wtf? (serious emo thread)

1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
You only have one thing in this world. And that's your mind. If you can't control it, then what fucking use are you?
What fucking use are YOU? Not much! Do you want me to start listing great artists or scientists that have suffered severe depression yet contributed more of value to the world than you ever will in your mediocre, forgettable existence?

1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
Depression is a self imposed illness caused by one's own weak mindedness.
Nah. Go read up on it, because you're being fucking stupid.
Erik said:
What fucking use are YOU? Not much! Do you want me to start listing great artists or scientists that have suffered severe depression yet contributed more of value to the world than you ever will in your mediocre, forgettable existence?
or have actually killed themselves? so hemingway was useless?
First off cuntfuck. I don't live life to seek value through your pathetic eyes. Obviously I have hit a nerve. Seeing as you have the social life of a stone on a dry creek bed, this is a very touchy subject.

Here's a story. My ex gf's uncle was seeing some girl. She kicks him to the curb. Nice old chap too, someone you would hold in high regards after being acquainted to. Well to make a long story short, this chode gets all depressed and decided to break into her apartment, kill her 12 month old kid in front of her eyes, kill her, and then blow his own brains out. So you tell me dickhead...who is deserving of my sympathy?

6 billion fucking people on this planet. And you expect me to shed a tear when some assclown decides to selfishly take his own life?
1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
First off cuntfuck. I don't live life to seek value through your pathetic eyes.
What does this have to do with anything? YOU say that someone who isn't depressed is objectively a better person than someone depressed; I was contesting that. It's not a matter of seeing anything through anyone else's eyes, it'a matter of recognizing the fact that many, many depressed persons are better, in terms of things of value accomplished, than you and most other mediocre people. Cheers for the colourful language though, have a free Argumentation For Dummies book

1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
Here's a story. My ex gf's uncle was seeing some girl. She kicks him to the curb. Nice old chap too, someone you would hold in high regards after being acquainted to. Well to make a long story short, this chode gets all depressed and decided to break into her apartment, kill her 12 month old kid in front of her eyes, kill her, and then blow his own brains out. So you tell me dickhead...who is deserving of my sympathy?
I have never told you to feel sympathy for anyone, I have merely asked you to recognize that 1) a depressed person is not automatically a person of less value than another without depression and 2) depression is an illness that is not necessarily caused by "weakmindedness", and certainly not one that even a strong minded person can get out of by themselves when it's gone far enough.

I also do not give a shit about your story. I do kinda think it funny that you say that YOU hit a nerve with ME then blubber out some sob story about someone you know did this and blah blah blah it was so horrible; having a bit of a personal vendetta against "depressed" people are we?

1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
6 billion fucking people on this planet. And you expect me to shed a tear when some assclown decides to selfishly take his own life?
Where did I tell you to shed a tear?
Erik said:
1) a depressed person is not automatically a person of less value than another without depression and 2) depression is an illness that is not necessarily caused by "weakmindedness", and certainly not one that even a strong minded person can get out of by themselves when it's gone far enough.

1) Is not automatically a person of less value to whom? I recognize this isnt the case for you. But seeing as I live life through my own perspective, and not one borrowed from those around me, I speak from my viewpoint, and no one elses. Hence, a person of depressed mind is valueless.

2) Secondly, what is your definition of a strong minded person? Just because a person is able to create, does not mean he's of strong mind.

And thirdly, Ctulufaghn...Stop cyberthroating Erik.

And in closing... I <3 this forum
1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
1) Is not automatically a person of less value to whom? I recognize this isnt the case for you. But seeing as I live life through my own perspective, and not one borrowed from those around me. A person of depressed mind is valueless.
Which only means that you have a personal vendetta against depressed people, because even the simplest of minds should be able to understand that anything you place value upon in your life could just as well have been created by a person that would later lapse into depression: it's not a matter of subjectivity.

1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
2) Secondly, what is your definition of a strong minded person? Just because a person is able to create, does not mean his of strong mind.
Generally strong in will and character. You will notice I used this term completely independently to my argument of value, so why you bring up the ability to "create" here baffles me -- I only made the point that a generally strong willed person can not get out of a deep depression himself. It is the equivalent of realizing that while a person might have strong leg muscles, if he falls and breaks his legs, he won't be able to run until it has healed.

