Reason. We control our circumstances, fuck everyone who can't. Read some Ayn Rand, she'll have plenty to say on the subject.


Justin, you're making a GIGANTIC leap in logic here. Connecting dots that simply aren't there. I understand the extremes you're going to to state your point, but really, it just doesn't work out as nice & cut & dry as you'd like it to. At least not IMO.
markgugs said:
Justin, you're making a GIGANTIC leap in logic here. Connecting dots that simply aren't there. I understand the extremes you're going to to state your point, but really, it just doesn't work out as nice & cut & dry as you'd like it to. At least not IMO.

Guh? I was getting on HIM for seeing things as cut and dry! My post was in reference to his abject callousness, that someone can actually look at a suicide and simply say "oh well, he deserved it, good riddance." There are MANY outside factors that contribute to something like suicide: mental, sociological, etc... This guy probably didn't just sit down one day and say "Oh well, my life sucks. I can't handle it no more, I'm ending it." From what Demilich said, it seems that he had a history of mental problems and just saying "he should have done something about it sooner" doesn't justify ANY of your judgementality (and I'm not referring strictly to you at all).

My point is simply this: human beings are thinking and reasonable, but when a SICKNESS (yes, I see it as a sickness) such as extreme depression is taking place, the idea that you can sit back and make a rational decision about things is null and void.

EDIT: And it was mostly in response to this post:
"But c'mon, when did everyone become so humanitarian? You only have one thing in this world. And that's your mind. If you can't control it, then what fucking use are you? Depression is a self imposed illness caused by one's own weak mindedness. I have been through some fucked up shit in my time, never have I said. "Oh boo hoo, time to bench press some daisies". Darwinism my friends. Survival of the fittest. If you can handle your life, then by all means...end it."

Does my leap seem so extravagant now?
cthulufhtagn said:

yea, i go from placid to enraged in seconds, sometimes i even surprise myself...i'll get locked out of my room accidentally or something even more trivial and suddenly just get really pissed off and stomp off. and then think to myself, "am i really that mad just because [insert stupid reason]" but it's just that i get in a bad mood and little shit just sets me off.

have i mentioned my friends told me the one word that describes me is "aggravated"? :lol:
i should really check that book out. :p

haha. Opposite of me. I'm like Captain Pacifist.... but Captain Pacifist turns into General Agony if you hit the right buttons for long enough.
MajestikMøøse said:
like a special move combo?

haha. Love the sig...

No... it's more like... the weakling who doesn't fight turns into the psychopath who is going to choke your bitch ass out and then make you eat your own shit.
man as robot said:
i have no pity whatsoever for those driven to suicide. however i feel sorry for the family and friends that have to put up with such a ridiculous choice. my condolences, but what a fucking douchebag.
Ya he should carry the burden that has utterly devalued his life so as not to inconvenience his family.

That is such an utterly pathetic suggestion that I can't fathom how your comment is any more than passive aggressive posturing. That would have to be the case, since what you're suggesting is passivity taken to an absurd extreme. Any serious decision you make that your parents disagree with could potentially upset them. If that's enough to hold you back, then you have nothing to live for anyway.

There are plenty of good reasons to never kill yourself, but you dug up the weakest most sniveling one imaginable.

1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
Depression is a self imposed illness caused by one's own weak mindedness.
Ya dude and people get cancer because they have weak blood. Couple leeches will fix em up real good!

Just because you came up with a possible explanation for mental illness does not mean it is in any way true. This isn't fucking philosophy, it's science. Some traumatizing experience with your girlfriends uncle, one that is anecdotal and inapplicable, makes you even less qualified. There's quite a bit of data on mental illness, and it doesn't point to some vague conception of "weak mindedness".

Your own posts are pouring with narcissism. Calm down, psycho.
what breaks one person may make another person stronger. My friend Monica was seemingly even-keeled until she went through a series of tragedies in a very short period of time...death of a friend, anxiety attacks, confronting her child sexual abuse...there are such shades of gray involved in depression that it's impossible to make blanket statements about it. To sit back and make some sort of pronouncement "all depressed people are douchebags and deserve what they get" and "why can't they simply rise above such petty concerns" is amazingly shallow and judgemental, and bespeaks of what I would consider to be a dangerously sociopathic personality.

I agree that suicide is selfish...but when a person gets to that point they are overwhelmed and see no other alternative. Amazingly, I've read that once a person decides to off themselves, they sometimes become quite cheerful, because they know their trial is soon to end. And I'm not talking about the people who are just trying to invoke pity.

Tips of the cap to the guys here who have admitted their past challenges. I've had to cope with a severe case of undiagnosed ADHD and depression myself...and my journeys to the OSU mental facility where two friends have been in lockdown have not been pleasant.
lizard said:
...there are such shades of gray involved in depression that it's impossible to make blanket statements about it.

^ single most important thing said in thread and what i've been trying to say all along! cheers!

and cheers! to BWD for that last post!

not only are there the shades of gray, but when you read about psychological "labels" like Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolarity, you quickly learn that these "disorders" all kind of blur together around the edges; some symptoms of one may also be found in another...

edit: here's a quick quiz:

determine who the psycho is:

What a hypocrite you are Iconoclastic. Today you are on my arse saying, "how dare you not value a life"! "Oh boo hoo have some compassion." But just 2 months ago in a thread related to suicide. You were applauding the suicides of 2 young european girls who jumped to their demise. Why were their deaths not mourned? Because they weren't related to somebody you know from a fucking messageboard?

Here's some quotes.

Hypocritical Tendicies-

"goth does not == black metal.

"If you can't seperate music from reality. It's called darwinism."
"yeah. Trims out the gene pool.

Most people who commit suicide were wastes of the planet's resources anyway. At least now they'll fertilize a few plants of grass in the graveyard.

It's very rare that people that are worthwhile commit suicide, most of the time they realize that it's just the chicken shits way out. Been there, solved that."

Maybe you were fucked up on dxm at the time? I'd expect as much from this N.A in incognito message forum.

Don't take my word for it. Go read the thread for yourself.