wtf? (serious emo thread)

This thread gets 5 slit wrists out of 5 for being emo.

We all know that it happens and is a chemical embalance... USUALLY caused by very personal shit going on in your life. I've been there done that, decided suicide was the pussy way out and that I wouldn't put those who cared about me through that kind of pain (only reason i had at the time), moved on and got myself better. No pills, no doctors, just friends and time.
It's very hard for me to respect someone who chooses suicide over getting help. I have first-hand experience with clinical depression and what it puts the person through. Long story short, it's beatable and only ends in suicide when the person simply doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to better their feelings about their own life.

With that said, I feel terribly for anyone who's life is "touched" by someone who commits suicide, so for that, you have my condolences Demilich.
It's very hard for me to respect someone who chooses suicide over getting help.
I don't know how much more BWD needs to point this out: if you are at the point where you actually commit suicide you are in no position to "choose" anything
Erik said:
I don't know how much more BWD needs to point this out: if you are at the point where you actually commit suicide you are in no position to "choose" anything

You are choosing to allow yourself to get to that point. I'm not speaking specifically of the act of suicide; you're right about that. If you're already "there," it's too late. But you have the ability to prevent yourself from getting there.
imagine this conversation if the dude had died in a car accident

"ah sorry to hear about that man, my condolences"

"for what? the dude had the choice to take the bus!"
my point is i really can't understand the way most people around here think is all, the whole "if you can't keep up with the rest of us you deserve to die" mentality. it's such a big part of the metal culture, this willingness to utterly disregard any modicum of compassion for those less fortunate, less healthy, less able. is it because you (and i speak generally) think it makes you a badass? do you really think you're more fit to live? YOU AREN'T.
cthulufhtagn said:
imagine this conversation if the dude had died in a car accident

"ah sorry to hear about that man, my condolences"

"for what? the dude had the choice to take the bus!"

That's not the same argument at all. First off a person who dies tragically in a car accident did not wish to die. Some shemp who can't cope with the every day dealings of society and puts the kabash on his own life does not merit one ounce of sympathy. And quite frankly I'm shocked at seeing so much from the ever so "look at me I'm so gr1m" metalheads who reside on um. Surely it's sad for the family. And I'm not one to dismiss the pain of others. But c'mon, when did everyone become so humanitarian? You only have one thing in this world. And that's your mind. If you can't control it, then what fucking use are you? Depression is a self imposed illness caused by one's own weak mindedness. I have been through some fucked up shit in my time, never have I said. "Oh boo hoo, time to bench press some daisies". Darwinism my friends. Survival of the fittest. If you can handle your life, then by all means...end it.
1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
That's not the same argument at all. First off a person who dies tragically in a car accident did not wish to die. Some shemp who can't cope with the every day dealings of society and puts the kabash on his own life does not merit one ounce of sympathy. And quite frankly I'm shocked at seeing so much from the ever so "look at me I'm so gr1m" metalheads who reside on um. Surely it's sad for the family. And I'm not one to dismiss the pain of others. But c'mon, when did everyone become so humanitarian? You only have one thing in this world. And that's your mind. If you can't control it, then what fucking use are you? Depression is a self imposed illness caused by one's own weak mindedness. I have been through some fucked up shit in my time, never have I said. "Oh boo hoo, time to bench press some daisies". Darwinism my friends. Survival of the fittest. If you can handle your life, then by all means...end it.
go back and read my answer to markgugs

the point is people who commit suicide deserve pity, not contempt