1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
And in closing... I <3 this forum
And I want you out of it. You're not up to the standards of anyone else here and are generally being a fucking moron.
1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
Here's a story. My ex gf's uncle was seeing some girl. She kicks him to the curb. Nice old chap too, someone you would hold in high regards after being acquainted to. Well to make a long story short, this chode gets all depressed and decided to break into her apartment, kill her 12 month old kid in front of her eyes, kill her, and then blow his own brains out. So you tell me dickhead...who is deserving of my sympathy?

Since we're on the subject of suicide, why don't we keep it there?

Your problem: you assume that every man has radical free-will, and is not imposed upon by outside sociological and medical factors. Since when did we become so humanitarian? Since we discovered sympathy, compassion and love. I know those ideals aren't very "metal", but then again, mankind aren't exactly robots.

You got killed in a tsunami? Fuck you, that's your fault. You contracted a deadly virus? Your fuckin' problem, man. Deal with the consequences. Every man is responsible for everything that happens to him, am I right? I mean, he has to have done something wrong in order to deserve his fate... every person is, after all, put here, islanded, individuated, free from his fellow man, with nothing to guide him but his ever-discerning Reason. We control our circumstances, fuck everyone who can't. Read some Ayn Rand, she'll have plenty to say on the subject.

You guys care more about the person who commits suicide, than the person who commits it cares about himself.

Also on a personal note. Erik are you depressed? From seeing you on these forums, I always figured you were a happy life-loving, embrace the day, smells the roses in the morning kind of guy. Just goes to show, it's impossible to know a damn thing about a person over the internet. Also, I don't expect you to do the same. Afterall you got to keep your macho nordic axe weilding image up to your loyal followers. But I retract the harsh tone of my statements. My arguments would be better suited without such vulgarities. Anyhow, I'm out of here. Have a good night.
I told myself i'd stay out of this discussion, it touches too close to the nerve, but such totally stupidity and a general sense of ignorance... fuck, you make Papa Josh look like a Good Samaritan.

1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
You guys care more about the person who commits suicide, than the person who commits it cares about himself.

Wow, there might be hope for you!!! Until the next quote, then I realize you are too thick to see the forest through the fucking trees.

1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
Also on a personal note. Erik are you depressed? From seeing you on these forums, I always figured you were a happy life-loving, embrace the day, smells the roses in the morning kind of guy. Just goes to show, it's impossible to know a damn thing about a person over the internet. Also, I don't expect you to do the same.

I've been depressed before. I slump back into that every now in again. So what? Doesn't stop me from loving life, and trying to get the most out of my days. Just goes to show, it's impossible to educate an ignorant, stubborn prick such as yourself.

1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
Afterall you got to keep your macho nordic axe weilding image up to your loyal followers.

I believe you have Erik confused with Footbalm or Tully(sans the nordic). But since I have no macho image to uphold, i'll be the first to say.

"I am/have been depressed. I've contemplated suicide. I disappeared for 3 days and all I took with me was a knife, the intent, slit my own fucking throat. But i wasn't sure yet, I wandered, and thought. When I came back, I had hypothermia because it had been raining the entire time and it was early spring. When my parent's asked what was up, i told them I had some shit to think about. "

Now please fuck off and die, plzkthx <3.
1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
Afterall you got to keep your macho nordic axe weilding image up to your loyal followers.

Uhhhh... when has he ever been an axe-weilding Thor wannabe? But then again, I wouldn't expect you to know, considering you haven't "known" him as long as some of us. Are you sure you're not AWMM???

And since when does that bastard have followers??? :tickled: I want some too... Moose? Neal? (gotta start somewhere)
Without trying to stir up more shit in an already stinky thread, I just wanted to point out that I think it's more 1lb of Naked Nutrition's lack of common courtesy that is pissing people off more than anything, his veiws are largely irrelevant in the scheme of things, but he is stating them bluntly in front of a lot of people who would obviously be offended by them.
If you want to get into the moral implications of suicide and all that other bullshit, then start another thread and show some fucking respect for Demilich and the other members of this forum who have been through sitatuations like this.
Obviously this is not pleasant for anyone involved, and you pushing your "survival of the fittest" philosophy is simply ridiculous, you didn't know the guy, you have no idea of the situation, and you are not going to convince anyone here to convert to your point of veiw.
There is nothing wrong with people showing compassion towards their friends, it's a natural thing to do, even for metalheads it seems.

Now, have some fucking manners.